Friday, September 30, 2011

Another Week...

Well it's Friday night...I probably should be heading towards AC to celebrate Dan's 21st.  However my heart isn't really in it, and I am heading to Europe on Wednesday.  So I decided, this will be my packing/getting things ready weekend.  I don't know, I guess I'm finally getting excited that this is happening.  Not really...well a little I guess.  Seriously?  I'm actually grateful of this getaway.  For a little bit, I'm going to forget everything and finally be on vacation.  No staycation, a real vacation.  Honestly, I don't know what to expect, and by frankly, I don't care.  I want to have a blasty blast and that is what's going to happen.

Oh so let's throw this in here, I have been to a few dealerships this week.  I hate it, I hate dealing with car salesmen, and I hate the whole buying process.  The games we have to play to get a good deal.  I extremely hate the fact I have to be a douchebag to a guy that is trying to make a living selling vehicles.  Now I know what you're thinking, "Wei, you're always a douchebag."  And technically yes, that is correct, but I have to add 10x's more to that just sucks.  Anyway my sis is getting a car, she looked at Hyundais today, I think tomorrow it will be back to Hondas.  Honestly, I love my Honda, but I'm beginning to think all cars are just a p.i.t.a. (pain in the ass).  Anyway, so that's the game plan.

I've been trying to keep things on a lighter note lately.  I don't know though if I'm doing such a great job though.  Ever been in a slump, and feel like you just can't get out of it.  Yeah, I'm in one of those.  Lately I've been having these awfully weird dreams, and it's the same thing over and over and over again.  Not good really.  I can't say it's a nightmare, cause It's about good people, it's just that even though I'm beginning to dream about something else, it reverts back to that dream again.  This has to be bad right?  Hmm...I think I'm going to have to get a book on that.  Either that, or I'm going to have to start thinking about other things.  I think I'll pick up my guitar after this post, get my mind off of things.  Paul taught me a killer chord, and I really want to practice playing it before my trip.  So it has come to this on a Friday night...I think I'm in love with it.  I guess it's not bad to keep to myself every once in a while.  By frankly, I quite enjoy it.  It's very soothing and relaxing, however I do miss Dave, George, Ant, and Jay.  I can't wait till we are all together again, maybe a guys night out.  That would be quite epic actually, maybe for my birthday.  ^___^

So I think I'm going to end on a positive note tonight, I read this ad today, and since I was in a hurry, I tried taking a picture of it.  Didn't come out great, however I do have the verbiage to it.  And here it is...

This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often. If you don't like something, change it. If you don't like your job, quit. If you don't have enough time, stop watching T.V. If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love. Stop over analyzing, all emotions are beautiful. When you eat, appreciate every last bite. Life is simple. Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences. Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them. Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself. Some opportunities only come once, seize them. Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them so go out and start creating. LIFE IS SHORT. LIVE YOUR DREAM AND SHARE YOUR PASSION.
I don't know where the above is from, but I loved every word of it.  Lately I have become very cynical, jaded, and a lot of other bad words.  However, I still believe there is good to everything, and every situation.  I want to believe things happen for a reason, if they were meant to be, well they were meant to be.  Even though I want a different answer, I will never push it, I will never negate what is there, however I feel if you really care about something, if you got to let it go for a little, you have to let it go, and if it comes back, then it will.

Lately I have been considering going to a medium with Jay.  I've finally realized though, I don't think I want to go anymore.  Life is what you make, why do I want to know my life's path?  I think I want to be surprised along the way, I want to hit every bump and pot hole, I want to feel pain, and go through anguish.  I want to enjoy love, and relish in it.  I want it all.  I want to run the gamut of emotions...I want to live it all.  That's what I want.  I think if I go to a medium, I'll be cheating myself the surprise.  So medium is off, whatever happens from this point on, it will just happen, and I'll like it.  Good and the bad, that's how that go.  ^___^

Tonight I leave a video, of course it's Kina...and David Choi, both epic singers.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Well, That's how That Go

Mixtapes, Wikipedia describes mixtapes as "which usually reflects the musical tastes of its compiler, can range from a casually selected list of favorite songs, to a conceptual mix of songs linked by a theme or mood, to a highly personal statement tailored to the tape's intended recipient."  Do people still make mix tapes?  Most likely not, more like mix CDs.  However, what happened to the lost art of making a mixtape, grabbing a cassette tape, and recording music off the radio that showed the way you felt at the time?  What happened to putting all the work into, and giving it to the guy/girl you liked, and saying, "Hey this is for you, I hope you like it."  First off, I'll tell you what happened, the cassette tape died long ago with the dodo.  That's first, second, who really has the time anymore to sit next to a radio, and push play and record at the same time when a song would come on?  Lastly, will your recipient even have a cassette player?  In the world of CDs and MP3s, what does the old school mix taper have to offer in the new world?  By frankly, that is tough, extremely.  However, if you have the tenacity, and the gusto to pull it off, and give it to someone, I think it adds a nice touch, a sort of panache to the non everyday Romeo/Juliet.  I don't know, I guess because I'm a huge fan of music, and I like to see how others feel, their music is a way to connect to it.  I guess, I'm saying this because I'm listening to a ton of Jamie Cullum lately, and my latest obsession is a song called "Mixtape," seriously Jamie, you went from NIN to Louis Armstrong...awesome, epic even.  There is something about the idea behind the mixtape that is so raw and real.  Close you're eyes, now play all the songs that meant everything to you in your life...what are you hearing, could it possibly be the very first song you ever heard of?  Could it be the very first song you danced to in a school dance?  Could it be the very first song you heard when you were completely hammered i.e. "Get Low," for me?  Could it be the song that you had you're first kiss to?  Could it be your wedding song that you are dancing to?  All of this should be running through your mind.  This is exactly what a mixtape is.  Let's not let a dying art go dead quite so soon.  However, I know, I know..."Wei, we don't even have a cassette player or cassette tape."  I know as much as I want to say, tough luck buddy, lets move with the times, make a mix CD...however lets save the mix MP3 at least until the CDs die out okay.  It's right around the corner, so at least respect if for a little while longer. 
On another note, I'm hoping I get a record player for my talk about old school...or dare I say pretentious hipster like thing for me to do.  

"I'll make you mixtape that's a blueprint of my soul.   It may sound grand but babe it's all you need to know.   I'll make you a mixtape that will charm you into bed.   It details everything that's running round my head"
Oh, and I was having dinner with Anthony tonight, a little belated birthday thing as it may be...obviously, he can tell I'm not in the best of moods, and I look really down, but Anthony knows me best, we have been best friends since the third grade after all.  And he says the following to me as I get ready to get into my car...

Anthony: Wei, I don't know what's going on, but I have two words for you, and you take it the way it needs to be taken..."DO YOU."
Me:  What the fuck does that even mean?!!!  And I swear to Jebus Ant, if it has anything to do with Jersey Shore!!
Anthony:  They have said it...
Me: Da fuck doode!! Seriously?!!
Anthony: Listen...It means don't have any regrets, and don't be afraid of failure.  What a shame it would be to look back 10 years from now and have to say, "What if...?" Do what makes you happy and don't look back.  "DO YOU."

At that moment, I realized to myself...1st, when the hell did Anthony ever get so deep?  When has this goof ball grown up to be the most upstanding man that I see in front of me?  And secondly, he was right?  I will do it, all I can, is do that.  Anthony is right, I want to live this life regret free...I only have one of these, I may as well make the best of each moment.  Not everyone will like me, and I'm sorry, I can't please you on that end, but I know in my heart, I tried.  Do you, people, just do you...

"I'm going to say these two words to you, and you take it the way it needs to be taken..."Do You." - Anthony D.  

Monday, September 26, 2011

Eagle's Sunday, and Everything in Between

Ahh...Eagles football, nothing beats it really.  Getting together with friends, watching the game on the big screen and enjoying life.  I guess that's what these lazy Sundays are for.  Vick is hurt, Eagles are not looking to jazzy, and well Dave is still screaming at the t.v., and of course I love each and every minute of it.  What can I say, football season is back, and it's a lovely thing really.

Lately my mind has been preoccupied with many things, I'm really just trying to keep myself busy and not get myself in trouble.  However, we all know I can't live like that and I have to have something going on in my life (sarcasm).  Honestly though, lets think about this.  I've finally decided, I need goals for the upcoming year.  And following in Chucky's footsteps, I think I'm going to start volunteering after work.  I just want to be able to help out more, and contribute to society.  I've been thinking, and now it's between working with animals at an animal shelter, or taking the plunge and working in a soup kitchen to help the homeless.  Both are very virtuous causes, and both would be very rewarding.  However, as much as I like serving food and helping the needy, I think I wanna be able to walk a dog, and be a foster care taker every once in a while.  So I think I've decided on the animal shelter.

A big goal I definitely want to have is meeting 5 new people, and hopefully making 3 new friends.  Yes, this goal is feasible, and yes this goal is doable.  Well to me I think it is.  I like to say that I enjoy the company of people, I like being a social butterfly and making friends.  However, I don't want to expand the circle in our group, I just want to meet nice and wholesome people.  People that I can call upon and maybe go out and get drinks with.  The way I've been seeing it, it seems like I have become a really selfish person, and I really want to help and do things for others.  Maybe working at an animal shelter will help me reach this goal.  I believe we all have to set some sort of goal, some sort of resolution, I think this will be mine.  

Lastly, I would honestly love to be able to completely learn this instrument we call the guitar.  I know there is no such thing as ever perfecting it, but I know I would love to get better at it, and to be able to play it like a pro when need be...oh and scales, I have to start learning how to do that as well.  Oh, and another thing, I wanna learn to play the uke...ukulele that is.  Yeah, that's right something different, it's only four can I fail?  Don't answer that.  

This is the year I push myself to be all that I can be, go out there and do the same everybody.  Look forward to being a better you, you deserve it.  Cause honestly, all I want to be, is a better me.  

"People try to find reasons why things aren't perfect. Fight to deny every smile they're deserving, But we can try to end this, just give me one kiss, Let me show you how, even now, things are perfect 
If you want to grow, you gotta let it go... 
You, afraid to fall. You, you know it's all...You, afraid to fall. You, you know it's all love, love"
So yeah, still bummed, still thinking, and still not drinking.  Trying to learn my lesson the first time around, glad, I can just type out my thoughts this's a lot healthier, however I did drink that JW the other night, but not the whole thing, so I should be okay.  Oh and CP's turtle was planking, I thought I should add that here.  Made me smile a bit when I needed it.  Thanks little guy.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Let's finish my yesterday I really wanted a sushi meal.  Something about sushi, it's sort of my comfort food.  The simple fact is a clean taste of the sea, along with the pungent and tangy cut of the sushi rice, and lastly the delicate salty taste of seaweed.  Awesome.  It's easy for me to say that sushi is comfort food, however we all know for a fact, not all sushi are equal.  There are good sushi, and there are fantastic sushi.  However yesterday we went to Mikimoto, it was amazing.  Lets talk about the decor.  The first thing I noticed was the open ceiling.  Lots of restaurants are doing it nowadays, and it's something I enjoy.  It has given restaurants a lively feel.  Very nice really.  So, the restaurant is lit dimly, gives it a very nice ambience to it.  Also, the whole entire restaurant has a anime theme...and if you know me and my nerdiness, I love the theme.  Inuyasha, Yasagi Yojimbo, and Speed Racer...amazing.  The last touch to the restaurant, was the fact that the entire sushi section was right in the middle of the restaurant.  An open kitchen as it may be.  Fantastic really.  It's really a hip joint, honestly, a really good date spot for you and a special someone.  Oh yeah, have to mention, epic bar selection, and waitresses/waiters seem very nice.  Definitely a 7.5 out of 10 for me.  It was definitely above average.  If, I'm ever in Delaware again, and want sushi, Mikimoto will be the place to be.  Hip, cool, amazing service, and delicious food.

Now lets talk about the food.  Now we ordered sushi, and of course sushi is all about the fish.  Lets say this, it was exquisite, fresh and very very tasty.  I like to say I've had enough sushi in my lifetime to know what is and isn't good.  So yes, I believe this was quite excellent fish.  No strong fishy odor, and all the fish were quite delicate.  Very yummy.  Oh, and by the way, an amazing chocolate, creme brûlée...yes chocolate creme brûlé, so good.  Rich, creamy, and decadent chocolate...hmm...kinda want one right now.  So here's the thing everyone, if you get a chance, and you like sushi, and you're in Delaware, go to Mikimoto near downtown Wilmington.  It's quite the trip, and experience.  You will enjoy it.

What an exciting Saturday, and during the evening, well it was just as nice.  It was nice taking Suzanne out for her birthday.  Happy belated once again Suze.  Chickie's and Pete's for dinner and of course all the drinking and dancing Suzanne could ever want.  After dinner it was to Cavanaugh's River Deck.  Honestly this place brought back a ton of memories...especially since, the last time I was there I was completely hammered, and I don't remember too much.  But how epic was it last night?  It was really nice, tons of drinks and tons of dancing, really awesome time...personally though, I like to apologize to Suzanne.  Sorry couldn't stay for everything, my heart just wasn't in it last night, and sorry I was such a downer.  If it was any other time, I would have dance and drank and been merry.  However I hope you had an amazing time, and that you know that I think you're awesome, and that you will have a wonderful year.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Delaware...part deux

A quick observation...I'm taking 95 out of Delaware, and I'm driving through Pennsylvania.  As I'm driving on 95, it dawned on me.  Wow, 95 looks totally different from the day compare to what it is at night.  I finally got to see what the small bridge I go through every time I drove through it in the evening look like during the day, and slightly after I hit exit 19.  I finally got to see planes coming and going out of the airport, and I also got to see the stadiums as I was exiting Philadelphia and heading towards the Walt Whitman.  This feeling of happiness and comfort overwhelmed me at that exact moment..."How ironic," I say to myself, as Jamie Cullum's, "I think I Love," begins to play.  How ironic I blissfully drove down that path once again, the feeling I have felt every time I made that drive back washed over me, and for a few moments on that road I was happy.  I was doing what I loved most, and that was just driving the open road, and just cruising to where I need to go.  It felt nice...

However, to the most important part of Delaware part 2.  What did I finally choose upon last night.  Well to be honest, it was raining cats and dogs, so big sis said, maybe I'll just make something.  She made me a nice dinner, and we had a nice conversation.  I love her, my big sister.  Even with a 14 year age gap, she can relate to me in so many ways.  I guess it's the fact that CP begins the cycle and I end the cycle in our family.  Or maybe the fact is, as my big sister she will always watch out for me.  Thanks CP, you're awesome.  Oh, and definitely shout out to Shirley, I haven't talked to her in forever, but she always knows what to say to me.  I feel like I've been blessed with 4 big sisters.  This is the main reason why, if I have children, I want a daughter first then a son.  Thanks again Shirley, you are way too kind to me.  But I love you as much as my other sisters as well.  ^___^

Well, today was suppose to be apple picking day, however because of the on again off again rain, Wei, Tina, and CP said...meh maybe not.  Supposedly Tina loves picking fruit...good for her.  I think I'll purchase mine at a super market, and skip the tough part...oh shoot...4:30 already.  Well, I'll do my portion of the sushi later, now I gotta run to Dave's and start picking out a present for good old Dave and Wei fashion, we will pick up a gift at the last minute for Suze...

Kina Time!

So a quick mini go around for this morning.  I just wanted to say how amazing the voice of Kina Grannis is.  Honestly, these have been very frustrating and rough times for me these last few days, however they have been filled with her lovely, lovely voice and my own guitar playing.  I guess the main reason why I'm going to Amsterdam really stemmed from her.  If you didn't know already, I may slightly adore this woman, she has truly changed my life.  I have always wanted to play a guitar, I took the steps when I began listening to her at the age of 23.  It just became a part of me, and even though, I'm not the greatest, I feel if I can just keep practicing, I'll be where I need to be.

Amsterdam for Kina?  Yeah, that's how I roll, it was either that or pay $20,000 for a private show.    Truthfully speaking, I was just going to pay the out of pocket $20,000 for my own concert.  The only problem was I couldn't find a venue where I could put it at, so instead I think I'll just pay for the plane ride over and the concert ticket prices...fanatical?  Yeah probably.  Obsessive...duh.  So you now know why I'm heading over there.

Let me just promote her just a little more.  Go to a concert, she will be the sweetest, bubbly, eccentric, and most entertaining person you have ever met.  She does a meet and greet after ever show, and she couldn't be kinder.  She seems like you're everyday girl, and you think you would have a chance...but you never will.  She's a star on the rise, and if you get the opportunity to at least see her live once before she hits it it.  Do it now.  You will see for yourself the amazingness that is Kina.  I can't wait for her third part of the "World in Front of Me," tour, and to be part of it.  Yay me...if you are still interested at this point, here are a few songs that you should probably listen to:  "Stars Falling Down," "Highlighted in Green," "Don't Cry," "Jenaveve," "Cambridge," "Message from Your Heart,"  Some of my most cherished songs.

I have been a fan and supporter since the "Crash the Superbowl,"  she deserves it.  Honestly, I never wanted to root for someone more...well I have, but that's another her CDs, merch, everything.  You will not be disappointed.  Thanks Kina, thanks for getting me through some shitty stuff with you're amazing voice, songs, covers, and everything in between.  You're a life changer, and when I need a pick me up, and to smile a little...I listen to you're CDs, and watch your vids.  Thank you.

"I think that the stars would have waited for us. Hanging onto the night, watching down below. Until we were hand in hand, together waiting for them. So when I open my eyes, I saw it too. Stars falling down, when I fell for you" - Kina Grannis

Appropriate I guess...

Friday, September 23, 2011


First part:  11:43 a.m.

Really, this is what it comes down to.  All of our systems are down, so I decided…I'm going to take this time and bla(h)g a little bit.  Tonight, I'm heading down to DE to visit my sis.  I can't wait really, but at the same time, I think I'm going to stop by a coffee shop for a little and just chill.  I think I want a little break to myself, before I start my major destruction tonight.  I really hope we have a nice dinner tonight.  I think I wanna blog about a meal that I have.  It be interesting.  I don't see Delaware as a big foodie state, but you never know right?  I wonder what their food of choice is…hmmm…Now I really want to go either NYC or Philly for a cheesesteak or pizza.  I really wish I could've stayed with my original plan tonight and head into Philly, but I don't think that's the place to be for me right now.  I think I'll stay away from that city for a little bit.  I think I'll do a little more traveling and head to NYC more often, and possibly Boston with CP.  I've been thinking about moving to a big metropolitan area anyway.  Maybe it's time to run from all of this and move to the city where it never sleeps.  I think that's an ingenious plan really.  I no longer want to do legal/foreclosure type work.  I think something a little more happy would be nice.  Anyway.  This is it for me, let's get this started for real.

2nd part: 5:32 p.m.

Another day at work done and over.  The drive down to Delaware was refreshing, and I didn't know CP lived so close to a coffee house.  The Brew Ha Ha.  Quite amazing, their coffee is delicious.  Not something I expected out of Delaware.  I have the Pumpkin Patch Latte...good work by them, seriously.  It's delicious...I didn't want anything too sweet, but here we are, I'll take it for now.  It's quite good really.  A very strong hint of pumpkin, a hint of cinnamon, and it being all around delicious as a latte.  So as you can see I have a big fall theme going, I have gotten a lot of pumpkin stuff lately.  Anyway, so here I am looking around, it's nice, I'm sitting next to a black and white photo.  It's a photo of a July 4th 2009 Phillies game.  Howard is up to bat with his signature stance.  I love shop feel, with the hint of Phillies...forget about it.  That's awesome.  It's quite quiet in here honestly, and I keep catching this girl staring at me...awkward really...I feel like I should wave, better not make a scene Wei.  You've already made too much ruckus this week.  

So here I am, sitting here, thinking to myself...what will be the next course of action for me, and as always in my life...I have no idea.  I'm just lost as of right now.  I don't know what I'm going to do, I don't know what I'll say next, honestly...I just don't know.  I'm not even excited about Europe anymore either, have I come to this wall in my life.  Seriously, I'm just tempted to take any job anywhere in the world and stay there for a year.  Maybe a job will come up for me in Amsterdam.  Maybe I'll just run away from my problems...seems like a really smart move on my end.  However you and I know, it's a terrible move.  

So onto the next dilemma.  What am I having for dinner tonight?  Seriously, I've eaten nothing all day.  I guess I just don't have the appetite.  I'm seriously looking to just get bombed tonight, and drink all of this away really.  Possibly will, cause Wei and Tina will be here, and I'm crashing at Chucksters.  Or maybe, I'll just buy an epic dinner, have a glass of wine, and try to get to sleep for once in the last month.  Nah...I'm going to drink myself to's better that way.  Besides, my liver doesn't know the difference anymore.  Poison of choice tonight, just purchased a bottle of Walker.  So yes, I will drink a ton of Johnnie tonight.  Not a handle, but 750 is still good, if I drink it myself.  

Well I'm coming to the end of this pumpkin latte, and I kinda want to try their brownie...better not.  I've been good all week, trying to run more.  I wish I ran today actually...dang it.  Should've ran today...I talked to one of my co-workers, she said it clears your mind, and you just become free.  The runner's high?  Is that what that is?  I'm talking to Anthony, and I've realized, I totally miss him.  He was such a good person back in the day, and you know what he still a great person.  I gotta give him credit.  Underneath all that Jersey Shore personification, lies the man of a true gentleman.  He's still good people and he always will be.  I love you kid, I hope you know that.  

Lately I've been leaving movie/t.v. show quotes.  Tonight, I think I'm going to leave a musical lyric.  
I'm laying with this girl, but I don't know her name.  And I don't love her half as much as this guitar that I'm playing - G.Love
Yeah, the last two years have been liked that for me...I think I'm done being that.  I think I want to go back to being a decent human being.   

Thursday, September 22, 2011


They say sometimes heartache is as bad as mourning a death...I think they both go hand in hand really.  Sometimes you really have to truly suffer before you know it's really gone.

Take my love for the restaurant.  When I was a child...I hate the restaurant so much.  It was nothing but a pain in the ass.  However as an adult, I miss it all.  The food, the people, the love of making people happy...and of course, the money was pretty nice.  Anyway, they truly go hand in hand.
"Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." - Alfred Lord Tennyson
Screw you buddy, screw you.  No seriously, if you believe in that, then you got to make the most out of it. It's easy to say you do, but you have to do something about it really.  *Sigh* Make the most out of life people, you only get one of these, and you can't live life full of regrets.  Sometimes, I wish I followed my own words more closely.

"Moral fiber. So, what is moral fiber? It's funny, I used to think it was always telling the truth, doing good deeds, basically being a fucking boy scout. But lately I've been seeing it differently. Now I think moral fiber's about finding that one thing you really care about. That one special thing that means more to you than anything else in the world. And when you find her, you fight for her. You risk it all, you put her in front of everything, your life, all of it. And maybe the stuff you do to help her isn't so clean. You know what? It doesn't matter. Because in your heart you know, that the juice is worth the squeeze. That's what moral fiber's all about."

If you don't know where the above quote is from, look it up.  And then watch the movie.  It's amazing.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

If, if and buts...

For a little bit now, I have been contemplating on whether I wanted to start a new blog for when I go to Amsterdam.  I look back at some of these entries and realized, they probably should have just gone into my regular journal or some sort of LiveJournal.  Look, I know some of you who are reading this are thinking, what a whiny bitch...and you know what?  Yeah, I am.  I also know that life sucks, and it's hard.  So you know is what it is, and if it's there, then let it be there, I don't really care anymore really.  Let's move on with that notion.  

So today, I just couldn't do it, I had to take a half day from work, and the first place I thought of was the "Coffee Works," in Voorhees.  It's a quiet little place, and I immensely enjoy the lattes here.  It's quite delicious.  I love the decor, more of a newer style coffee shop, with food and coffee.  It's nice just sitting here people watching, and enjoying Adele's, "Rumor Has It," in the background.  As my mind wanders, and I continue to type, I wonder if this was the right move today.  And as I take another sip of my latte, yes, it was.  I need to get everything off my mind, lets be honest though, an afternoon of freedom will not do it at all, however I'm loving every moment of it.  I wish there was a live band/open mic now.  I would love to hear some live music.  That would be awesome.  Did, I mention there is a live stage here?  I hope I get good enough one day to play a song here.  Maybe "Just Fine," from G-Love.  Right now that song is playing, and you know what?  I love that song, it has a lot of meaning right now in my life.  I wish I could just do this all day, I wish I could just sit and enjoy the scenery, the people, the music, and the typing...if, if, if.  However, If, ifs and buts were candy and nuts...oh what a party we would have.  Bringing back old school Wjoner.  I forgot how to spell his name, I'm pretty sure it is it.

In 2 weeks time, I will be on a plane, and I will try to forget all of this.  I hope when I'm over there, I will get to visit more coffee shops.  I don't know what it is about these places, they're just magical to me now...god I'm so hipster.  I've been called that many times now...better start planking and owling.  Well I took my last sip of my latte, I kinda want another, but I know I shouldn't.  I wish I didn't have to work anymore.  I need to start being a self-made millionaire.  Oof Fah!

Oh, and the iPod music project, almost done...thank goodness, I finally got to put all my Kina songs on there.  Shout out to Sylvia for sending me an epic rendition of "Message from you Heart."  Amazing, lately I've been listening to a lot of Jamie Cullum.  "I Think I love," is an amazing song, however all his songs are amazing really.  You know what was the most awesome aspect about this music project, I realized how many good songs I have been totally missing.  Wow, I hate you PC, and I love you Mac.  Hahaha...I'm that guy now.  Yes...Justin Long, love you buddy.  Speaking of Justin Long, watched, "Still Waiting..." the other night, not good as, "Waiting."  Just saying.

Oh, so if anyone ever gets a chance, watch this show.  It's called Honey and Clover...amazing show, you will realize how awesome it is when you watch it.

I’d been wondering all this time, whether there’s any meaning to a failed love. Is it something that will disappear, the same as something that never existed. Now I know, there is meaning…there was a meaning…right here.

Oh, and by the's an anime, and I'm a nerd.  Deal with it.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I have the greatest friends on earth.  Just imagine this, tasty adult beverages, really epic decorations, tasty morsels, and good music and baseball.  What does all this combine give you, a really great party, that's what.  Seriously, my friends are the best.  There is no reason why I needed this party, there is no reason why this party had to happen, it just did.  And I like to thank everyone involved (we really didn't needed the crown and sash).

Oh what a day, making decrees, awesome pic...and all the champagne I could want...woo!!  Life is good.  Life is very however is going to be rough moving around, I don't think it's a possible thing or progression for frankly as I type this, I'm running on 2 hours of sleep...should've taken a bed or couch somewhere...floors sure do stink.  ^__^

However, I do get to watch the sunrise, and as I watch the glistening of the morning dew.  It's quite a wonderment watching all of this, and then in the background I hear the slight sound of 93.3 WMMR.  Hahaha...awesome, Chris I feel bad for you buddy.  No one deserves to work a double after a party, especially like ours.  Wow, and another surprise...seeing my boy John, a-ma-zing.  Good times, good times...or buckets really!  Night world, it has been good, very good.

Oh, this is better no?  Right guys?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

2 of 3 or possible just 2 of 2

The following was written at 7:25 p.m. at the Chapterhouse:

Second place…I'm pretty sure this isn't good, drinking all this coffee has got to be bad, I know the first one was just a chai tea, but still…I don't understand.  What do I have to do in life that I'm not doing right now?  I just wanna be a good person.  Isn't that what we're suppose to be?  So this is where this is leading too…relationships.  This has not been a very good week for some, and awesome for others.  It's crazy how life can be.  I wanna start with my brother.  Oh fiddlesticks…gotta run for now…not forever.  A short brb.  

The following is being continued...NOW!:

So I lied, it wasn't a short brb.  I had to find Jillian, and then it was decided it was time to get dinner.  I wanted to write something on relationships and all that good jazz, but I think that I'll do it at a different time.  For now I'll just talk about the exciting aspects of what I call South Street.  

So last night was quite interesting.  Our first stop was the Wine and Spirit store on South, epic...bottle of Pinot Grigio, store was quite nice, a nice older gentleman was at the cash register, and the store was lit very nicely.  Layout was okay, had a hard time finding Pinot, but all in all good experience  Our next stop dinner.

So we decided on sushi, I only know of one sushi shop on South, the Maki House, honestly it was just a convenient place, however it turned out to be very comfy.  Also the fact that the Phils game was one, "AWESOME!"  So we ordered about 5 rolls, and you know what...for what it was, it wasn't that bad.  By all means it wasn't super fantastic.  But quite lovely when you have lovely company.  Here's where the fun really begins, I really didn't think a bottle of Pinot would get her quite amped as it did, however it totally was awesome, and I'm not going to lie, it was epic.  So we're watching the Phillies game, and you know what's hilarious, a fantastic person screaming and yelling at a t.v. screen filled with Phillies stinking.  It's awesome, because Jillian was literally screaming in the restaurant full of people...which is EPIC!  Hahaha...gosh, just thinking about it, it's still funny in my head.  I think I'm going to remember this night for a while.  

So after our epic adventure at the sushi place, we scurried along to Jon's on South, we decided a bar was a really good idea.  You know, finish watching the game and all...and you know what, it was.  Hahaha, strawberry margaritas...nice.   So we had to sit next to a douche who didn't even know sports.  Doode, you think if you're going to bad mouth a team you would have don't even have a f*cking team, so "SHUT YOUR HOLE!!!"  Anyway, after our little downer section, we left Jon's and headed to our next destination.

After our little taxi ride, we finally arrived to McGillans.  Wow what a rocking know it's good when people are dancing to "Dog Days are Over."  It was quite nice really, good drink selection, and though it looks like a dive, it kinda wasn't it was just sweet.  A kind of place...hmm...hipster like?  Possibly, not really, however I think the simple fact that I saw a man do the N'SYNC's "Bye Bye Bye" dance was worth it all.  Hahahaha...fantastic.  Jillian has really fantastic friends, I like to say that now.  So very sweet.  ^___^

I really like to thank her, for a great evening, I needed this night...thanks Jillian.  

1 of 3

Okay so here's the thing the below was written at BEAN EXCHANGE at 6:40 p.m.

Well What can I say, this is what I have always wanted.  I wanted to just sit back relax and be able to type my blog tonight.  I'm at my first of, I think 2.  Let's just say how it is shall we?  I'm tired, and this has been a majorly "F" week for the old Weister.  Anywhoo, let's talk about what's really important…I've been away for 2 days now.  

So what has been going on these last 2 days…I'll tell you what was really going on, lots of work, and of course this musical project I'm working on.  I.e. filling up the Macbook with music.  So as I sit here enjoy the fantastic scenery that Philadelphia has to offer me, I'm contemplating to myself, "Wei you need to move to the city my friend."  Yeah, I know Wei, I know.  
What is it about these brisk fall evenings that I love so much?  I don't know really, but I know I enjoy it quite more than the summer.  The clean crisp breeze, and the smell of my pumpkin chai tea is so enchanting, wow this is what I do now.  Delicious really, what do I mean delicious…it seems all my senses are infused together.  I ponder to myself…do I do my best writing in the 
city as I watch each and every person walk by?  I tend to believe I do.  If you aren't bored to bits yet at all this pretentious bullshit…it'll get better folks.  Trust me on this…I'm not hipster enough to be consider hipster yet.  I just like writing out shit I do on days that mean most to me.  To tell you the truth today just seemed like a day I didn't want to pass up on.  If I weren't here to meet
Jillian, I think I would have came anyway.  These few moments to myself is heavenly.  I honestly like to thank the "Bean Exchange," for giving me a wonderful time.  It's a lot quieter than the Starbucks I last visited, but you know what?  This is something I rather enjoy when it is a lot more quiet.  In the distance I can hear a dog barking, quite interesting enough, it's amazing.  Just saw the cutest hipster
bike by, watching an older gentleman in plaid saunter by me.  I can't get enough of it really.  Is this what Amsterdam is going to be like?  I'm going to be in so much luck.  I'm really looking forward to all the stupid shit that is ahead for me.  

Alright, lets be honest here, I have been cursing, or rather saying "SHIT" a lot.  It has been rough.  All I really want to do is drink a ton and fall asleep tonight.  I'm actually really happy the constraints will be put on me really.  If I hadn't accepted Jillian's invitation, I'm pretty positive I be wasted as I type this, but I'm not.  So this is a good thing.  Speaking of which, I probably should give her a call, and meet up with her soon.  I did say 7:30 right?  I think I did.  Yeah, I better text her.  

I still have a little more, so I'm just going to type a little more before the second blog of the night.  Folks if you're planning on reading the next blog I'll give you a clue of what it is.  It's going to be about relationships  It's all about those things that hurt the most or could be the most loving thing on earth.  It just seems fitting for the occasion I guess.  

Back to the original post, if you haven't ever done this before I truly recommend it.  Come to your local coffee shop and just watch everyone walk by, I swear some people are just douches.  I literally just watched 3 young male adults talk about kicking dogs.  Doode?  Really?  You're fucking screaming that, I'm surprise P.E.T.A. hasn't popped out of nowhere yet and splashed you with a bucket of 
blood yet.  Douche.  I'm rambling folks, I only do it cause shit has been on my mind.  I get antsy thinking about things.  Life sucks…

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So as I sit here listening to the Counting Crows.  I've just realized something...I totally am in love with just what music is.  I wish I was a musician.  I totally have chosen the wrong profession.  No iPod and no computer, I basically have not had music for an entire year and a half...boy was I missing some great stuff.  Well, it's short tonight, my personal life is kinda in a disarray, so it's more of a journal/guitar night for me.  However, I need some more music.  So if you people have any suggestions, let me know.  Send me a FB message, or leave a comment.  Till tomorrow really, peace out y'all.  :D

Monday, September 12, 2011

Case of the Mondays

I don't know what it is, but today just sucked.  Things were setting me off, working was a pain in the ass as usually.  And just plain sucked.  A few bright spots in my day, awesome lunch that CL made, awesome conversations with some people, (you know who you are) and of course coming home from work, and working on this iPod of mine.  Not much else really, except learning the fact that life isn't easy, and what you want, sometimes you can't have.  Story of my life really, story of my life.

So after that lengthy discussion with Steph's Mom, I think I'm finally going to put things in motion, I will now begin to keep my journal writings and all that good stuff that I do on here as well as in my own personal time, and start a memoir for myself.  Who know's someone may find it interesting and would love to read my life's work.  Wishful thinking...possibly.  Well, it's short today, I don't really have much to say, I actually have everything bottled up tonight.  Not in the best mood, by frankly I'm a little down.  I wish things were easier, why can't I have something go my way for once?  Just once...please.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

What a Weekend

Oh wow, so I'm finally back home, it was such a wonderful weekend, you have no idea how fantastic it was.  So lets get to it shall we.  Yesterday was the best days of the year so far.  Playing croquet and drinking champagne...classy folks.  Very classy.  I loved each minute of it.  Being able to play a course that Dave made, and be drunk at the same time.  Epicness all around really.  Btw, my apologies to Dave, he clearly had the game won and in the bag, however someone had to ruin his chances, i.e. me.  Yea, I blasted the boys ball out of here and into space, not really, but i did knock it out of the way to give Steph's Mom the come from behind win.  Go me...I'm epic.  

As for food, well I of course had a wonderful meal.  Once again a lovely pasta dish with broccoli florets, and wait for it...side of broccoli rabe.  I love broccoli rabe, especially when it is made with garlic, olive oil, and a little salt and pepper.  Fantastic.  We also had steak yesterday as well.  Ahh...the joys of cooking and eating steak.  Now Ms. P. doesn't usually let anyone in her kitchen, however this is the second year now where I was allowed to handle the grill, and I like to say I did a fantastic job at it.  ^___^

Okay, now that the food is out of the way, lets talk about the rest of the day.  As you may or may not know, I am a drinker.  I enjoy my occasional scotch and hard liquors.  I've never moved to wine or beer, or any of those outsider alcohols...the ones that I prefer to as non-spirit drinks.  I'm a firm believer of keeping things old school and that a man should be able to handle his liquor properly.  Because of this school of thought, I don't drink wine, and I don't drink champagne very often, however when I do, I do for the fun of it.  Yesterday was the first time I have ever been wine/champagne drunk.  I literally had a great buzz going since 2:00 p.m. yesterday.  And you know what, it was worth it.  As I sat there drinking bottle after bottle, and listening to great story after story, it dawned on me.  I lead a very awesome life.  Go me...

Oh, and for Davie and Jay, yeah yeah yeah, I cried during the story big whoopee guys are mean.  All in all, 5 star weekend...and in hindsight, I probably shouldn't have brought that $70 bottle of wine...stoopid on my end, I know.    

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ooooo...I can Buy Chocolates for my Family!!

Two in one day.  I just had to say it, I'm not a huge fan of Starbucks, but it's really nice to just sit here, drink my coffee, and type.  I really do feel...happy.  This sense of accomplishment this morning is amazing, and really looking forward to where this is heading.  I know for a fact today is going to be lets let the day begin.  A venti in and I feel amped.  Just waking up watching everyone walk in and order their things, well it's just nice.  Free Wi-Fi doesn't hurt either.  How do I explain this?  I think for a simple fact that I know the rest of my weekend shall consist of drinking and eating is making me happy.  This feeling that I'm so close to Amsterdam, yet it being so far away is awesome.

Not much else I can say, be good everyone, today is the day...go out there and LIVE IT!  Carpe Diem!

Strong Island?

Well isn't this a nice weekend getaway.  It's the whole idea of being away from the immediate family and being with my second family I love that makes this weekend so much better.  So lets go.

Last nights drive in was amazing.  I love the fact that Dave stuck with his guns and decided, "You know what, it's best to take this route and live with it."  And guess what, like in Dave's fashion, the man was right.  He got it, and outgunned Steph.  Now, I'm not sure if it wouldn't have been quicker if we had just stuck with the original game plan, but if we sure as hell wouldn't have been as much fun.  That's for damn sure.  Oh, and our game that we play when driving into Steph's hometown...this guy is winning.  I swore, Party Rock Anthem should be winning it right now.  I'm late to the party, but I definitely did not know that song would be so addictive.  "Everyday I'm Shuffling."

So let's get to the meat of this Bla(h)g.  The food.  You know what beats a home cooked Italian meal?  Absolutely nothing, that's what.  Don't get me wrong folks, I love home cooked Chinese, however something about a medley of flavors, bursting like flavor crystals in my mouth, when so little is used, it is just plain awesome; and yes I know, how can I disregard the Asian cuisine?  The answer is, I am not.  By frankly, all Asian cuisines have so many intricate details that make other foods have no comparisons to its competitors.  But it's the love of simplicity that I love most.  Fusilli pasta covered with a splash of tomato sauce...forget about it.  That's love right there, the tart beginning and sweet end from the tomatoes are divine.  The edge and freshness of the basil, exquisite.  If you have never had something so simple, yet so delightful at the same time, you are not living life.  Here's the thing, if you have never had fresh pasta sauce, go find the perfect recipe of it and make your own, you will never find or have anything better.  Just making it is so comforting, it truly is the ultimate comfort food.  However remember people, there is never such thing as the perfect recipe...that takes years to perfect.  All you need though is, plum tomatoes, garlic, great olive oil, salt, pepper, and basil.  The rest is up to you to work with.  Pepper flakes, for a quick of spicy kick; a dash of cinnamon, for that uncommon taste that no one will realize; and of course that extra pinch of love never cheesy.

Let's move on to the protein portion of the evening.  Chicken.  You ever have baked fried chicken?  Neither have I, but it is fantastic.  It's so good that I have all these words that I can't describe it, however I will attempt it.  When the Chicken seems to be encrusted with all these herbs and spice, you expect something to come out from a fryer...and since I just had Popeye's the other night; I think I know a thing or two about fried chicken.  That last sentence was sarcasm folks, but they do make some pretty awesome chicken.  Seriously the chicken was awesome, I love the fact that if you can make chicken and it keeps moist, nothing beats the situation there.

Lastly on our meal list, sides.  Oh.My.God.   The sides, tomato & mozzarella, caponata, roasted red peppers, two choices of cheese.  Loved every minute of it.  If we had some sopressata, capicola, and prosciutto with that last meal, I sure as heck would be dying of that heart attack within the next few minutes.  So all in all, I am quite alright that we did not have it.  Lets continue with the sides, the caprese was amazing, and the roasted peppers were as well.  Once again simplicity folks.  Tons of flavor in so few ingredients.  Amazing really.  And to have fresh, crusty bread is awesome.  Nothing will beat that, mopping up all that olive oil and savoring the bite as you bite in...I can't explain the deliciousness and euphoria you get.  It is simply amazing.  That is all I can say.

Finally to finish the night, an aperitif was in order.  My drink of choice is a "Godfather."  For most it would be anisette, however I'm a huge scotch fan, and I also don't like anise too much.  Not that I can't have it, however it's not one of my favorites.  A "Godfather" consist of Scotch and Amaretto.  Now I'm usually a 2 parts scotch, one part Amaretto.  However Dave has his own way of doing things, he's a color man.  I remember the color he wanted me to say, and I know it begins with an "S"  I just don't remember the color though.  Instead I will go with the color I saw last night, and that too me it was a deep amber color.  The color of a really good and pretty looking caramel.  I like Dave's concoction, it was quite the finisher, but I like my "Godfather" on the scotchier side.  ^___^

As you can see, food is part of my life, and I love it to the max.  I don't always agree with some dishes, and how they work, but when you can receive an extremely delicious home cooked meal, you don't deny the fact of how good it is.  By frankly you don't say anything, but enjoy the ride.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Freakin Sweet!

So you know what's epic?  My friends.  I had an amazing evening last night with my best friend Jay, and well tonight was capped off with an evening with the lovely Ashley and Kate.  Both of these girls hold a dear dear place in my heart.  Well anywhoo, the evenings went without a hitch.  Me and Jay went to the Phils game yesterday, and it was amazing.  Oswalt looked great out there, and our Phils swept the Braves for the fitrst time this year.  Felt good, it's September, leading into the playoffs pretty soon and we're still taking names, me likey.  Only thing bad, we didn't commit and we should have.  We watched the Phils struggle for 8 solid innings, so to listen to them comeback and win was very disheartening to me, since I should have been there to see it live.  Oh well...C'est la vie.

Today was a struggle again, I feel like I'm in a rut and I should be able to handle myself better.  Don't know what it is (I kinda do).  However, I know I want out of it.  To say the least tonight was the night I needed.  I felt so much better tonight, dinner with Ashley and Kate.  These two girls are so awesome, I cannot sing their praises much more, it's going to get sickening.  Well dinner at Bertucci's was extremely nice, and to be able to talk and shoot the sh*t, dreamy.  What can I say, I'm a sucker for talk about work, the past, sex, the future, and everything in between.  It's quite loverly really.

Dinner was nice, the Taste of Bertucci's, haha, I feel like an americanos, but still quite tasty.  Lately I've been thinking where I am heading down this path I am on.  I would surely like to clear it up and find out.  I haven't really asked for much in my life, but If you're up there, and you know who you are.  Save me Super-Man.

Well, it has been an extremely long day, honestly week.  I leave this evening with an amazing song from and amazing woman.  Kina Grannis.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


First day back to work after a long weekend, not fun, especially when a ton of shit has been on my mind lately.  Anywhoo.  Day two of blogging and this is really an awesome time.  I love the Mac, it does wonders, how did I survive without it?  I have literally gotten everything that I needed down pat...I think.  If Georgie is reading buy buy.  

Well today has been a downer for me, and this is my place to vent.  I don't know what's going on, but I'm pretty sure being bummed is not what I want to be right now.  I've been thinking lately, there has got to be answers to all this craziness that we call life, and sadly I am mistaken.  There shouldn't be answers, cause technically if we had everything, what fun would that be?

Oh oh...shout out to Cheryl, I enjoyed my first coffee house experience.  I definitely want to do that again.  Watching all the lovely faces...and listening to all the open mics and watching everyone play music and sing...kinda makes me wish that I was getting better at playing.  I think I am, Dave says that I was better than I was a year ago, just have to put more time into it.  Hopefully that will be the case, I just want to be able to play and sing at the same time.  I wish I was a rock star.  ^___^  

So if you haven't been completely wiped by my writing and antics as of yet, then let me tell you what the next few weeks and possible month is going to pertain in this blog.  Wei is going to Amsterdam.  I will be writing about my traveling experiences, and I will most likely be posting a ton of pics.  If you have no idea who I am, and want to get a glimpse at what I like and what I do, here's a clue.  

I am a complete goof ball, however I love life more than anyone could.  So, if you love life, and a mixture of emotions, then hold on to your seats (I'm not happy everyday folks, there are sad clowns for a reason).  Oh, and I'm very opinionated on certain things, if you are as well, I suggest you leave a comment, and I will do my best to battle you and give you a reason why I think I am the man, and you are not (either man or woman).  Here's an example, Chicken cheesesteaks are not cheesesteaks, they are just regular chicken sandwiches with chopped up chicken meat...*sigh*  A cheesesteak consist of either American, Wiz, or Provolone, and has a heaping of thinly sliced ribeye steak.  With your choice of wit or wit-out.  If you don't know what that is, look it up.   

Monday, September 5, 2011

The First

Welcome one and all, if you are reading this, you either know me extremely well and want to follow this silliness that I call life. are stalking the heck out of me.  Which if it is the latter, I am extremely flattered.  So thank you very much.  I don't know how this is going to work out, or how often I'm going to post, however I know I will be using this to update all my dear friends of the exciting new things going on.  And as the first subject of this blog, it is going to be about this lovely purchase of my new 17 inch Apple Macbook Pro.

Yup that's right, it's brand spanking new and I'm trying to take full advantage of this.  I've always wanted one, and now I've finally committed.  I'm loving it, it starts right up and it doesn't give me any problems.  If I had to recommend it, then yes I would.  I've always been a gamer, however I'm finally committing to begin a true professional for once.  That and the simple fact that I am kinda going to be using this for a way of contact during my travels.  Anywhoo, Well, as I figure out how to use this thing, I'm going to say this now, if you continue to follow this blog, and my extremely exciting life, then I say enjoy.  It's going to be one hell of a ride.