Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ooooo...I can Buy Chocolates for my Family!!

Two in one day.  I just had to say it, I'm not a huge fan of Starbucks, but it's really nice to just sit here, drink my coffee, and type.  I really do feel...happy.  This sense of accomplishment this morning is amazing, and really looking forward to where this is heading.  I know for a fact today is going to be lets let the day begin.  A venti in and I feel amped.  Just waking up watching everyone walk in and order their things, well it's just nice.  Free Wi-Fi doesn't hurt either.  How do I explain this?  I think for a simple fact that I know the rest of my weekend shall consist of drinking and eating is making me happy.  This feeling that I'm so close to Amsterdam, yet it being so far away is awesome.

Not much else I can say, be good everyone, today is the day...go out there and LIVE IT!  Carpe Diem!

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