Tuesday, September 6, 2011


First day back to work after a long weekend, not fun, especially when a ton of shit has been on my mind lately.  Anywhoo.  Day two of blogging and this is really an awesome time.  I love the Mac, it does wonders, how did I survive without it?  I have literally gotten everything that I needed down pat...I think.  If Georgie is reading this...buy buy buy.  

Well today has been a downer for me, and this is my place to vent.  I don't know what's going on, but I'm pretty sure being bummed is not what I want to be right now.  I've been thinking lately, there has got to be answers to all this craziness that we call life, and sadly I am mistaken.  There shouldn't be answers, cause technically if we had everything, what fun would that be?

Oh oh...shout out to Cheryl, I enjoyed my first coffee house experience.  I definitely want to do that again.  Watching all the lovely faces...and listening to all the open mics and watching everyone play music and sing...kinda makes me wish that I was getting better at playing.  I think I am, Dave says that I was better than I was a year ago, just have to put more time into it.  Hopefully that will be the case, I just want to be able to play and sing at the same time.  I wish I was a rock star.  ^___^  

So if you haven't been completely wiped by my writing and antics as of yet, then let me tell you what the next few weeks and possible month is going to pertain in this blog.  Wei is going to Amsterdam.  I will be writing about my traveling experiences, and I will most likely be posting a ton of pics.  If you have no idea who I am, and want to get a glimpse at what I like and what I do, here's a clue.  

I am a complete goof ball, however I love life more than anyone could.  So, if you love life, and a mixture of emotions, then hold on to your seats (I'm not happy everyday folks, there are sad clowns for a reason).  Oh, and I'm very opinionated on certain things, if you are as well, I suggest you leave a comment, and I will do my best to battle you and give you a reason why I think I am the man, and you are not (either man or woman).  Here's an example, Chicken cheesesteaks are not cheesesteaks, they are just regular chicken sandwiches with chopped up chicken meat...*sigh*  A cheesesteak consist of either American, Wiz, or Provolone, and has a heaping of thinly sliced ribeye steak.  With your choice of wit or wit-out.  If you don't know what that is, look it up.   

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