Saturday, September 10, 2011

Strong Island?

Well isn't this a nice weekend getaway.  It's the whole idea of being away from the immediate family and being with my second family I love that makes this weekend so much better.  So lets go.

Last nights drive in was amazing.  I love the fact that Dave stuck with his guns and decided, "You know what, it's best to take this route and live with it."  And guess what, like in Dave's fashion, the man was right.  He got it, and outgunned Steph.  Now, I'm not sure if it wouldn't have been quicker if we had just stuck with the original game plan, but if we sure as hell wouldn't have been as much fun.  That's for damn sure.  Oh, and our game that we play when driving into Steph's hometown...this guy is winning.  I swore, Party Rock Anthem should be winning it right now.  I'm late to the party, but I definitely did not know that song would be so addictive.  "Everyday I'm Shuffling."

So let's get to the meat of this Bla(h)g.  The food.  You know what beats a home cooked Italian meal?  Absolutely nothing, that's what.  Don't get me wrong folks, I love home cooked Chinese, however something about a medley of flavors, bursting like flavor crystals in my mouth, when so little is used, it is just plain awesome; and yes I know, how can I disregard the Asian cuisine?  The answer is, I am not.  By frankly, all Asian cuisines have so many intricate details that make other foods have no comparisons to its competitors.  But it's the love of simplicity that I love most.  Fusilli pasta covered with a splash of tomato sauce...forget about it.  That's love right there, the tart beginning and sweet end from the tomatoes are divine.  The edge and freshness of the basil, exquisite.  If you have never had something so simple, yet so delightful at the same time, you are not living life.  Here's the thing, if you have never had fresh pasta sauce, go find the perfect recipe of it and make your own, you will never find or have anything better.  Just making it is so comforting, it truly is the ultimate comfort food.  However remember people, there is never such thing as the perfect recipe...that takes years to perfect.  All you need though is, plum tomatoes, garlic, great olive oil, salt, pepper, and basil.  The rest is up to you to work with.  Pepper flakes, for a quick of spicy kick; a dash of cinnamon, for that uncommon taste that no one will realize; and of course that extra pinch of love never cheesy.

Let's move on to the protein portion of the evening.  Chicken.  You ever have baked fried chicken?  Neither have I, but it is fantastic.  It's so good that I have all these words that I can't describe it, however I will attempt it.  When the Chicken seems to be encrusted with all these herbs and spice, you expect something to come out from a fryer...and since I just had Popeye's the other night; I think I know a thing or two about fried chicken.  That last sentence was sarcasm folks, but they do make some pretty awesome chicken.  Seriously the chicken was awesome, I love the fact that if you can make chicken and it keeps moist, nothing beats the situation there.

Lastly on our meal list, sides.  Oh.My.God.   The sides, tomato & mozzarella, caponata, roasted red peppers, two choices of cheese.  Loved every minute of it.  If we had some sopressata, capicola, and prosciutto with that last meal, I sure as heck would be dying of that heart attack within the next few minutes.  So all in all, I am quite alright that we did not have it.  Lets continue with the sides, the caprese was amazing, and the roasted peppers were as well.  Once again simplicity folks.  Tons of flavor in so few ingredients.  Amazing really.  And to have fresh, crusty bread is awesome.  Nothing will beat that, mopping up all that olive oil and savoring the bite as you bite in...I can't explain the deliciousness and euphoria you get.  It is simply amazing.  That is all I can say.

Finally to finish the night, an aperitif was in order.  My drink of choice is a "Godfather."  For most it would be anisette, however I'm a huge scotch fan, and I also don't like anise too much.  Not that I can't have it, however it's not one of my favorites.  A "Godfather" consist of Scotch and Amaretto.  Now I'm usually a 2 parts scotch, one part Amaretto.  However Dave has his own way of doing things, he's a color man.  I remember the color he wanted me to say, and I know it begins with an "S"  I just don't remember the color though.  Instead I will go with the color I saw last night, and that too me it was a deep amber color.  The color of a really good and pretty looking caramel.  I like Dave's concoction, it was quite the finisher, but I like my "Godfather" on the scotchier side.  ^___^

As you can see, food is part of my life, and I love it to the max.  I don't always agree with some dishes, and how they work, but when you can receive an extremely delicious home cooked meal, you don't deny the fact of how good it is.  By frankly you don't say anything, but enjoy the ride.

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