Wednesday, September 21, 2011

If, if and buts...

For a little bit now, I have been contemplating on whether I wanted to start a new blog for when I go to Amsterdam.  I look back at some of these entries and realized, they probably should have just gone into my regular journal or some sort of LiveJournal.  Look, I know some of you who are reading this are thinking, what a whiny bitch...and you know what?  Yeah, I am.  I also know that life sucks, and it's hard.  So you know is what it is, and if it's there, then let it be there, I don't really care anymore really.  Let's move on with that notion.  

So today, I just couldn't do it, I had to take a half day from work, and the first place I thought of was the "Coffee Works," in Voorhees.  It's a quiet little place, and I immensely enjoy the lattes here.  It's quite delicious.  I love the decor, more of a newer style coffee shop, with food and coffee.  It's nice just sitting here people watching, and enjoying Adele's, "Rumor Has It," in the background.  As my mind wanders, and I continue to type, I wonder if this was the right move today.  And as I take another sip of my latte, yes, it was.  I need to get everything off my mind, lets be honest though, an afternoon of freedom will not do it at all, however I'm loving every moment of it.  I wish there was a live band/open mic now.  I would love to hear some live music.  That would be awesome.  Did, I mention there is a live stage here?  I hope I get good enough one day to play a song here.  Maybe "Just Fine," from G-Love.  Right now that song is playing, and you know what?  I love that song, it has a lot of meaning right now in my life.  I wish I could just do this all day, I wish I could just sit and enjoy the scenery, the people, the music, and the typing...if, if, if.  However, If, ifs and buts were candy and nuts...oh what a party we would have.  Bringing back old school Wjoner.  I forgot how to spell his name, I'm pretty sure it is it.

In 2 weeks time, I will be on a plane, and I will try to forget all of this.  I hope when I'm over there, I will get to visit more coffee shops.  I don't know what it is about these places, they're just magical to me now...god I'm so hipster.  I've been called that many times now...better start planking and owling.  Well I took my last sip of my latte, I kinda want another, but I know I shouldn't.  I wish I didn't have to work anymore.  I need to start being a self-made millionaire.  Oof Fah!

Oh, and the iPod music project, almost done...thank goodness, I finally got to put all my Kina songs on there.  Shout out to Sylvia for sending me an epic rendition of "Message from you Heart."  Amazing, lately I've been listening to a lot of Jamie Cullum.  "I Think I love," is an amazing song, however all his songs are amazing really.  You know what was the most awesome aspect about this music project, I realized how many good songs I have been totally missing.  Wow, I hate you PC, and I love you Mac.  Hahaha...I'm that guy now.  Yes...Justin Long, love you buddy.  Speaking of Justin Long, watched, "Still Waiting..." the other night, not good as, "Waiting."  Just saying.

Oh, so if anyone ever gets a chance, watch this show.  It's called Honey and Clover...amazing show, you will realize how awesome it is when you watch it.

I’d been wondering all this time, whether there’s any meaning to a failed love. Is it something that will disappear, the same as something that never existed. Now I know, there is meaning…there was a meaning…right here.

Oh, and by the's an anime, and I'm a nerd.  Deal with it.