Friday, September 23, 2011


First part:  11:43 a.m.

Really, this is what it comes down to.  All of our systems are down, so I decided…I'm going to take this time and bla(h)g a little bit.  Tonight, I'm heading down to DE to visit my sis.  I can't wait really, but at the same time, I think I'm going to stop by a coffee shop for a little and just chill.  I think I want a little break to myself, before I start my major destruction tonight.  I really hope we have a nice dinner tonight.  I think I wanna blog about a meal that I have.  It be interesting.  I don't see Delaware as a big foodie state, but you never know right?  I wonder what their food of choice is…hmmm…Now I really want to go either NYC or Philly for a cheesesteak or pizza.  I really wish I could've stayed with my original plan tonight and head into Philly, but I don't think that's the place to be for me right now.  I think I'll stay away from that city for a little bit.  I think I'll do a little more traveling and head to NYC more often, and possibly Boston with CP.  I've been thinking about moving to a big metropolitan area anyway.  Maybe it's time to run from all of this and move to the city where it never sleeps.  I think that's an ingenious plan really.  I no longer want to do legal/foreclosure type work.  I think something a little more happy would be nice.  Anyway.  This is it for me, let's get this started for real.

2nd part: 5:32 p.m.

Another day at work done and over.  The drive down to Delaware was refreshing, and I didn't know CP lived so close to a coffee house.  The Brew Ha Ha.  Quite amazing, their coffee is delicious.  Not something I expected out of Delaware.  I have the Pumpkin Patch Latte...good work by them, seriously.  It's delicious...I didn't want anything too sweet, but here we are, I'll take it for now.  It's quite good really.  A very strong hint of pumpkin, a hint of cinnamon, and it being all around delicious as a latte.  So as you can see I have a big fall theme going, I have gotten a lot of pumpkin stuff lately.  Anyway, so here I am looking around, it's nice, I'm sitting next to a black and white photo.  It's a photo of a July 4th 2009 Phillies game.  Howard is up to bat with his signature stance.  I love shop feel, with the hint of Phillies...forget about it.  That's awesome.  It's quite quiet in here honestly, and I keep catching this girl staring at me...awkward really...I feel like I should wave, better not make a scene Wei.  You've already made too much ruckus this week.  

So here I am, sitting here, thinking to myself...what will be the next course of action for me, and as always in my life...I have no idea.  I'm just lost as of right now.  I don't know what I'm going to do, I don't know what I'll say next, honestly...I just don't know.  I'm not even excited about Europe anymore either, have I come to this wall in my life.  Seriously, I'm just tempted to take any job anywhere in the world and stay there for a year.  Maybe a job will come up for me in Amsterdam.  Maybe I'll just run away from my problems...seems like a really smart move on my end.  However you and I know, it's a terrible move.  

So onto the next dilemma.  What am I having for dinner tonight?  Seriously, I've eaten nothing all day.  I guess I just don't have the appetite.  I'm seriously looking to just get bombed tonight, and drink all of this away really.  Possibly will, cause Wei and Tina will be here, and I'm crashing at Chucksters.  Or maybe, I'll just buy an epic dinner, have a glass of wine, and try to get to sleep for once in the last month.  Nah...I'm going to drink myself to's better that way.  Besides, my liver doesn't know the difference anymore.  Poison of choice tonight, just purchased a bottle of Walker.  So yes, I will drink a ton of Johnnie tonight.  Not a handle, but 750 is still good, if I drink it myself.  

Well I'm coming to the end of this pumpkin latte, and I kinda want to try their brownie...better not.  I've been good all week, trying to run more.  I wish I ran today actually...dang it.  Should've ran today...I talked to one of my co-workers, she said it clears your mind, and you just become free.  The runner's high?  Is that what that is?  I'm talking to Anthony, and I've realized, I totally miss him.  He was such a good person back in the day, and you know what he still a great person.  I gotta give him credit.  Underneath all that Jersey Shore personification, lies the man of a true gentleman.  He's still good people and he always will be.  I love you kid, I hope you know that.  

Lately I've been leaving movie/t.v. show quotes.  Tonight, I think I'm going to leave a musical lyric.  
I'm laying with this girl, but I don't know her name.  And I don't love her half as much as this guitar that I'm playing - G.Love
Yeah, the last two years have been liked that for me...I think I'm done being that.  I think I want to go back to being a decent human being.   

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