Saturday, September 17, 2011

2 of 3 or possible just 2 of 2

The following was written at 7:25 p.m. at the Chapterhouse:

Second place…I'm pretty sure this isn't good, drinking all this coffee has got to be bad, I know the first one was just a chai tea, but still…I don't understand.  What do I have to do in life that I'm not doing right now?  I just wanna be a good person.  Isn't that what we're suppose to be?  So this is where this is leading too…relationships.  This has not been a very good week for some, and awesome for others.  It's crazy how life can be.  I wanna start with my brother.  Oh fiddlesticks…gotta run for now…not forever.  A short brb.  

The following is being continued...NOW!:

So I lied, it wasn't a short brb.  I had to find Jillian, and then it was decided it was time to get dinner.  I wanted to write something on relationships and all that good jazz, but I think that I'll do it at a different time.  For now I'll just talk about the exciting aspects of what I call South Street.  

So last night was quite interesting.  Our first stop was the Wine and Spirit store on South, epic...bottle of Pinot Grigio, store was quite nice, a nice older gentleman was at the cash register, and the store was lit very nicely.  Layout was okay, had a hard time finding Pinot, but all in all good experience  Our next stop dinner.

So we decided on sushi, I only know of one sushi shop on South, the Maki House, honestly it was just a convenient place, however it turned out to be very comfy.  Also the fact that the Phils game was one, "AWESOME!"  So we ordered about 5 rolls, and you know what...for what it was, it wasn't that bad.  By all means it wasn't super fantastic.  But quite lovely when you have lovely company.  Here's where the fun really begins, I really didn't think a bottle of Pinot would get her quite amped as it did, however it totally was awesome, and I'm not going to lie, it was epic.  So we're watching the Phillies game, and you know what's hilarious, a fantastic person screaming and yelling at a t.v. screen filled with Phillies stinking.  It's awesome, because Jillian was literally screaming in the restaurant full of people...which is EPIC!  Hahaha...gosh, just thinking about it, it's still funny in my head.  I think I'm going to remember this night for a while.  

So after our epic adventure at the sushi place, we scurried along to Jon's on South, we decided a bar was a really good idea.  You know, finish watching the game and all...and you know what, it was.  Hahaha, strawberry margaritas...nice.   So we had to sit next to a douche who didn't even know sports.  Doode, you think if you're going to bad mouth a team you would have don't even have a f*cking team, so "SHUT YOUR HOLE!!!"  Anyway, after our little downer section, we left Jon's and headed to our next destination.

After our little taxi ride, we finally arrived to McGillans.  Wow what a rocking know it's good when people are dancing to "Dog Days are Over."  It was quite nice really, good drink selection, and though it looks like a dive, it kinda wasn't it was just sweet.  A kind of place...hmm...hipster like?  Possibly, not really, however I think the simple fact that I saw a man do the N'SYNC's "Bye Bye Bye" dance was worth it all.  Hahahaha...fantastic.  Jillian has really fantastic friends, I like to say that now.  So very sweet.  ^___^

I really like to thank her, for a great evening, I needed this night...thanks Jillian.  

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