Thursday, September 8, 2011

Freakin Sweet!

So you know what's epic?  My friends.  I had an amazing evening last night with my best friend Jay, and well tonight was capped off with an evening with the lovely Ashley and Kate.  Both of these girls hold a dear dear place in my heart.  Well anywhoo, the evenings went without a hitch.  Me and Jay went to the Phils game yesterday, and it was amazing.  Oswalt looked great out there, and our Phils swept the Braves for the fitrst time this year.  Felt good, it's September, leading into the playoffs pretty soon and we're still taking names, me likey.  Only thing bad, we didn't commit and we should have.  We watched the Phils struggle for 8 solid innings, so to listen to them comeback and win was very disheartening to me, since I should have been there to see it live.  Oh well...C'est la vie.

Today was a struggle again, I feel like I'm in a rut and I should be able to handle myself better.  Don't know what it is (I kinda do).  However, I know I want out of it.  To say the least tonight was the night I needed.  I felt so much better tonight, dinner with Ashley and Kate.  These two girls are so awesome, I cannot sing their praises much more, it's going to get sickening.  Well dinner at Bertucci's was extremely nice, and to be able to talk and shoot the sh*t, dreamy.  What can I say, I'm a sucker for talk about work, the past, sex, the future, and everything in between.  It's quite loverly really.

Dinner was nice, the Taste of Bertucci's, haha, I feel like an americanos, but still quite tasty.  Lately I've been thinking where I am heading down this path I am on.  I would surely like to clear it up and find out.  I haven't really asked for much in my life, but If you're up there, and you know who you are.  Save me Super-Man.

Well, it has been an extremely long day, honestly week.  I leave this evening with an amazing song from and amazing woman.  Kina Grannis.

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