Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Well, That's how That Go

Mixtapes, Wikipedia describes mixtapes as "which usually reflects the musical tastes of its compiler, can range from a casually selected list of favorite songs, to a conceptual mix of songs linked by a theme or mood, to a highly personal statement tailored to the tape's intended recipient."  Do people still make mix tapes?  Most likely not, more like mix CDs.  However, what happened to the lost art of making a mixtape, grabbing a cassette tape, and recording music off the radio that showed the way you felt at the time?  What happened to putting all the work into, and giving it to the guy/girl you liked, and saying, "Hey this is for you, I hope you like it."  First off, I'll tell you what happened, the cassette tape died long ago with the dodo.  That's first, second, who really has the time anymore to sit next to a radio, and push play and record at the same time when a song would come on?  Lastly, will your recipient even have a cassette player?  In the world of CDs and MP3s, what does the old school mix taper have to offer in the new world?  By frankly, that is tough, extremely.  However, if you have the tenacity, and the gusto to pull it off, and give it to someone, I think it adds a nice touch, a sort of panache to the non everyday Romeo/Juliet.  I don't know, I guess because I'm a huge fan of music, and I like to see how others feel, their music is a way to connect to it.  I guess, I'm saying this because I'm listening to a ton of Jamie Cullum lately, and my latest obsession is a song called "Mixtape," seriously Jamie, you went from NIN to Louis Armstrong...awesome, epic even.  There is something about the idea behind the mixtape that is so raw and real.  Close you're eyes, now play all the songs that meant everything to you in your life...what are you hearing, could it possibly be the very first song you ever heard of?  Could it be the very first song you danced to in a school dance?  Could it be the very first song you heard when you were completely hammered i.e. "Get Low," for me?  Could it be the song that you had you're first kiss to?  Could it be your wedding song that you are dancing to?  All of this should be running through your mind.  This is exactly what a mixtape is.  Let's not let a dying art go dead quite so soon.  However, I know, I know..."Wei, we don't even have a cassette player or cassette tape."  I know as much as I want to say, tough luck buddy, lets move with the times, make a mix CD...however lets save the mix MP3 at least until the CDs die out okay.  It's right around the corner, so at least respect if for a little while longer. 
On another note, I'm hoping I get a record player for my talk about old school...or dare I say pretentious hipster like thing for me to do.  

"I'll make you mixtape that's a blueprint of my soul.   It may sound grand but babe it's all you need to know.   I'll make you a mixtape that will charm you into bed.   It details everything that's running round my head"
Oh, and I was having dinner with Anthony tonight, a little belated birthday thing as it may be...obviously, he can tell I'm not in the best of moods, and I look really down, but Anthony knows me best, we have been best friends since the third grade after all.  And he says the following to me as I get ready to get into my car...

Anthony: Wei, I don't know what's going on, but I have two words for you, and you take it the way it needs to be taken..."DO YOU."
Me:  What the fuck does that even mean?!!!  And I swear to Jebus Ant, if it has anything to do with Jersey Shore!!
Anthony:  They have said it...
Me: Da fuck doode!! Seriously?!!
Anthony: Listen...It means don't have any regrets, and don't be afraid of failure.  What a shame it would be to look back 10 years from now and have to say, "What if...?" Do what makes you happy and don't look back.  "DO YOU."

At that moment, I realized to myself...1st, when the hell did Anthony ever get so deep?  When has this goof ball grown up to be the most upstanding man that I see in front of me?  And secondly, he was right?  I will do it, all I can, is do that.  Anthony is right, I want to live this life regret free...I only have one of these, I may as well make the best of each moment.  Not everyone will like me, and I'm sorry, I can't please you on that end, but I know in my heart, I tried.  Do you, people, just do you...

"I'm going to say these two words to you, and you take it the way it needs to be taken..."Do You." - Anthony D.  

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