Monday, September 12, 2011

Case of the Mondays

I don't know what it is, but today just sucked.  Things were setting me off, working was a pain in the ass as usually.  And just plain sucked.  A few bright spots in my day, awesome lunch that CL made, awesome conversations with some people, (you know who you are) and of course coming home from work, and working on this iPod of mine.  Not much else really, except learning the fact that life isn't easy, and what you want, sometimes you can't have.  Story of my life really, story of my life.

So after that lengthy discussion with Steph's Mom, I think I'm finally going to put things in motion, I will now begin to keep my journal writings and all that good stuff that I do on here as well as in my own personal time, and start a memoir for myself.  Who know's someone may find it interesting and would love to read my life's work.  Wishful thinking...possibly.  Well, it's short today, I don't really have much to say, I actually have everything bottled up tonight.  Not in the best mood, by frankly I'm a little down.  I wish things were easier, why can't I have something go my way for once?  Just once...please.

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