Saturday, September 17, 2011

1 of 3

Okay so here's the thing the below was written at BEAN EXCHANGE at 6:40 p.m.

Well What can I say, this is what I have always wanted.  I wanted to just sit back relax and be able to type my blog tonight.  I'm at my first of, I think 2.  Let's just say how it is shall we?  I'm tired, and this has been a majorly "F" week for the old Weister.  Anywhoo, let's talk about what's really important…I've been away for 2 days now.  

So what has been going on these last 2 days…I'll tell you what was really going on, lots of work, and of course this musical project I'm working on.  I.e. filling up the Macbook with music.  So as I sit here enjoy the fantastic scenery that Philadelphia has to offer me, I'm contemplating to myself, "Wei you need to move to the city my friend."  Yeah, I know Wei, I know.  
What is it about these brisk fall evenings that I love so much?  I don't know really, but I know I enjoy it quite more than the summer.  The clean crisp breeze, and the smell of my pumpkin chai tea is so enchanting, wow this is what I do now.  Delicious really, what do I mean delicious…it seems all my senses are infused together.  I ponder to myself…do I do my best writing in the 
city as I watch each and every person walk by?  I tend to believe I do.  If you aren't bored to bits yet at all this pretentious bullshit…it'll get better folks.  Trust me on this…I'm not hipster enough to be consider hipster yet.  I just like writing out shit I do on days that mean most to me.  To tell you the truth today just seemed like a day I didn't want to pass up on.  If I weren't here to meet
Jillian, I think I would have came anyway.  These few moments to myself is heavenly.  I honestly like to thank the "Bean Exchange," for giving me a wonderful time.  It's a lot quieter than the Starbucks I last visited, but you know what?  This is something I rather enjoy when it is a lot more quiet.  In the distance I can hear a dog barking, quite interesting enough, it's amazing.  Just saw the cutest hipster
bike by, watching an older gentleman in plaid saunter by me.  I can't get enough of it really.  Is this what Amsterdam is going to be like?  I'm going to be in so much luck.  I'm really looking forward to all the stupid shit that is ahead for me.  

Alright, lets be honest here, I have been cursing, or rather saying "SHIT" a lot.  It has been rough.  All I really want to do is drink a ton and fall asleep tonight.  I'm actually really happy the constraints will be put on me really.  If I hadn't accepted Jillian's invitation, I'm pretty positive I be wasted as I type this, but I'm not.  So this is a good thing.  Speaking of which, I probably should give her a call, and meet up with her soon.  I did say 7:30 right?  I think I did.  Yeah, I better text her.  

I still have a little more, so I'm just going to type a little more before the second blog of the night.  Folks if you're planning on reading the next blog I'll give you a clue of what it is.  It's going to be about relationships  It's all about those things that hurt the most or could be the most loving thing on earth.  It just seems fitting for the occasion I guess.  

Back to the original post, if you haven't ever done this before I truly recommend it.  Come to your local coffee shop and just watch everyone walk by, I swear some people are just douches.  I literally just watched 3 young male adults talk about kicking dogs.  Doode?  Really?  You're fucking screaming that, I'm surprise P.E.T.A. hasn't popped out of nowhere yet and splashed you with a bucket of 
blood yet.  Douche.  I'm rambling folks, I only do it cause shit has been on my mind.  I get antsy thinking about things.  Life sucks…

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