Sunday, September 18, 2011


I have the greatest friends on earth.  Just imagine this, tasty adult beverages, really epic decorations, tasty morsels, and good music and baseball.  What does all this combine give you, a really great party, that's what.  Seriously, my friends are the best.  There is no reason why I needed this party, there is no reason why this party had to happen, it just did.  And I like to thank everyone involved (we really didn't needed the crown and sash).

Oh what a day, making decrees, awesome pic...and all the champagne I could want...woo!!  Life is good.  Life is very however is going to be rough moving around, I don't think it's a possible thing or progression for frankly as I type this, I'm running on 2 hours of sleep...should've taken a bed or couch somewhere...floors sure do stink.  ^__^

However, I do get to watch the sunrise, and as I watch the glistening of the morning dew.  It's quite a wonderment watching all of this, and then in the background I hear the slight sound of 93.3 WMMR.  Hahaha...awesome, Chris I feel bad for you buddy.  No one deserves to work a double after a party, especially like ours.  Wow, and another surprise...seeing my boy John, a-ma-zing.  Good times, good times...or buckets really!  Night world, it has been good, very good.

Oh, this is better no?  Right guys?

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