Monday, September 26, 2011

Eagle's Sunday, and Everything in Between

Ahh...Eagles football, nothing beats it really.  Getting together with friends, watching the game on the big screen and enjoying life.  I guess that's what these lazy Sundays are for.  Vick is hurt, Eagles are not looking to jazzy, and well Dave is still screaming at the t.v., and of course I love each and every minute of it.  What can I say, football season is back, and it's a lovely thing really.

Lately my mind has been preoccupied with many things, I'm really just trying to keep myself busy and not get myself in trouble.  However, we all know I can't live like that and I have to have something going on in my life (sarcasm).  Honestly though, lets think about this.  I've finally decided, I need goals for the upcoming year.  And following in Chucky's footsteps, I think I'm going to start volunteering after work.  I just want to be able to help out more, and contribute to society.  I've been thinking, and now it's between working with animals at an animal shelter, or taking the plunge and working in a soup kitchen to help the homeless.  Both are very virtuous causes, and both would be very rewarding.  However, as much as I like serving food and helping the needy, I think I wanna be able to walk a dog, and be a foster care taker every once in a while.  So I think I've decided on the animal shelter.

A big goal I definitely want to have is meeting 5 new people, and hopefully making 3 new friends.  Yes, this goal is feasible, and yes this goal is doable.  Well to me I think it is.  I like to say that I enjoy the company of people, I like being a social butterfly and making friends.  However, I don't want to expand the circle in our group, I just want to meet nice and wholesome people.  People that I can call upon and maybe go out and get drinks with.  The way I've been seeing it, it seems like I have become a really selfish person, and I really want to help and do things for others.  Maybe working at an animal shelter will help me reach this goal.  I believe we all have to set some sort of goal, some sort of resolution, I think this will be mine.  

Lastly, I would honestly love to be able to completely learn this instrument we call the guitar.  I know there is no such thing as ever perfecting it, but I know I would love to get better at it, and to be able to play it like a pro when need be...oh and scales, I have to start learning how to do that as well.  Oh, and another thing, I wanna learn to play the uke...ukulele that is.  Yeah, that's right something different, it's only four can I fail?  Don't answer that.  

This is the year I push myself to be all that I can be, go out there and do the same everybody.  Look forward to being a better you, you deserve it.  Cause honestly, all I want to be, is a better me.  

"People try to find reasons why things aren't perfect. Fight to deny every smile they're deserving, But we can try to end this, just give me one kiss, Let me show you how, even now, things are perfect 
If you want to grow, you gotta let it go... 
You, afraid to fall. You, you know it's all...You, afraid to fall. You, you know it's all love, love"
So yeah, still bummed, still thinking, and still not drinking.  Trying to learn my lesson the first time around, glad, I can just type out my thoughts this's a lot healthier, however I did drink that JW the other night, but not the whole thing, so I should be okay.  Oh and CP's turtle was planking, I thought I should add that here.  Made me smile a bit when I needed it.  Thanks little guy.

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