Monday, September 5, 2011

The First

Welcome one and all, if you are reading this, you either know me extremely well and want to follow this silliness that I call life. are stalking the heck out of me.  Which if it is the latter, I am extremely flattered.  So thank you very much.  I don't know how this is going to work out, or how often I'm going to post, however I know I will be using this to update all my dear friends of the exciting new things going on.  And as the first subject of this blog, it is going to be about this lovely purchase of my new 17 inch Apple Macbook Pro.

Yup that's right, it's brand spanking new and I'm trying to take full advantage of this.  I've always wanted one, and now I've finally committed.  I'm loving it, it starts right up and it doesn't give me any problems.  If I had to recommend it, then yes I would.  I've always been a gamer, however I'm finally committing to begin a true professional for once.  That and the simple fact that I am kinda going to be using this for a way of contact during my travels.  Anywhoo, Well, as I figure out how to use this thing, I'm going to say this now, if you continue to follow this blog, and my extremely exciting life, then I say enjoy.  It's going to be one hell of a ride.

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