Monday, October 24, 2011

Dear 16 Year Old Self

The following blog is a letter to my 16 year old self...let the rules of the butterfly effect not be part of this.

Dear 16 Year Old Self,

This is a letter to you, to let you realize that there will be bumpy times ahead, and to also let you know, there are many, many, many great times ahead.  The good will definitely out weigh the bad.  You may not like what you hear, and you may not enjoy what you think is lecture.  However, this will all benefit you in the future.  You should learn from it, and take the experiences that I have learned to heart.  You may think I'm just an old square right now as you're reading this, but trust me.  I have the experience, and I know what is ahead.

So let's begin, 16 year old self, in a couple of years, you will be telling yourself, "Omg, time has flew by, I'm going to college already, and these last four years were amazing."  Trust me you will be saying this, this is one of the many conversations you will have on the bus with Jay.  Oh and by the way young self, Omg = oh my god.  Enjoy high school, you are right, it will be the time of your life.  You will gain so many friends and experiences.  You will forever have the memories of the greatest time of your life.  It is a blast, and you will understand when college starts.  I understand you are bitching and moaning right now, because you are stuck in a restaurant, but trust me, that restaurant is worth it.  By frankly when you get older, you're going to want to go back in.  It may one day be your passion in life.  So cherish what you have, don't take any of it for granted, those experiences that you have now, are going to be life experiences and work ethics that you will forever carry with you when you will be out in the real world.  The friends you have are all very special at this age.  They all think you are great, believe in them, you are a pretty nice kid.  However pay special attention to a few of them.  They will break your balls in the future because they think you were a big shot, however keep reminding them, you are nothing without them.  Especially David W. Haberle, he is one of your greatest friends in the future.  You think you are cool with him now, playing chess and other stuff in study hall.  But he is one of your best friends in the future, you will die for that kid if you had to, and I know for a fact that he would do the same for you.  He will join the Tripod, to create a table that will stand strong.  I would mention DeMaria and Jay, but you know in your heart, you will not separate easily from those two goof balls, and you will be right.

Enjoy college 16 year old self.  It is more of a blast than you think.  Study more, drink less, party less.  Scratch that last part, try to do both.  Whether you think the path you are on is wrong or right, you will not know until you get there.  It may seem hard, and you may get bored of it, but stick with what you started with.  It will one day be your greatest strength.  Enjoy each minute of it, you will meet one of your future best friend there as well.  He is a hoot, a kid from Cherry Hill, you will meet him in a marketing class possibly.  You will talk about things, and think that he really is a great guy and good friend.  You may get competitive with him in marketing, but that's how he is.  He's competitive.  George Henehan will become the umbrella in the middle of the table that has been created.  You will stand strong, and Georgie will protect us when we need him most.  He is strong willed, and the most hilarious drunk that you will meet, you don't know it, but George will play an important role in your life.  He is good people, Beyonce told me so.

Love.  Do not fall for the t.v. and movie theater love story.  Love is nothing like that, you probably watched, "Can't Hardly Wait," for the umpteenth time by now.  Love is nothing like that.  Quite frankly, it's more like, "500 Days of Summer."  You will meet many women in your life 16 year old self.  You don't think you're a stud machine, and guess what? You aren't.  However you are a gentleman to the very end and chivalry isn't dead.  Remember you have 3 sisters, treat them with respect.  Treat all women with respect.  There will be a period when you will get your heart broken.  It is the tragedies in life.  It will hurt, and it will continue to hurt, and it will be a while till you feel better.  You will feel jaded towards women, and you will be with women you have no love towards.  It is just the way it is young self.  You will not believe in love, you will think getting some is the answer, you will think it's just easy to just do what you need to do and leave.  You will break hearts, and you will not love.  You will drink.  You will drink until you feel no pain.  You will drink more alcohol than your liver can handle, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you will get over it.  Believe me, you will.  If you can learn one thing from me, learn that the answers in life are not at the bottom of a bottle of scotch.  It will all be a distant memory, and who knows, you may even be able to go back and be friends with her again.  There will be other women who will come to you in life, and there will be one who you will love.  She will remind you that love is possible again.  She will break a piece of the ice that surrounds your heart, and your heart will be able to start beating again.  Even if you may not talk to her for a while, you will.  Don't let such a precious friend go.  She is too kindhearted to be treated that way.  She was a friend, treat her as one.  Let it go, let it all go.  It's not worth it.  You will find happiness, it just won't be handed to you.  Earn it.

16 year old self, you may not believe it when I tell you this, but believe it.  You will travel, you will travel the world.  Learn from it, the Italian course that you are taking now.  Keep learning, if you can keep learning, you will use it.  You will go to Amsterdam, Italy, and hopefully Japan, a new spot every year.  You will learn so much and realize, there is bigger piece of the world out there.  Your problems will be petty, and you will realize life is way to short to even have problems like the ones you will have.  Do as much traveling as you can.  You will not regret it.  You will come across things in life, and realize that you are very insignificant.  All the trips that Ching Ping tells you about, they are important.  Learn from her.  CP is highly intelligent.  She knows more than you think.  She is wise beyond her years.  She knows more than you will ever realize, and traveling is part of that.

Family, 16 year old self, family is very important.  They will be the ones to always take care of you.  Do not take them for granted.  Remember that.  CP will give you more life experience than you can ever imagine.  She seems like a know it all, but that's because she does know a lot.  Ching L. and Ching T. will be there to take care of you.  No matter how much a pain in the ass they can be sometimes, they mean well.  Listen to them.  They are your big sisters for a reason, and lastly Wei Tak.  He's smart, very smart, you may fight with him now at the age you are at, but when you are older, Wei Tak will be one of your best friends, scratch that, he will be your big brother that he is suppose to be.  And he loves you more than you can imagine.  Follow him, he has big dreams and a big future.  Whether you work with him or not, believe in him.  He can do it.

16 year old Wei, believe in yourself.  If you think you can play the guitar.  Don't dawdle, start soon.  Cause if not, in 10 years you will anyway.  You're going to take classes and have a pretty awesome teacher.  Follow your heart young Wei.  Don't get discourage, learn to keep on fighting.  You're going to want to quit, but you have more to gain if you don't.  Life is good, and you are the one that has to believe in that.

16 year old me.  If you are reading this, you shall be coming to the end of this letter, here are a few bonus tips.  Go to California, Mission Viejo to be exact, and find a girl by the name of Kina Grannis, tell her that she's amazing, and that she's going to be famous one day.  Tell her, that she should keep singing, and sing so that everyone can hear her.  See if she will fall in love with you, because by frankly future Wei, me, would love you.  Seriously, she will be your inspiration in life, you will pick up a guitar because of her, you will travel the world to see her in concert, and her music will inspire you.  Remember that.  Buy Apple stocks NOW!!!  Seriously, they probably just came out with a colorful iMac at around your time.  Buy their stocks now, you will be freaking loaded.  They have so much stuff coming out in the near future, it will be totally worth it if you do.  Honestly, I'm typing on a Mac as I write this to you.  Bet on the Phillies 16 year old self, they will be great.  Lastly 16 year old self, life is good, life is grand even.  There may be times when you don't think so, but remember this you only have one life.  Take full advantage of it.  You have family and friends that love you.  Carpe Diem really means more than you think.  Live life to the fullest, do things you would never usually do.  You only get one of these 16 year old self.  Live it.

27 year old You, Wei Kwok    

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