Thursday, October 6, 2011


Well I finally landed after an 8 hour people are so bloody nice here.  I'm already in love.  I'm just waiting at a Burger King in the airport.  Waiting for Jason to get here.  So let's get the bad news over with.  Phils lose, and we lose Steve Jobs, has that much happened in 8 hours?  I'm actually really really disappointed, however we still have one more game, so I don't want to call the Phils out yet.  

Anyway back to Amsterdam, people are amazing here.  I honestly hope I find a job here now.  I don't think I want to go back, and I've only been here for a half hour now.  Well, I don't know how this is going to work, but in America time it is 2:50 a.m.  I haven't gotten any sleep yet, however, I am just so amped, I don't think I even want to go to sleep.  I hope Jay is up for hitting the ground running.  I just want to go everywhere.  I'm so excited, I honestly can't contain myself.  However, I can go for some coffee.  That sounds really good right now.  

It's weird, never in my wildest dreams would I ever imagine myself in a different country by myself.  I feel so free, and honestly, if I may.  If you ever get the opportunity to just travel to a far away country, do it.  It's so worth it, everything about it is insane.  I'm just so excited, I honestly don't know what to blog about.  It's a little dreary out, however it's still epic.  

On the flight, I met two lovely people, they were oh so kind.  We just shot the shit, and talked about the whole Amsterdam experience.  You know for a couple of retired people, they sure talked about marijuana a lot.  Not that there is anything wrong with that.  I found it quite fascinating.  I pray when I'm Carol and Stephen's age, I'm just as energetic as that.  That's the way to live, traveling all over the world when you're retired.  Pretty much buckets.  However, Carol did have a fear of flying, and since we had such a bumpy landing, all I could do was comfort her a say, it's cool Carol, we're just touching down, and it is raining out.  Really nice people, I can't wait to meet more.  Oh, I did speak to someone in Italian already as well...that was pretty cool.  My Italian is awful now too, but she understood the gist of what I was saying.  I wish I could have said the same with my French, oof fah.  I just looked at the lady and said, umm..."Je ne parles pas francais."  And that was the extent of my french.  I love it.  

So as I sit here drinking my Starbuck's latte, o la la, I just realized this, I can't check into my hotel until 2 p.m.  Oh boy, 5 hours.  Good times.  Stay posted everyone, I'll have more later on today.  Till then, saving my batteries, and going to start taking a ton of pics.  Yay!!

So as my mind is still wandering a million times over, and I don't have any sleep in me, I'm just going to post a song as well.  Of course a dedication to the Phillies for a game 5 win.  GO PHILS!!

Be groovy everyone, miss you all.    

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