Monday, October 10, 2011

Vondelpark...and Then Some

So today I woke up with one thing on my mind.  That was to go to Vondelpark and finally see what all the hubbub is all about.  Well the day starts with me trying to get to Centraal Station.  Now after a week of doing this, it's quite easy for me to roam around the city, and do certain things.  That I have down pat.  However, since I never been to Vondelpark, I decided, okay the map says Southeast, I'll just start going east first, and then make a drastic left somewhere, and head down south.  Well the plan kind of worked.  I worked my way all the way to Haarlem.  At this point I'm completely lost, and have no idea where I'm at.  It was my goal from the beginning to get lost, but I don't know.  It just that this wasn't even on the map.  So it worried me a little bit.  However like a trooper, I kept moving forward.  Yeah moving forward was stupid.  I ended up at a park call Westerpark.  In my mind I thought, okay maybe it's just the Western portion of Vondelpark.  I walked in the park for about 30 minutes and realized, well none of the things there were part of Vondelpark.  So I've been walking in a park that I have no clue about...I begin walking out of the park, trying to find some sort of semblance to a place that I may or may not know.  I was completely lost, everything was pointing to Haarlemmerbuurt...what the hell is Haarlemmerbuurt!?!!?!  I finally settled down a bit, but there wasn't a person in site for I just kept going in one direction hoping I will find my way back.  I finally saw a nice woman.  In my mind I said to myself..."Wow, she really looks like Olivia Wilde."  So I ask the O.W. lookalike, "Excuse me miss, could you help me?"  And for once, I was so thankful that her english was perfect, just like the rest of Amsterdam.  So this lovely woman was trying to give me directions, and point out which streets go where and what.  I finally just said to her, "Look, here's a coffeeshop, why don't I get you a coffee and whatever else you like, and you point out on this map where I need to"  With no hesitation at all she agrees and we walk in.  So I talk to Geerta for a little bit.  Really nice girl, she's going to Amsterdam U.  Where is Amsterdam U?!  Anyway, we talk and she points out on the map where I need to be heading, and after our quick run in and everything else, I wish her luck, and I'm on my way.  Yay!!!  Thank you Geerta, you were my Super-Man today.   

Well this was my downfall...going down this drawbridge after the boats had past...*sigh*
Westerpark...the Western portion of Vondelpark?
So after my little incident with the fake park not named Vondelpark, it took me another 3 or 4 miles to get to.  At this point, it's getting pretty late in the day, but oh well.  I'm going for it anyway.  So I finally arrive to the Vondelpark.  I should've just followed the signs to the Hard Rock Cafe again.  Anyway, so I finally get to the park.  The park has a 3.3 kilometer track, so I decided, you know what let me walk this, and see all the sights.  So I did, I saw the fountains, the statues, the amazing slides for kids...lucky.  Restaurants?! Movie Theaters?!  Museums??!!  Wow, this is a stacked park.  I's kind of like Central Park in NYC...but better?!  I'm questioning it now.  For the longest time I always thought Central Park was pretty amazing, however, this has seriously taken everything away from that.  Vondelpark is the king of parks.  It was awesome.  So I finish my 3.3 km walk, and I'm moving back towards the beginning.  And you know what...I said nuts to it.  I'm going to jog this thing.  So I switched into some shorts, pop on the hoodie, re-tie my chucks, and slap on the iPod.  Now don't get me wrong, I have just started doing this whole running/jogging thing.  I'm not very good at it, but I gave it my all.  I complete this little jog, and at the end of it all...I'm totally proud of myself.  However, if I ever do this again, I am going to highly consider bringing a pair of Nikes instead of my Chuck feet are killing me as I type this...oof fah!

Finally made it...Yay!!

Movie theater in the park?!

Part of the running circuit

So, it's a sweaty preposition for me today...and now after all of that, I forgot I had to walk back to Centraal Station.  Oh well...c'est la vie.  On the way back, I decided it would be a great idea to get lunch.  And even though it was late, and I wanted a pretty nice dinner, I still went for it.  So what did I decided on?  Well, I really wanted to try Chinese in this country.  I forgot the restaurant's name.  Dragon...something...Kitchen? I don't remember.  Well on to the food.  I had the rice dish, with duck, chicken, and roasted pork.  I also had a bowl of wonton.  How was it?!  It wasn't great, lets just say that.  It's my typical type of dish, my comfort food.  However, this was done completely wrong.  What is this thick, gooey, gelatinous, soy sauce base sauce doing on everything?  I really didn't like that at all on my dish.  Maybe the wonton soup should have given that away, but I don't know.  I thought maybe because the wonton soup wasn't that good, it would just be that only.  Nope, my entire dish wasn't that jazzy.  I guess I assumed that because Asia is so much more closer to Europe, the taste, the way they make it, the everything.  I just assumed, that it would taste so much better.  Are they making it with a European mindset?  Or maybe it was just this kitchen.  I don't know.  It just wasn't my forte.  It could've been so much better.  Oh, and you know what really grinds my gears?  Don't call it roasted, when you know all you did was throw everything in the fryer...that makes me mad.  Meh, it was a 1 1/2 out of 5 stars.  Rough, cause I hate saying a restaurant don't taste good.  However, I judge extremely harsh when the cuisine is Asian, and I'm expecting so much more.

The broth was good...very good...everything else...uhh, not so much so

It looked pretty

What is that gooey sauce on it?!

After all this fun and excitement...I just really wanted to end with an epic dinner.  So I got back to my room, showered up, sat in my bed for a little, and around 7:30 headed out for some fancy grub I guess.  And I had a great dinner.  Filet of lamb and mixed greens, with a balsamic vinaigrette sauce, and a aioli spread on the side.  With frittes and a salad.  It was amazing.  I also order myself a side of Turkish bread, and a Johnnie Walker Green Label.  This was really good.  Oh and for everyone out there saying, "Why aren't you eating anything Dutch?"  My answer is this, the dutch are only known for a few things, and some I have tried, and will be posting shortly, however in Amsterdam, the majority of the influences have come all over.  Such as Indonesian, Argentinian, Spanish, and others.  So there really isn't a Dutch, Dutch type of food.  So sorry to disappoint.  Anyway to continue with the last meal.  It was amazing.  Lamb cooked to perfection, and the Turkish Bread was awesome.  Light and airy, however the crust of the bread was that crispy and hard shell.  It was totally different, nothing I really have ever had before.  And the butter they provided, herb butter and a sweet whipped butter.  Delicious.  This was awesome.  Take a look see, it was a good dinner.  By the way, sorry the pictures stink...I forgot to turn on the flash...ugh.  Boo me. 

Turkish Bread

Lamb Filet

Salad and frittes
It was a good day.  I think everyday here has been a great day.  I hope everyone back home is doing well.  I miss you all.  However like I told Dave, I don't think I would mind if I had to live here.  By frankly, I would probably accept it with open arms.  Oh well, we'll see what happens. 

Oh, oh, and a quick shout out to Lightspeed Trading, LLC., or rather, Lightspeed Tradesk; for all you guys that are following, which I can't believe, but seriously am thankful for.  You guys are freaking awesome.  Thank you.  Specifically:  Luis, Enzo, Sean, Cip, Tom, Thaddeus, and of course my brother Wei T.  Thank you fellas.  I can't wait to just get back, go out there, and get together for drinks, that would be awesome.  

Well tonight enjoy a little TATE.

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