Tuesday, October 25, 2011


My taste in music has always been different.  I remember the first son I have ever heard.  It was an 80's song, and I was still a wee little boy, my sisters and brother were all about the 80s especially CL.  I think it was Tiffany's, "I Think We're Alone Now."  Thank god that did not shape the way I listened to music.  However since that day I was hook.  What is it about melodies, harmonies, and rhythm of music?  I don't know what it is however it's lovely.  Back in my day I listened to things that had no meaning, just your regular bubblegum pop.  I still love it, however music has more meaning to me now.

Country music, my very first foray into the land of music.  I would listen to Garth Brooks and, "The Thunder Roll," for hours on end.  It made me happy knowing that I had, "Friends in Low Places."  Life was good, and I was naive, country music would not last long, I realized it got very similar very fast, but it was always comforting.  I think it was the mid 90's and on that really got me hooked.

Ahh...grunge, alternative, rock!  Rock when it was making its resurgence.  It was good fun listening to the pains in life, it all hurts.  But to get over it you would rock out.  Better than Ezra, Stone Temple Pilots, Reel Big Fish, and way too much to list.  It was a crazy time.  You can't imagine it.  However, you will never realize that the music touched my soul.  I guess I got the bite, I guess I should have picked up an instrument  at this point.  Why didn't I do it?  I don't know why?  However life could have been really different if I had just done it.

Yes, I have a rap stage.  It's odd isn't it?  No of course not, lyrics and rhyme, the beat of the music.  It was all good.  I learn to enjoy Biggie, Tupac, Dr. Dre, and of course my all time favorites Kanye West and Jay-Z.  Awesome.  They are good, really good.  However, my musical taste didn't end there.  It is actually just the beginning.

Here I am now.  A little older, a little wiser.  And my taste in musical stylings have certainly changed.  Kina, yes her name is popping up again.  She has inspired me into so much.  Imogen Heap, Bon Iver, and others.  However, she not only opened my eyes to different music, but she also introduced me to one of the most important things in my life.  The freedom to play an instrument.  She gave me the idea and chance to pick up the guitar.  She is my inspiration, and even though I may not play it perfectly, with more practice and time, it can only get better.  Thanks Kina, you are a real inspiration, thank you for introducing me to music I usually wouldn't listen to, and now love.  I listen to a lot of indie stuff, and I even enjoy my occasional emo music.  However guess what, I listen to everything, and my taste in music has become very eclectic.  What do you enjoy?  What do you like?  Any suggestions for me?

Well, it is different, but it's what I like.  Enjoy the song tonight everyone.  It's a good one.

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