Friday, October 21, 2011


I'm 27 today.  I've traveled to the other side of the world, I've met a ton of people, and I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by wonderful group of people that I can call my family and friends.  I've have lived and learned the many hardships of life.  I've worked at a young age, struggled through losing friends, and struggled with losing who I thought were people I truly loved.  However in the end, all of this doesn't matter.  What I learned most is that struggling and hardships build character.  I would like to say I as a man, have a lot of character.  I am a man who believes in loyalty, the goodness in peoples heart, the ability to be able to sacrifice, the ability to know when to let go.  I would never call myself a quitter, I would rather lose a limb before giving up.  However, I also know 27 years is still not knowledgable enough.  I don't care how old you are or whatever age the person reading this is.  Life is forever a learning experience.  You will learn till the day you die.  I will fully acknowledge right now, I do not have enough life experience to say I know everything.  That's why I love living.  It is forever a class, a roller coaster, and a place where I will feel all emotions.  I am me, and I will accept that.  If you haven't gone out there to achieve what you wished for yet, you aren't living.  I know it may be difficult for some.  However if you don't try that is the first steps towards failure.  The Great One once said, "You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take."  I hope to look back on this blog next year and say, "Wei you are fucking right."  I will never know what the future will hold.  But I am damn sure I'm ready to tackle it.

Things I miss, friendships that should have never gone away.  Some were my fault, others not so much so. Even still, sometimes I miss fucking up on things.  Time machines would be epic at those times.  I'm still the hopeless romantic.  Even after all these years.  I will dream for the stars.  I still haven't picked the right one yet.  Today on the 27th year of my life.  I will continue to grow and learn.

So enough of that.  I'm 27, and I'm going to get fucked up tonight.  I will drink my fair share of alcohol and get stupid.  I will drink until I don't feel feelings anymore.  Cause that's what I do.  I drink to not feel anything.  That's just how I roll.

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