Tuesday, October 4, 2011


So it's the evening before, I'm at that point now...I'm in an ecstatic mood.  Actually, I'm freaking out, however it's the good type of freak out.  Tomorrow, I'll be on a plane going to a new place at a time when I need it most.  So for tonight, I'm looking at all my things and I'm telling myself...Wei you are all set.  I have everything packed and ready to go.  So now I'm going to enjoy the rest of this Phillies game.  Stoopid Vanimal giving up a run...and now stoopid Pence swinging at everything...can't you just not swing at the first pitch ever?  Jebus.  Sorry everyone just makes me mad...watching the heart of the line up right now and we're up 3-1.  Let's go Phils.

Today me and Dave were talking about Taking Back Sunday and The Used.  I'm listening to them right now as well.  Wow, TBS is amazing, well their old stuff is.  Me likey a lot.  Sorry Ant, they did sell-out.  They could have been so much more.  I like their old stuff, Dave was right.  What is it about music?  The old stuff had so much soul.  Not that the new stuff isn't good, but I don't know.  Rock was awesome back in the day, Zepplin to Rush, then the "Grunge," Era.  Oh man, I miss the 90s they were so good.  Now, what do we have now?  I'll tell you what, TATE is amazing, I'll give it to them.  God I love Airborne, shout out to Shirley for really introducing me to them.  I have been to more TATE concert then I can possibly remember.  They were all good.  And I have another one to go to this year...fucking sweet.  Keep rock alive folks.  We already lost another rock station here in Philly...I wouldn't be able to take it if we lost 93.3 and 104.5.  We lost Y100, and that was a sad day...sigh...Y100.

Tomorrow I will see Jason, I will be the first person he has seen in 2 1/2 weeks.  I'm getting extremely excited, there is so much I want to say and tell him.  He has missed so much, and most of all, I missed him so much.  Jay if you're reading this, I miss you buddy.  It has been too long.  I hope you miss me too buddy.  This is how it's going to be like though when one of us moves or we separate though.  Yesterday I said I'm worried about the future.  This is one of the big things I have been worried about.  I never realized how hard life can be without my best friends.  I want to say I've been an extremely loyal friend, and when I say I'm going to be there, that I am usually there.  I hope my friends know, if a bullet needs to be taken, I will be the first to get in line for that.  Obviously my family comes first, however my friends are like family to me.  They will always be taken care of...my own little promise basically.  Like I said, I don't know where the future leads, and I am very worried of where it's heading, however I do know one thing.  I don't want to ever be away from them forever.  If we ever had our disagreements, I want to believe, I can be bigger than it all, and come back.  However some things are harder to come back to.  I hope I go back, it be a shame to throw things away, and it would be extremely wasteful.  Have you ever just wondered..."Wow, I wasted so much time."  I don't believe time is ever wasted if a learning experience has been achieved.

It is October 4th, this summer just flew by, I still remember buying my tickets for Kina, Amsterdam, and my hotel, I remember all the things I've done, learned all the things I've learned, and met the people I have met...where did the summer go?  Like a summer breeze, it came and went, but I can still feel the warmth of that breeze on my skin.  It was an unforgettable summer really, just like every summer since college.  Bloody fantastic, here's to the next one.  I hope it's as good as this one.

Tonight's song is by TBS, "There's no "I" in Team"

I'm looking forward to the Tulip Fields in Amsterdam...I hope this is a sneak peek...


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