Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sippin on Ace

Uhhn tss, uhhnn tsss, uhhnn tss...just got a beat in my head going.  So, I'm sipping on a cafe mocachiato.  It's delicious.  Straight up espresso, with a milk foam cream top.  Quite heavenly.  So what am I doing at a coffee shop on a Wednesday?  Well, I have a little writing to catch up on, I've only had 3 journal entries since I've been back.  So I definitely have to get to writing.  I've just realized, my heart is pumping a hundred miles a minute.  Shouldn't had that double of cafe mocachiato.  Can't sit still, so this is going to be pretty short.

Been looking to go back to school lately.  Contemplating whether it is the right choice or not.  Not that I have any regrets in life, it's just that I wish I had chosen to stick with my first passion.  Science.  I loved biology, anatomy, organic, all of it.  Why did I quit?  I just got bored, now I'm regretting it, I guess if were to commit, I should probably do it soon.  However, I've been reading all these books on options and finance.  Do I stick with it?  I'm not a business man, I'm a "Business," man.  Oh Jay-Z, you've taught me nothing but greatness.  Thank you.

Mr. Hudson...enjoy.

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