Wednesday, October 12, 2011

After Thoughts on Amsterdam

Well, my time in another country is over.  So what have I learned throughout this entire thing?  I've learned that being humble and experiencing things that I never thought I would ever experience is an extreme eye opener.  Honestly, we are very small in this world.  No one really gives a rat ass about us.  The only people that really care are our family and friends.  We have to live and realize, we are not the only people in this world.  There is another world out there.  We are insignificant.  Our lives have no meaning to anyone else. Everything is very petty.  Until you walk a mile in another's shoes, or live through hardships.  Traveling is crazy.  You realize and see things, you never thought would be possible.  I think my goal in life, is to travel more.  I want to live freely, see things that others haven't seen, to do things that to some, are not doable.

Truthfully, I've been down these last few weeks, and was praying and hoping to get away from it all.  And now that I have.  Everything has become pretty clear.  Live life, be merry, don't let the little things get you down.  There are worst things.  Somethings won't happen, but it's all for a reason.  Don't be afraid to take the leap of faith, don't worry what others think, don't sweat the small stuff in life.  I've given these words of advice out time after time to people.  However I never followed my own advice, now is the time to do that. I'm glad, I'm going to be happier.  I'm glad i don't have to be an emo/hipster/scene kid.  I'm glad I'm just me.  The happy go lucky guy that I am.  I'm not saying everything is rainbows and sunshines, but more and more, that goofy grin on my face is coming back, and a warmth is coming back to my heart.  I'm glad, I am not a cold heart person, I've always felt that way, but more and more, it's going away.

Enjoy the song tonight ladies and gents...I just like this band.

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