Sunday, October 9, 2011

Just one of Those Lazy Sundays...Not Like One of Those Fake Sundays that almost get me Fired

Today wasn't very eventful.  This morning I woke up to a sniffling Jay, I felt so bad.  However I did see him off to the airport, the kid is going back home, and now I'm all alone.  Me and Jay chatted for a little bit, talked about things, I gave him a huge hug and sent him off, I hope he gets home soon.  The kid needs his rest.  Anyway, after seeing Jay off, I headed towards a coffee shop near Zaandam.  Not one of those types of coffee shops, just a regular coffee shop.  I had a lot of much needed writing to do.  After that, I headed towards Centraal Station, and well I noticed a lot of the stores closed, so I headed back towards my room and have basically sat around and done nothing all day.  However, I did notice one thing...Kina has posted on her Twitter that she has basically done the same thing all day.  Kina is awesome...

Anyway, like I said, lazy Sunday.  I hope everyone is watching a ton of football today, and I pray for an Eagles win...if not no worries.  Hockey has already begun, we have 2 wins, and one comes against the Boston Bruins, I'm okay with this.  Never in a million years did I think I would convert and watch hockey...damn you Jason, Dave, George, and I watch and know stats.  Everyone be safe, and look forward to another great day.

It being Sunday and all...enjoy everyone.


  1. Is Kina the singer u shown me on youtube? if so, you def. made progress on inadvertently becoming her stalker this Sunday!! hahahaha!

  2. Hahaha...yup that would be her. I'm just going to admit it now...I'm a full blown stalker. :D

  3. You should be very proud of yourself. hahaha!
