Monday, October 31, 2011


It's that time of year again.  Kids dressing up, running around being little monsters.  Yes, it's Halloween.  I thought of writing something witty like, I don't know...teachers in service day.  However I decided to be classy and go against that notion.  Anywhoo, is it weird the younger generation is getting lazier and lazier? For some odd reason, passing out cookies this year, I've seen a lot of parents dropping off their kids in front of houses and then have the kids hop back in and go to the next house?  No bloody way.  Back in my day, and I only did trick or treating once in my life, I walked the entire time.  What is going on nowadays?  *Sigh* times are way too different.

So this year for Kate's Halloween party me and Jay lost a friend, and we came down to be a 2 man crew.  Seriously difficult year for us.  I missed Dave, we needed a third person, it was easier.  Well, Occupy Wall Street was our costume.  Not so proud of it this year, but guess what next year we come back with a vengeance and ten times better.

Hmm...what else on this awesome Halloween...Kim...oh hell no, I will never write her name on this blog...NEVER!!  Besides  it was a good time for a Halloween.  Tons of kids in their awesome costumes.  I'm looking forward to bringing my kids trick or treating.  It's awesome.  Keeping it short tonight ladies and gents...

I like to say one thing though.  It has been a very very weird year for me.  I don't know where the future leads, but I can say that I'm looking forward to it.  May the next few years be as amazing as a the last.  It has all been a very very bright learning experience.  Let's keep on learning.

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