Wednesday, October 5, 2011


And it begins, the epic journey to Amsterdam.  I get to leave it all behind. work, no stress, no worries, everything is gravy.  As I sit and wait for my flight, I can't help but wonder what is in store.  Woo seriously, I'm sitting here people watching, and the thing is this.  I'm totally frightened at the idea of me running amok in a city I've never been in, a city of sin that's 10x's worst than Vegas.  I'm going to be a wreck. no, I won't I swear I'm going to be the best kid that I can be.  You know what would be epic though, a beer before the flight.  Yeah, that's what I want, I think that's what I will do...brb

I'm thinking I'm going to have some sort of Anthony Bourdain epiphany, I wish I can do this as a living, travel, not alone, maybe with a companion of some sort...rambling, like I always do when I'm nervous.  Haha, that's all I really have folks for today, my brain is running 100 miles a minute.  And honestly, writing is not going to be my best today.  Stay well everyone, and watch for a better blog tomorrow.  By the time I land it'll be about 3:00 a.m. here in the states, but for me 8:00 a.m.  So I know I'm going to be running thin tomorrow, however there will be something up as I wait for Jason.  Once again enjoy the week everyone, it's going to be a hell of a week for me.

Oh, and I guess I've been dying to post this song for a little bit, don't worry folks, I'll get out all the crappy sappy songs out of the way soon.  It's just how I feel lately, that's all.  

Well, here's the thing, I know in the top portion I said I was done, however that was after the fact that I would have 2 doubles of Walker and a Guiness...I'm on vacation, I'm allowed to drink. yeah, I'm a little buzzed, and I'm a little more talkative, that's how I roll.  So there I am sitting at the bar contemplating to myself, why do things happen the way they do...and you know what really grinds my gears?  I have no fucking idea why...shit I even have the right to answer?  No, but well you know it's whatever, and I'm just going with it...seriously, fuck it.  I'm just going to let it ride.  I know for a fact tomorrow when I'm re-doing my blog this shit will be different, but for right now, I'm leaving it.  Seriously, I'm going to meet a shit ton of people in Amsterdam.  The first thing I want to do when I get off the plane is scream, "I'm here bitches!!!"  Obviously not smart at all.  No fucking way...but who knows, i'll get tackled by airport security.  

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