Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Final Evening

To all of you that have been following this blog for some time now, thank you.  Thank you for being a part of this journey I call life.  Thank you for thinking this blog has been somewhat interesting, and thank you for reading it, and giving me complete sanity throughout this trip.  I've done so many things in the past week, and I would like to say everything has been a learning experience.  I don't know what or where I'll be in he next few days, weeks, months, and even years.  I just know that I am hoping to head in a better direction.  That I am heading towards something that is new and exciting, that I will be there for my friends, and my friends will be there for me.

Now that that is out of the way, lets begin the blog.  Today in Amsterdam, was once again like no other.  I finally went to the Amsterdam Zoo...or the Artis as it is known.  It was breathtaking.  Aside from all the kids running around and screaming, it was just plain old awesome.  Remember going to the zoo the first time as a child?  It was like that for me today.  It had everything that I wanted it to have.  Everything that I needed it to be.  It had it's own aquarium, giraffes, chimpanzees, gorillas, lemurs, reptiles, even a building devoted to entomology, the study of insects.  Yay!!  Anyway, the walk over wasn't so bad.  I didn't get lost, I didn't have to ask anyone for directions...it just ended perfectly.

After my little excursion to the zoo, which turned out to be a very lengthy trip.  I went in search for a Dutch dinner.  So for all you people that have been hating or complaining about why I haven't had Dutch food yet, here you go.  Authentic dutch food the way it's suppose to be.  Right off the bat, I'm going to tell you this right now, dutch food is rich.  Okay, not rich, more hearty than rich.  It doesn't have a ton of creams or silky smooth textural foods.  It has more a meat and potato type vibe.  By no means is this bad.  Just that, it's heavy, and I can only have one meal today.  And well today this would be it.  However, the dish itself was splendid.  The red cabbage type slaw with the steamed carrots, awesome.  Something about the cabbage.  It was savory sweet, they must have steamed/boiled the cabbage in a reduced honey sauce, cause it was great.  I mean really great.  Loved, loved, loved.  As for the meats, there was grilled chicken, a beef stew type side, sausage, and all of this was served under a plate of Dutch mashed potatoes.  I don't know what that consists of, but it was darn good, hella good even.  I wasn't a big fan of the stew though, however it was fork tender, and the meat was falling right off.  Quite delicious, however the wine that was reduced down in it.  Hmm...okay, I wish they would have picked a heavier port I guess...however I'm not the chef so oh well.  And the sausage?  Excellent, I wished that they had given me more than two pieces though.  But no complaints whatsoever.  Oh, and it came with some pretty awesome sides, salad, frittes, and once again the cabbage and carrot combo.  Nice.  See below for some pics.  Once again a meat and potato type dish, however for a country that is constantly rainy and cold out.  I get it.   

Side of potatoes

The most delicious cabbage and carrot side every!

Salad with hollandaise sauces...nice.
Epic platter...quite yummy
All the dishes together...awesome!
Today was the day the way this Amsterdam trip needed to end.  Perfectly, and it did.  Now as I sit in my room, preparing for bed.  I'm typing this knowing what I'm coming back to.  And the thought of leaving Amsterdam saddens me.  My brother is right, I need out of Jersey.  I need out of the environment.  I need change.  I don't know whether it'll be good or bad.  I just need it.

If I've learned anything from Amsterdam it's this.  People are free here.  There are no worries.  What they worry about can be thrown out the window.  And that's it.  They know that nothing is ever serious and that life is always good.  No matter what?  Do we as Americans realize this?  Do we know that life is good?  Or are we constantly worrying about money, food, love, and everything in between?  Be true and good to yourself people.  Life is good, life will alway be good.  No matter what is missing, you'll find that thing sooner or later.  Sometimes, you'll find it when you aren't expecting it.  That's how that is suppose to work. I will always remember and realize this.  Thank you Amsterdam...thank you Europe, thank you Kina...everything is falling into place?  I hope.  I believe so.  It has to.

"Amsterdam is beautiful, Amsterdam is like Disneyland, all these buildings and everything.  It's just like Disneyland...but this is real life for you." - Kina Grannis

Amsterdam is just like Disneyland...for adults.  Go out there and explore it.  It's amazing.


  1. the music volume is so loud in the background i can barely hear you, but other than that it reminds me of the end of the movie 'the beach' - you'd be Leonardo DiCaprio's character.

  2. Hahahaha...okay Georgie. ^___^ Btw...sorry about the music being so loud. It was my first attempt at it. And since I only had one bottle of champagne, I couldn't do a retake. Uggh...I was smashed that night.
