Monday, October 17, 2011

Time for Change

Have you ever read the book, "Who Moved my Cheese?"  It's quite and interesting read.  I've always had this notion that I would never fear change.  However, I am frightful of it.  No one enjoys it, it's just the way things are.  People fear the unknown, and I am not an exception.  However, the book, "Who Moved my Cheese," has helped me get over change.  It's not that I hate change, it's just that I like to know what I'm jumping into.  Lately though, I'm loving the fact that things are changing.  As I get older, I'm learning to embrace it more and more.  Maybe it's the fact that, the same thing has bored me now for years.  I want something that will excite me beyond belief.  Maybe this is why I'm taking the leap of faith lately to do things different.  Traveling, volunteering...writing?  I want to write so much more whether it be here, journal, or lyrically.  I really wish I can write music.  If I can learn anything, I think that's what has to be next.

So I said that traveling is key to the many things that I would like to add to my repertoire of change.  I've already begun planning next year's trip to Italy already.  I'm praying that my friends and family will be coming with me, if not no worries.  I am still excited at the fact that I will be going there no matter what.  It is what I have to do.  I need to use this Italian that I have built up inside me.  I don't know if it was a past life thing or not, but I definitely need to see this part of the world.  Everything about it is otherworldly.  I will not miss this opportunity to travel the world.  I may be young, and brash.  But I refuse to miss out on the best part of my life.  I hope to be in Europe again next year, and I'm definitely hoping to be in Japan in 2 years.  It's a place that I have always dreamed about, and I know I can get to.  These are things on my bucket list.  I want to be able to say itadakimasu in Koto, Tokyo, Hiroshima, basically anywhere in Japan.  I think this is where I'm going to leave my mark.  I'm a person that loves it.  I've been bitten by the bug.  I'm in love with traveling.  Let it begin.

Today, I came back to work.  I've realized, I've missed a lot.  To my fallen friends.  You will be missed, it's a scary time we all live in, I hope to make it to the next round.  However, if not, then c'est la vie.  It just wasn't meant to be.  However, I like to say, I've put in the time and hours in to work.  I've always been a strong believer of taking pride in the work I do.  However, it's getting harder and harder to believe that lately.  *Sigh*

Oh, and I really wanted to promote Spotify.  It's a pretty amazing thing/app.  Seriously technology is taking everything to an entirely different level nowadays.  It's kinda scary where technology is going to take us in the next 10 years.  I would never imagine having a personal computer as my cell phone...but here we are.  It's grand and scary.  Beware of the Terminator...


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