Friday, October 7, 2011

Nom, nom, nom...

As I type this, I am snacking on a Pringle chip, and a bottle of Orangina, both of these items can be brought back in the states and are quite delicious, and it's totally European.  So here is the thing everyone, today has been extremely inspiring, awe-striking, and delicious.  I have had a heck of a day today.  It all started with a nice morning coffee.  Now obviously these coffees are a little different, and well, I can't really find a good one without it there.  The lifestyle is amazing over here.  It really is, I'm watching people drink their coffee and do what they are doing, okay, cool.

So anyway, after our little coffee excursion, we decided to hit the RLD (Red Light District).  It's weird, well not really, but I mean to see all these nice people, and all the tourists walking through.  Then these women are just hanging out there...once again Europe.  Heck of a place, quite funny really.  Check it out, not that you have to purchase anything, it's just for the experience.  Especially when I was doing a social project/observation.  There are a ton of senior citizen couples perusing the streets.  It's funny because, the older ladies and gents are giggling and having a good time with it as well...excellent.  Honestly, it's such a way of life over here, all the neighborhood families would walk through and it seems like nothing is going on.  Quite fascinating how there is not much censorship in this country. an American in their country, not that there is anything wrong with their way of life, just different.  I would wonder how prudish they would think of us?

Enough of the RLD, the next portion of the day consisted on looking for Anne Frank's huis.  However we made a pitstop for lunch.  Now I know what you're thinking, you're in the Netherlands, and I should be having some sort of Dutch cuisine and all this, blah, blah, blah.  So I'm going to tell you now, don't read this section.  It's going to make you vomit.  If you're still reading, then you've been forewarn.  So me and Jay stop by a Mexican restaurant.  Yes, I know, that's pretty exotic, but it's not what I was expecting to have either.  And it turns out it was an Indian gentleman, speaking Italian, running the place.  Quite a surprise look on my face, but I still wanted to try it.  And to my expectation...well it wasn't that bad.  Pretty good even.  It's a little different, but not bad at all.  Of course as we went our merry way, we said our goodbyes and headed towards Anne Frank's House.

Of course, this section should be respected.  And everyone should go out and read the book if you haven't done so already.  A child, no scratch that, a woman of great courage wrote an entire script/novel/memoirs/autobiography, when she should have been frightened, and and on pins and needles for 24 hours a day.  Her and her family missed the liberation by only one month.  Such a tragedy.  This is the home that I had visited today.  To go through an entire museum knowing this is where someone had been captured during the time of Nazi Germany, and could have lived to survive it, if only they had not been ratted out, it is extremely somber to hear.  May her and her family R.I.P.  

After the very educational and quite emotional house, we had gone searching for the Van Gogh museum.  I feel extremely cultured today.  So anyway, we finally get to the Van Gogh Museum.  Now, this place was quite shallow and pedantic...someone please get this reference.  Anyway, seriously, Van Gogh museum...amazing.  It's nice to see the work that the man had created, nice to do a redo of a study of Van Gogh.  Love the colors, loved the muted looks, loved everything.  Now, don't get me wrong...I am not in anyway at all shaped or formed for this thing, I'm not artsy, I'm not super cultured, or even know when a picture is harsh, jagged, soft, or whatever.  I likes what I see, and I sees what I like...done and done. 

Finally, the walk home...technically this was kinda blurry, all I know is I'm in my room, I had a meal, and now I'm sitting back, blogging, and eating a lot of different snacks right now.  Thanks Jay, this is awesome!!!  Well, till tomorrow I guess, "Proost!!!"

By the way, I decided to switch it around, and put all the pictures on Facebook...sorry if you can't see them.  But, I took some pretty epic pics.  Ohh...yeah I'm if you'll excuse me, I'm going to finish my Pringles and Funyuns, my beer, and my Orangina, and whatever else snacks I have.  Peace peace y'all...

"Most days of the year are unremarkable. They begin, and they end, with no lasting memories made in between. Most days have no impact on the course of a life. May 23rd was a Wednesday."

Name that quote...and from where...GO!

Quick updated, I had a Broodje it seems.  It was good Jay says.  From here on out, I will enjoy all my meals and savor every last bite.

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