Monday, October 3, 2011

So it Has Come to This...

Wow, one more day.  I can't believe it's almost here.  24 hours, get done work, work out, and get ready for my trip.  That is all I'm waiting for now.  I have so many things I want to do over in Amsterdam.  The rose fields, the Heineken Brewery, Anne Frank's House, Van Gogh Museum, and oh so much more.  I honestly can't wait.  I have an entire week of exploring.  I think my favorite part of this entire trip will obviously be the Kina concert...I can't believe it's happening.  I get to meet my idol one more time, the whole reason behind this trip.
Well, anyway, here I am, everything is basically packed.  I have this feeling though...I guess no matter what, even though I'm getting away from it all.  All I can think about is what the future entails.  I don't know why I'm so worried, good things are bound to happen.  I just need to follow my own advice, live up to it I guess.
Lately I've been having the same dream over and over again.  Is that bad?  Probably not, however it reminds me of those movies where a recurring dreams constantly happen.  It's really the first time this has happened to me.  I wish someone could analyze it.  However, I'm to lazy to even look it up.  For now, I'm going to let it ride out, and whatever happens...happens.  C'est la vie I guess.  That's just how I live life.  Sometimes with regrets, but I constantly remind myself that you can't live life with any I'm constantly pushing and moving forward.  Sometimes though, I wish I wasn't such an idiot, and I wish I could just let things go...but I guess that wouldn't make

So today's song of choice is by a band call She and Him.  If you know Zoey Deschanel, well this is her band.  By the way...I'm totally in love with her.  So watch her new show, and enjoy the song.  It's epic.


  1. we wanna know what the dream was about

  2. First things first gotta teach Dave how to leave a comment, he has been trying for some time now.

    As for the dream, it always starts the same, I'm sleeping in my bed, and I suddenly wake up. So I walk down the stairs. Now the stairs aren't the ones in my house, I think I'm in like this new wave apartment/studio. It's weird. And as I'm walking down the steps, the sun is shining through the window, and there is this huge glare, and at the bottom of the steps is a figure of a woman, she looks young, like 25-35 age range, however I can never see her face, but she's always there. I call for her, I never call the right name it seems, and she never answers. And as I reach the final steps, where I will be able to see her, I always wake up at the same time...every night it has been like this for about a week now. I'm constantly waking up every night at around 3:00 - 3:30...I have no idea what it is. It has just been like this.
