Saturday, October 8, 2011

Kina Day

Today is the day, I get to see Kina one more time today.  Soooo excited.  Stinks though, because Jay is sick.  I was hoping to visit some more places in the city, however I don't want to push Jay too hard, kid deserves some rest.  He is leaving tomorrow and everything.  This makes me super sad, can't believe he's leaving already, and I'm already 3 days into my trip already.

It seems like my sleep schedule is adjusted accordingly.  I'm really glad I didn't sleep that first day, and I pushed myself as hard as I did.  However what sucks is that, even though I'm in another country, my brain still isn't.  So I still have the repeated dreams, and the whole entire waking up at 3:00 - 3:30 process.  Quite interesting.  I guess all that means is I have to do more things to get it off my mind.  I don't know what that would be, but I'll think of something here.  I hope Jay is up for doing a little absinthe tonight.  I really wanted to try it at least once, that or at least going to some sort of torture museum.  That sounds exciting, and if not even that, I think I would be just as excited to continue getting lost in the city.  I think that's what's going to happen.  Once again, I don't want to push Jay...

So the baseball season is over, am I surprised?  Yes, of course I am, I hate the fact that we are no longer in it, there shouldn't be any reason.  However, I guess we got beaten by the best...but Wei, they're just the the best, boy.

Anyway, not much else for now since the day is just beginning, however I will be sure to take a ton of pics for tonight, and obviously get myself even more hyped for Kina.

"If I ruled the world. Every man would see the world was his friend. Yeah, there'd be happiness that no man could end, no my friend, not if I ruled the world." - Jamie Cullum
Thought a Kina vid would be appropriate as well...

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