Thursday, November 3, 2011

Watch the Throne

Jay is chillin, Ye is Chillin, what more can I say, they're killin it.  Okay okay enough of that.  So last night I went to the Watch the Throne tour, and all I can say is this.  It was amazing.  I mean absolutely mind blowing awesome.  The lights, the theatrics, the mystic behind the entertainment.  It was all done so superbly.  And not only that, have you ever heard other rappers live?  They aren't very good, but man, Kanye and Jay-Z were fantastic.  I loved every minute of the concert.  Even though the opening act bailed, it was all worth it in the end.  Just a great concert all around.  

So the concert was set to begin at 7:30, me and Ant get there, and we get to our at this point I'm about a drink and a half in, and I'm getting ready to hear an opening act.  However we learn that the opening act has bailed and that there will be none.  From what I hear from the people around me, this is what Jay and Kanye did in everyone around kept bitching and complaining, I only had one thing on my mind.  I can't two all time favorite rappers alive, and I get to see them both.  They are the throne.  And as I'm thinking this...all of a sudden...

H.A.M. drops...this is it this is what I have been waiting for since Kanye ripped T. Swizzle on the MTV video awards, after he canceled his tour with Lady Gaga, I'm finally going to see one of the greatest rappers alive do his thing, and we were off.  H.A.M. was one of the first songs I have heard off the album, and it is amazing.  I loved it from day one, and knew I would be getting the album immediately after it came out.  Yeah, this was the song that did it.  

The song after H.A.M. was Otis, another good song, however it wasn't until after Otis, till the show really began.  Soon we would have a light show, fire, and lasers all over the place.  It was amazing.  Hit after hit, song after song.  It just put a huge grin on my face, I couldn't believe what I was experiencing.  Now I don't know if it was the mj that was wafting from the people next to us, or if I was just in pure nostalgic mode, however every time I heard a song I loved, I got the chills and goosebumps.  Not only did they performed songs off of the "Watch the Throne," album.  But they also performed their own hits as well...Jesus Walks, Hard Knock Life, Heartless, Hova, Good Life, H to the Izzo, and then some.  I can't even name them all.  It was awesome.  Kanye and Jay know how to put on a show, it was amazing all night I was waiting for this one song, and they played it three times.  "N*ggas in Paris."  Oh so good...loved it.  

Of course the night had to come to an end however, it wouldn't close without Hova doing "Encore."  It felt great throwing a Roc sign in the air and screaming HOVA HOVA HOVA...and of course, Jay being the man that he is..."Everybody scream out, Kan-ye, Kan-ye, Kan-ye..."  KAN-YE KAN-YE KAN-YE, oooh so good.  

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