Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wei Tak is Getting Married

Well here it is folks, Wei is going down for the count.  The age of our youth has come to an end, and WT is the first to bite that bullet.  It seems like yesterday that the brother I was messing around with and getting in trouble, but now well he has finally grown up.  Nothing but love buddy, I hope he had a great weekend, because I had a blast at his bachelor party.  

With some parts missing, it was nothing but good times, drinking, eating and clubbing, love you brah.  

Okay, so lets get to the next portion of this blog…the speech.  As Wei's best man, I've been having trouble coming up with this thing.  I keep thinking I'm going to be witty and think of something funny.  If I'm thinking that, then why is this coming out harder than it's suppose to be, god damn it.  I know it's not an easy thing and tons of people have done it before me.  The real question is how do I make it different and stand out?  There are three ways I can do this.  I can…

1. Create a song…yeah, I guess I can rap it, or write a song, or even attempt to play a guitar and write a song.  Idiotic?  Yes?  Of course yes, however it would be intriguingly different…holy schnikes…intriguingly is a word?  Bam, and boom goes the dynamite.  

B-T-Dub…this girl killed it…white girls…trying to make things cool since forever…god dammit.

2. Write a witty poem, with lots of sentimental value.  I don't know about this one.  I can't really make shit rhyme…so technically I can't really rap either.  Fuck…couldn't I just do N*ggas in Paris?  French toast.

3.  Okay so that leaves me with my last and final option, to go all out on the best "BEST MAN SPEECH EVER!!!"  What does this speech consist of?  Sentimental opening, funny hysterical moments, a rap song, and ending with an over sentimentalized poem.  That's it, that's how I'm doing this shit right here.  

So honestly, how many people did I fool there?   Probably not a lot, but I'm trying my best.  Anywhoo, this is where I'm at the moment, stuck on this MacBook thinking it's time I decide on my next move on this speech…god dammit…I'm screwed. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Grind My Gears

You know what Grind My Gears?  Stupid dumb kids all across America playing a dumb, idiotic, and completely pointless game called, "Knock-out."  Let's discuss what "Knock-out," is.  It's a game where kids have created by walking up to unsuspected people, and literally hitting them in the face/head and knocking them out.  That's right, just literally knocking them out.  Not worrying about them collapsing on the floor, or getting any sort of concussion, nothing.  Oh, and did I tell you, sex, race, age, none of that matters it seems.  It's just a funny game that these kids think it's hilarious.

First off, where the fuck do you get off just hitting someone unexpectedly like that?  How the fuck is this a game?  You're not evening robbing these people, instead this is some sick and twisted enjoyment you're getting out of this.  I swear to Buddha, these kids are not learning a god damn thing.  Instead, you have these kids, and well this generation.  They're just fucking incompetent.  Racism running wild, violence running wild.  It' fucking ridiculous.  I'm cursing a lot because, honestly this has been making my blood boil for the last two weeks.  Starting out in the midwest, this is a trend that should have never happened.

Here's the kicker folks, I'll be damn if this continues and it doesn't stop.  I don't like choosing violence, but I sure as hell do not want to see a bunch of kids running around and knocking people out for no apparent reason.  So I say this now, you better hope you don't run into someone that isn't going to get knocked out, and is going to show your face a thing or two.  If I had my say, you'll be seeing brass of some sort, and a broken arm.

You know what grinds my gears, disrespectful kids, that think this is the greatest thing on earth.  I hope someone runs up on you and slams your face to the ground…

End Rant.

Wei-isms and Other Misc.

Lately I've been looking back and reflecting on my life.  I've realized something about myself.  I say a lot dumb shit.  Seriously a lot of dumb things.  Lets take the first one for example.  I once sat in Dave's car, and on our way home from Suze's I just looked out the window and after a minute pause all that came out was…"Sprinkler's."  Yup, that's me in a nutshell really.  Too me, I have a few pretty clutch lines that I go to back and forth with…let's explore some Wei-isms.

1.  Buckets

I honestly got this off of Dave.  Dave said he got this off of college.  All I know is that I use it for everything that is good in life.  However this didn't come into real play until me and Dave became beer pong partners or beirut.  Whatever you want to call it…just remember, every shot you make…it's buckets.  

2.  Chile today, Hot Tamale

My go to joke when the whether is either cold or hot outside.  Sometimes you gotta bring back the classics, and this is such a Wei line, I don't even know who else uses this thing anymore, it's just funny and happy to me.  So if someone ask you what the weather is in South America, just let them know, it's Chile today, and hot tamale.  

3.  Epic

This is some good college verbiage learned from college.  Georgie introduced the line, Wei decided to keep the it and continue using it.  I don't know, I sure hear Charlie Sheen using it nowadays.  But fudge it, that's a Wei line now, so accept it.  

Hmm…realizing how hard this is now Jay, dammit.  This may be a a task that is completed within a few posts.  Let's see how this works out…until the next set of Wei-isms

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Oh Hey 29, What's Up?

My last post was on September 5, 2013.  It has been quite some time, and well.  There have been many things going on in my life.  Well, I guess there is.  It's been a tumultuous two months.  First off, work has gotten ten times better.  I guess you can say I started working with one of the greatest people on earth again.  That's right, me and the Shirleynator is back together again, brining down all those mortgage defaulters.  Yup that's right, that's happening.  What else can I say, the duo is back, and that's just the first thing that has happened in the past two months.  It's great.

Well that's some good news, seriously, why wouldn't it be right?  Any bad news?  Not that I can think of right now.  All my friends are getting married that's another biggie that has been going on around here.  I guess, I'm just waiting for everyone else to just hit that mark I guess.  Man, I am fucking up, I'm just really falling behind here.  Does that make sense?  Seriously, does it?  I guess it does, I'm am just not doing anything…save me JEBUS!!

Well, I guess that's not all true.  I've been bitten with the smitten bug again.  It has been a while since this happened I guess.  I guess really since the B word.  Man, the B word was pretty nice pretty.  I always thought she was.  That's just how it was back in the day, I guess it still is now.  However, I guess as I get older, I just don't give a shit anymore.  For me though, I've always been one of those picky bastards.  Takes a lot for me to be smitten I guess…this shit better work.

Sports sports sports…sometimes being a Philly sports fan sucks, and well this year has been extremely craptacular.  Phils are out, Eagles aren't doing so hot, Flyers just suck, and well…I'm hoping the Sixers suck for Wiggins.  #WinlessForWiggins Indeed.

Oh hey, you know what was awesome.  My 29th birthday.  I don't remember too much of the festivities, but I know that it was an amazing night.  Let's begin with dinner shall we.  A nice Chinatown meal with some of my closes friends.  Not everyone was there, i.e. Dave and Steffie.  But close enough.  The second part of the night?  Well, that's where it gets extremely hazy.  Kinda like the Moors of Scotland.  I remember having my first drink, a Ginger and gin drink.  Tango did not have any Tanqueray for some reason.  Oh, well.  Oh, and keep in mind they were having a Halloween party at this place. My second drink, I don't another Gin and Ginger.  It's the third drink that kind f*cked up my shit.  I know Ying made me spill by 3rd gin and ginger, but like a hero, George came through in the clutch and gave me his Samuel Adams Octoberfest.  This is where things start to get hazy.  First off, never buy bottle service at a club.  Secondly, never buy a bottle of Ace of Spade champagne at a club.  That's just idiotic.  Unless you're Jay-Z…and I am not Jay-Z.

That's just plain old silly Wei…plain old silly.

So the night goes on, Wei does some rapping, and well, Wei also does some vomiting.  If I could remember this night, I would.  However this night also brought along me breaking my car keys somehow.  I don't know how, and I don't really remember when.  It just happened.  Thanks guys and gals, 29 is going to be memorable.  Lets see what 30 will bring us shall we?

So this has been my life these last couple of months.  Trust me, I'm brining the blog back in a way of some sort.  For better or for worse, this thing isn't going away yet.  I'm still going to be writing and talking about my dumb shit that I go through.

Yup this is happening enjoy folks.  Ball so Hard

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Last Words

Been thinking about this again...It's a weird and a touchy subject.  Lets be honest, death is not a fun topic to discuss.  However, it's not really death that I wish to speak of, more so the last few words that you say.  I never really thought what my last words would be.  In hindsight this is kind of depressing.   However sometimes you got to get through the depressing stuff to actually see what you're really missing.

Last year around this time, my dad had a scare with stroke.  That was an extremely scary time.  He had an issue with his eye, his blood pressure was through the roof, and all in all it was an extremely scary and dire situation.  My dad is the strong silent type, and he never really says much.  However, after the scare, it was good to hear him speak and say some encouraging things.  I'm glad now that my dad is better, and I really can't say anything bad.  He still needs to watch his diet, but he's doing well.

Like I said, my dad is not one to say a lot, however I'm glad I know enough about my father that I know what is thoughts were.  However, no last words were given to me by him.  Instead I got a gentle squeeze that made me realize that everything will be okay.  It's a scary thing to go through, but definitely a great feeling once you're out of it.

I was thinking, maybe my last few words would be, love you guys...and well, now I gotta drop a deuce.

Doode, this girl is only 16...crazy, and I can't stop listening to this song.  Dammit.

Friday, August 30, 2013

World War Z

We've had this discussion before.  I've brought up the idea of the zombie apocalypse, and then some.  I brought up ways I would protect my friends and family with guns, samurai swords, and metal bats and crow bars.  Heck, I even been looking at AR-15s lately, and I know that's going to happen soon.  However lately, I've been wondering about humankind.  Let's just say an apocalypse happens?  What is our move, and our steps to survive?  Will human kind survive?

After reading World War Z, the vivid images just kept running through my mind, and hearing these stories of the fictional characters just seem so life like.  I could just hear the voices in my head.  I don't know.  Maybe the fact that stories are so life like, that's what scares me the most.  What happens when the world is confront with Patient Zero?  

The book really just shows how human's survive, what it takes, what the tolls of the war will really look like.  A decade long war, that is forever.  Who comes out of a war like this?  Honestly?  Jay called it, running zombies are going to literally fuck shit up.  However, what about a world that is overrun by the literally the walking dead?  Can they be stopped?  Look, I'm not saying Max Brook's book is the answer, however I will have to admit.  There is a lot of great logic in it.  

When the time comes, so may call it an evil and ill gotten way to survive.  However, lets admit this.  Not everyone is going to survive this thing.  Right?  Isn't it safe to say that?  However the real question is, would it be wrong to use certain people as undead bait?  While a large group gets away?   Look, do you sacrifice the lives of a few thousands to save the lives of a few tens to hundreds of thousands?  For the sake of humanity's existence, wouldn't this be for the best?  Look I'm not saying I have the answers, but ask yourself that?  Wouldn't that be the right answer?  

I was ask this question recently, would I let my family and friends die to save the lives of tens of thousands.  I had to really think hard about this one.  I don't know what the right answer is, however I'll make it easier for my friends and family that are reading this.  When the time comes, and you had to choose, save the lives of the others.  I promise I won't hate you, for the greater good.   It's understandable.  

This is what this book has done to me.  Could I think it through that way?  Could I survive and sacrifice when the time came?  I don't ever want to know that answer.  However I like to believe I survive a world like that, and I like to believe humans will make the right choice when it came down to it.  I like to believe we would all rise above our differences and take out the trash that was left behind.  God, I hope I'm right, and I hope we don't live in a world like the Walking Dead, where everyone is out for themselves.  Dammit...

Stupid Blogger not letting me add the video I really wanted.  

Monday, August 19, 2013

Racism is Still Alive, They Just be Concealing It

Lately this has been a super touchy subject.  We have our Zimmerman file bringing up a bad taste in our mouths.  However lately more and more of this shit is coming out.  Why?  I don't know.  You would think in this time and age, our world should be evolving by now?  Right?  Evolving...right?  Well it's not.  No we do not live in the age of Emmett Till, well god I hope not, however this is the age we live in.  So why do I bring this subject up?  Well, it's just the strange phenomenon.

Is it odd that the whole Riley Cooper thing just made me feel like someone should be punched?  I mean, is it okay that one man is being attacked?  Of course it is, a drunken idiot spewed a bunch of hateful obscenities that was extremely uncalled for.  You know what also makes that a shitty preposition, a man who thinks he's entitled to be backstage cause..."I'm a Philadelphia Eagle."  Grow up buddy, you aren't entitle to crap, so get off your high horse, and remember what it's like to not have money.  Dip shit.

Now the second part?  Do African Americans get a pass to say the derogative "N" word like it's just a regular word?  My thought behind this?  No, and yes I understand that they are okay to say it.  However, if we want our future generations to stop saying that word, shouldn't you not lead the example and continue saying that word?  Isn't there another word that could be used besides it?  I mean, hell rappers use a million words, however you are constantly using that word over and over.

Alright, so lets think about this.  There are derogatory terms to name every race.  However when it comes down to it, in the US of A, you know that if you're caucasian, you basically have free range in this country.  However, any other race, well you kinda have to work at it.  However that is no excuse to expect free handouts.  As an Asian kid growing up, it was rough.  Especially for my brother and sisters.  I guess as time went on, it got easier for me.  Maybe it was the way I acted, maybe it was the way I presented myself, and had all this confidence to get me through each day.  Maybe I was just nice to people, and being good to people makes people good to you.  Isn't that something we can all learn?  Can't we all just be good to each other?  Maybe that's the first step to receiving the first answers to our utopian future.  Just maybe.

Seriously can Kina be any cooler? 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Just Banging Away...

I don't know how long it has been since I've been off the grid for this thing.  I'll tell you what.  Probably forever.  Probably a real longtime.  Honestly a shit ton has gone down.  I've been places, I've seen things and I've heard things.  So to begin, lets talk about Europe.

Amsterdam, Paris, London.  I visited three awesome cities in a span of 9 days.  Obviously not enough time to visit three amazing cities, however just enough time to cause enough damage.  I started my trip with meeting up with Davie H. and Steffie in Amsterdam.  Talk about an amazing time.  First off I have to say this, going back to the city I loved?  Amazing, I never thought I be back that soon since my last trip, however here I was.  A lot has changed since 2011, and yet a ton of it hasn't changed.  As we continued our journey through the city we had seen tons of sites and sounds.  My favorite part of the city had to be the Ice Bar...I'm totally lying.  The Ice Bar was terrible, and definitely not worth the Euros spent.  Honestly, never ever again.  In all seriousness, the walking tour of the Red Light District was awesome.  Just plain old awesome.  So much history, and so many interesting stories and details.


Oh, and yes a ton of condoms.  However it wasn't all about sex, drugs, and rock and roll.  We definitely had our drinking time as well.  Steffie got to be a certified pourer, and me.  Well I got to watch and not drink as much.  

Stop two on the trip, Paris.  This is when me and Dave parted ways from Steffie, she got to head on home, however me and Dave's adventure was just beginning.  The train ride?  Amazing, the seats themselves?  First class, I don't want to travel any other way.  Good times honestly.  Once dropped off, we get to the Metro, only to discover stupid tourist taking up the entire line of the I remember as soon as we got to the streets of Paris, I screwed Dave and misguided our direction.  So what if we went in a different direction, it was an adventure.  I'll tell you who minded...I sure as hell did.  Stupid Wei, just fucking up everything.  

What was so great about Paris?  Well honestly, I felt Paris just screwed me from the beginning.  Getting lost, Eiffel Tower not being open, the Louvre not being open on Tuesdays.  I don't know it annoyed me to know end.  However in the end, Paris was my favorite after all.  Just sitting in front of the Eiffel Tower smoking Cubans made it all just worth it you know.  That and all the dinners we had in France.  Food was amazingly epic.  I mean real epic.  


Excellent Carpaccio

Chocolate crepe with Nutella and banana

London, what can I say about London?  You ever wonder how America would be if everyone was just super classy?  Like snooty nose in the air snooty?  Well that's what London reminds me of.  Not that being snooty is bad.  Just upper crusty like.  Food?  Food, was different, not great, but different.  Meat pies, fish and chips, other random foods.  Well honestly, we had ramen and Chinese food.  And a lot of gambling in London.  Have to admit, London was nice, however not my favorite place.  I would definitely say Amsterdam was better than London.  

Dave eating Ramen
English Breakfast, with bubble and toast

English Eye

Tower Bridge
Across the way of Tower Bridge
Well here we are, a little over a month now out of Europe and all I can think about is, well I kinda want to just go back to Europe.  Another thing that I'm missing, a new job of some sort.  I'm honestly thinking that I'm in a rough patch of some sort, and I need to go back.  Anyway, this was my European trip.  Had a blast, had some laughs, and now, all I want is a Amsterdam type Bicycle to ride around.  Yes, a one speed.  Honestly though, shout-out to Dave, thanks buddy.  Thank you to Dave and Steffie.  Thanks for making me take that leap.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Back into the City I Love

Well it looks like I'm back.  Back, and making a stance.  Well no stance really, just making most of my day.  It's almost two over here and I'm still running strong.  Even after almost 2 years, still coming back is the most nostalgic feeling.  Did I get lost from Schiphol airport?  Nope, did I get lost trying to find Dave?  Nope, I still remember a few directions, and I even remember a restaurant I've been to a couple of years ago.  Still loving this city, and still trying to find things I haven't done the first time I was here.  I love this town.  I'm going to keep riding til I collapse.

I've taken Dave to a few places, but we did the usual stuff.  Kinda running low still, however, I needed to get this blog out.  We had travelled a majority of the day on Monday, Thalys, no great wi-fi on the train, and I'm pretty positive I paid for that service when I had brought the tickets.  Oh well.  Making the best of my morning and getting some writing done.

So my first impression of Paris, it reminds me of New York, second impression, rap here is awesome.  Lets see what this place has to offer, I'm looking forward to seeing some of the other sites and sounds.  So as of right now, this is a quick one.  I'm off to see if Paris can wow me as much as Amsterdam has...lets see.

Peace out Girl Scouts.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Remember the days when we were younger?  Remember when we had Arcades?  For some, you're thinking your XBox XBLA, however, for me it was a place where I spent a ton of quarters, that's right quarters.  You drop it in a slot, grab a controller and start tapping buttons, let the games begin.  As a childhood era thing, I'm going to bring some obscure arcade games that you may or may not have seen or heard of before.  Times up let's do this shit...

10.  Legendary Wings

I loved this game as a kid growing up.  I've wasted so many quarters playing this game.  Capcom made some awesome sidescrollers/shooters, and well this wasn't an exception to it.  This was one of my favorites growing up.  I played this all the time at a nearby supermarket.  Loved every minute of it.  

9.  Raiden II

Another great game.  I enjoyed it tremendously.  Very similar to Legendary Wings, but with jets, and super power ups.  I don't know, it was just fun to me.  However I was just a kid, and well now.  It seems kinda repetitive, but man...I loved it.  

8.  Golden Axe 

My first beat'em up.  Golden Axe, how good was this game?  Seriously, I'm not big on fantasy, but man, you get magic, hot chick, and a small little elf with, well what else?  A golden Axe, oh and yeah, definitely don't forget, you get to ride on little dragons, so yeah.  Work with that.  

You know, I'm going to finish this list, but I wanted to say something else.  I've been thinking and I'm really looking forward to this.  Europe is right around the corner, and I can't seem to think of anything else.  I don't get it, it's just Europe right, just another place.  Nope, it's the greatest place I can think of.  I't going to be nothing but a blasty blast.  I'm pretty positive Dave is going to enjoy it as well.  

Speaking of which, this all wouldn't be possible without that kid.  I'm glad he knew I was dumb enough to say yes.  I'm also glad that I didn't turn it down.  There is so much going in my life right now, and well, I'm just bored of it all.  I kinda need this get away.  I'm also thinking I can find a life changing experience out there.  Climbing the steps up to the Eiffel Tower, licking the Louvre, all that crazy stuff.   Lets do this Dave!  Woooo!!!

One last thing, have a good flight buddy, be safe, and I'll see you in Amsterdam.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Dumb Shit I Do

You know, I've done a lot of dumb crap in my life.  Am I the most spontaneous person?  No, I'm very logical at the shit I choose and things I think about.  Hell, I like to believe I have a plan for everything.  So what happens when I don't think and just do?  Well, let begin with the basics shall we...

Yesterday was a day I said...oh screw it.  I'm just going to take off today.  So I had the notion that, well if I do this, I'm just going to do it.  Off work and no crazy particular plan.   I took off, and decided, hell it's time to do my own thing.  I spent the majority of my morning looking for chef knives and looking for something to do for the day.  Coming through the clutch?  David with a plan.  Because he took a half day, I decided to come up and have myself a little visit.  The start to a beautiful "Oyster" Day.  As you may or may not know, Oyster day is the day I say, oh fuck it, I do what I want, and the world is my oyster.  However on this special Oyster day Dave convinced me of two things, the internet sucks, and it's ruining people's lives.  The second being, I probably should go to Europe with him and have the greatest time ever.  I decided...yes the internet does suck, and yes.  I will go to Europe.

Here we go again folks, 2011 I went to Amsterdam for the very first time.  And in 2013.  I'm back on my European tour.  The city of Lights, and London itself.  It's going to be pretty magical.  And I'm all about that excitement right now.  I wanted something different, and being spontaneous like this, well it just seems like the most intelligent and logical move ever.  Am I going to enjoy myself on this trip?  You know god damn well I am.  I just honestly can't believe it's happening again to me, and I just can't believe it's happening this soon.  Welcome back, welcome back to something that is going to be out of this world and amazing.  Oh man, I can't believe I'm doing it.  Weird, but should be awesome.

Now, the post wouldn't be called dumb shit I do for a reason.  As I sit out here typing this, I realized two things.  I suck at drunken Jeopardy and that always leads me to do something idiotic, and you should never eat a 24 oz. steak like you're eating a 12 oz.  I gotta stop doing that.  However last night what do I go and do.  Hit up Arthur's Steakhouse and purchase myself a delicious and beautifully cut 24 oz., and of course right after that, I play stupid sloppy drunken Jeopardy.  It's a thing I do I guess.  I'm learning to accept this in life, and learning that...well.  I'm not the smartest guy out there.  Honestly, I'm actually a pretty dumb person, smart when I have to be, but just happy go lucky enough to be dumb enough for my own good.

So that leaves me in the position I'm in now.  As I woke up this morning, roughly around 4:45 a.m.  I said, okay I'll be quiet enough to pack my shit, and fold my sheets, and head on out.  Lo and behold, as I have everything prepped, and ready to leave I do three things.  Grab my Macbook Charger, my ducky tie, and lock the lock on the front door.  What I didn't do was grab my keys to my car.  Now I'm stuck outside Dave's apartment without my keys and with my laptop.  However, I'm not very far away, because I still have access to his internet, and a wall charger.  ^___^  Thank god, I swear if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all.  That's how that goes I guess...


I just like listening to Kina Talk...she's smart.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Weekend Fun...Or PITA ?

Last weekend was pretty excellent.  No work with the Washington lady.  I'm pretty positive I'm going to work with someone else.  This caused a conflict of interest, but as long as I can get into this place.  That's all that really matters to me right now.  So yes, it was still a great weekend.  I hung out with Chucky and Ching T.  It was a long and interesting weekend. So lets begin...

The weekend started by heading down to Delaware on Friday.  We had an excellent dinner at Tuto Fresco.  Not a ton of restaurants in the Delaware state, however the one I found was excellent.  I enjoy my Italian, my carbonara, and the parpadella pasta.  What an excellent evening, filled with scotch and computer surfing.  I was definitely looking for my Glock online.  How sad is that?  Seriously...hahaha.  Anyway, the weekend started with looking for my Glock22, and you know what, gun people are dicks.  Either that they are all rednecky and no one wanted to help.  Bunch of dicks really.  

That leads me to buy a gun online.  Weird, but it works, went through a FFL dealer, and well, all I'm waiting for now is my NIC or my background check.  I should be getting it by early or mid June.  Fun, with that in mind, I'm definitely hoarding bullets.  awesome.  

Weekend was a huge success, brought a pair of $150 Cole Hans...I just spent money left and right, and well, that's going to continue into this weekend as well.  Which leads to my next subject.

Seriously, how good is my favorite weekend?  Pretty damn good.  I've huge plans for our bbq this weekend, and for my friends that read this.  I think you're in for a huge treat this year.  Lets do one of our last years right, and as big as every.  That's all I'm going to say about that.  

I've been keeping really busy this year, I'm trying to get myself on the right path, and I know that rushing things will not help anyone.  Everyone has their own way in life, and well.  I'm hoping this is going to go well.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I'm Doing This Right...Right?

Before I start this blog tonight, this is going to be for Jay.  Jay you asked for some spots to eat, and well if I had gone with you these are what I would've had.  So let the eating extravaganza begin.

1. Breakfast/Late Night Eating

13 Coins
125 Boren Avenue, North
Seattle, WA 98109

So lets begin with breakfast, this is your swanky late night eats that serve diner food, but better, definitely check it out after a night a drinking with Jillian, and if you wanna keep the night going, get a glass of wine and watch the funniness pursue.  However seriously get the chicken fried steak, I heard they make a great one here. 

2. Lunch

309 South Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104

I swear Posef, if you don't go here for lunch, I'm going to be quite upset.  These are old school salumis and well if you like the prosciutto, mortadella, and all that old world stuff that you've been missing since Italy, this is the place to get it.  I swear Po, if you don't go...ugh, I'm just going to be furious...and yes, this place is owned by Mario Batali's father.  This is THE place.  Go, don't hesitate, and if they have braised ox tail...get it.  

3. Dinner

89 University Street, The Harbor Steps
Seattle, WA 98101

Cochon means pig in French, and this restaurants specialty?  Well I don't know, but its from farm to table, and their European influence makes this a restaurant must.  Go, and have the pork belly, hell have anything that is pig related.  This is the restaurant you want for dinner.  Oh man.  

Okay Jay, I gave you three great restaurants, if you don't try them, well I tried.  I think you will really enjoy them.  If not, well then I would've really liked them.  Heck, if I'm out there I'm going to try them. Damn it, I really wish I was going to Seattle now.  The birthplace of grunge, Starbucks, and so on and so forth.  

Now for our regularly scheduled program.  Well, I don't really have much, actually still thinking about things.  I guess I'm at the beginning stage of infatuation at the moment.  BOOOOOO...I need to get things off my mind.  Tomorrow I pick up my fire arms permit.  Looks like I'm picking up my glock 22 tomorrow.  I can't wait to get my gun, I can't wait to join a gun club.  Really looking forward to it.  I know I know, do I really need one?  No, but I'm getting it anyway for protection.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Just Don't Think About It

Easier said than done.  I'm trying not to think too much.  Trying not to let my brain wander where it shouldn't.  However, I am and will continue to do so.  Instead, my head will think of something that I'm not suppose to at all, and because of that, my work will suffer, i.e. today.  It's always that exciting feeling, and I guess, well I guess I got that feeling.  I don't know how long it's going to last, but man, sometimes it's that best feeling.

Well, I have a few big things coming up, this weekend is very important.  I gotta make sure this place is the place of all places.  I don't want to go in thinking that it's good, but turns out to be a money pit, draining every single funds that I have.  I'm very excited about the place, and this is my chance.  Time to take the next leap of faith.

I'm sitting here watching Bar Rescue, I've realized what fear can do to people, and how much people can be manipulated by it.  I guess owning your own business.  Actually, it's not just business, however I guess life in general.  Asking that special someone, or even getting that job you think you can't do.  I guess fear controls a lot.

Man, this is the where my heart is at right now, oh geez.

So I was listening to Preston and Steve today and they had a really awesome discussion.  Lets say it came down to it.  You had to either choose between your hearing or your sight.  A lot of people would say they would rather keep their sight, and lets think about this.  Yes, you'll still see all those spectacular colors, the faces of love ones.  You gotta imagine keeping your sight would be pretty amazing.

However, lets say that your sight or sound is taken from this point on, and not from birth.  Wouldn't it be more interesting now?  So lets say that you have all your memories of the sights you've taken in.  Wouldn't you want to keep your abilities to listen instead?  I think I would prefer to be blind than deaf.  I rather continue to be able to hear my daughter or son, my wife, my friends.  That's the thought I keep running in my head.  Imagine not hearing your children's first word.  It's definitely a thing to think about.

However once again, being blind is something not to sneeze about.  You definitely would be missing a lot.

I smile every time I watch that video.  It makes you realize how precious everything is in life.  Don't take anything for granted folks.  Just saying is all.  And with that...

Enjoy the sights and sounds of a song from Ms. Grannis herself.  She's amazing, and I definitely don't want to miss anything she puts out.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Yup, back on the wagon, I don't want to be in the culture.  I just like this one person, this god damn one person.  I hate the false hope or not.  I hate going back to the well, but man she's pretty awesome.  I just don't know what to do.  Well I know.  But I don't know if I should do it or not.  Man I hate girls sometimes.  But this is my life.  ...Fuck!

Decisions and Life Choices

It's Sunday morning, and my choice today was either go into work, and do a few hours, or saying fuck it.  I'm just going to go and enjoy my Sunday.  I've been pretty much busting my butt for these last 3 months.  I've been working overtime since the new year, and well.  I'm just plain sick of it.  I'm tired of all this nonsense and bullshit.  I kinda just wanna quit.  However, I don't know if that's really the answer at this juncture in my life.  Honestly I don't know what the real juncture is.  So with that, let's just say fuck it for today, and do something fun.  Like, name my top 10 fictional heroes of all time. What what!

10.  Superman

Wei, why is Super-Man number 10?  He has it all, strength, speed, he can fly, a nobel heart, and believes in the American dream of Justice and Liberty for all.  Probably the best here there is.  However, as a man from Krypton, his only weakness is kryptonite.  Booo, and unfair.  Every hero has a weakness, and if you're only weakness is that.  Shit's weak.  Don't get me wrong, the man of steel is great, just not number 1 great.  Doesn't have enough darkness in his heart, too much of a boy scout really.  Just my opinion.  

9.  Iron Man

Before Robert Downey Jr. became Tony Stark and Iron Man, we had the original Tony Stark from my comic era.  I don't know what it is, but Stark was the rich playboy that made a machine for himself that will in the end save him and the world.  I think that a rich genius has a place in my heart.  Good for you Tony, good for you.  "COSMIC BLAST!"

8.  Green Lantern
I know of the Green Lantern, what is there not to like?  Chosen by the corp because of their valor, and honor, only known to prove themselves.  I know of two.  Hal Jordan and John Stewart, each with their own history and background.  Is there one better than the other?  Not to me, I think they both have their own characteristics, I just think the story is interesting.  Oh, and Ryan Reynolds...stick with Deadpool, because Green Lantern wasn't that great.  

7. Ryu

Does he really count as a super hero?  I don't know.  He's just a fighter traveling around the world looking for the best fighters, one by one.  However, he just happens to help save the world one step at the time, whether against Shadowloo or whoever is trying.  All in all, Ryu is a bad mother...and he fights with honor, making him one of the best fighters on earth, and one of my favorite heroes. 

6.  Jesse Custer

One of my all time favorite comics.  Garth Ennis was a genius.  He created one of my favorite characters, Jesse Custer.  A preacher that gave up on god basically, and was given the "Voice," the power to tell people what to do.  I don't know about you, but if I had this power, I definitely would abuse it, however Jesse, uses it to find answer from God himself, and the story to this comic, amazing.  

5. Flash

I'm going to get this a lot, why in the world is Wally West in this Wei?  Look, I was thinking the same thing, the man only runs around super fast.  What does that really accomplish, however if you read the comics, and see what this guy can do.  It's really an amazing feat, and yes.  Wally belongs on here.  He's special, look it up and you'll see why.  

4. Wolverine

You didn't think I was going to leave Logan off the list did you?  The most badass super hero out there.  A mutant who's able to regenerate after he gets hurt.  Can he die?  Possibly, however with an adamantium skeleton, he is almost indestructible.  Wolverine has a past that is pretty sad, and he's just a great character.  Once again a man that fights for honor and virtue.  But not worried about getting his hands dirty.  That's all you can ask for in a hero.  

3.  Spider-Man

Same as Wolvie basically, a little more sarcastic, and a little more funny, but all the same heroism.  Oh, and yeah, he got bit by a radioactive spider.  Why wasn't Spidey placed in the Avenger's movie?  Boo...all in all though, Spider-Man is a great character.  

2.  Bat-Man

The only Justice Leaguer that isn't an alien or has super powers.  Instead, he's you're brooding playboy billionaire that can have it all.  A mix of Tony Stark, James Bond, and Wolverine all rolled into one, and yes, he's just as badass that he will always be.  Cause he's Bat-Man.

1.  Ogami Itto

Not your prototypical hero.  He's actually fighting an entire county filled with corrupt government.  After getting framed from his nemesis, he goes down the path of an assassin, knowing he will be going to hell, he's doing everything that he can for his son.  Because yes, Daigoro went down this road as well.  Lone Wolf and Cub, the greatest character, and my biggest inspiration to not fall under the forces of evil and corruption.  


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Quarter Life Crisis

First and foremost.  Congrats Anthony.  Well deserve my friend.  I'm more proud of you than you can ever possibly imagine.  Congrats again my friend.  I guess...let's move to the blog.

Yesterday I said something about a quarter life crisis.  Well.  I'm at that point in my life.  I don't know what I'm doing, I don't even know what I want to do is going to be accepted.  My whole life I've been seeking some sort of approval from my parents, and now, well they're taking away one of my dreams.  I'm kinda sadden and extremely disappointed.  Now I have to make the decision.  Do I follow their rules?  Or do I bend everything and say fuck it to both my rents and my religion.

I've never been a fantastic Buddhist.  However I've always had the faith, and believed that I did a majority of the good part.  Be good to others, don't kill insects or bugs, listen to my parents.  I did it all. However here I am, while everyone else is moving forward with their lives, I'm stuck at a stand still.  Not knowing whether the move I'm making is correct or not.  If I can't open a sandwich shop...what am I going to do with my life?  I don't really have a plan for that yet.

Okay, well I lied.  I have a plan.  I'm just not sure if it's a great plan.  I've decided, if I can't do what I love, what else can I do in the same food field?  That doesn't involve meat?  What the fuck?  I don't know.  However the thought that I came up with, what about real Italian gelato?  There's not a lot of gelato places in Jersey.  If I stay in Jersey maybe this is where I have to go.  If not, I think I'm going to have to break some rules.  I want sandwiches.  Maybe it's my time to rebel.

This is where I'm at in life.  I don't know what to do now.  I'm running out of time.  I'm falling behind my peers.  I'm not doing it right?  So now what?  Where am I going from here?  No career, living at home, poor options.  Dead end job...and here's my quarter life crisis.  I want change, change where I know where my life should be.  Not here, not now, not ever.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Cigarfest and Drinking

This past weekend was excellent.  I had a great time at Cigarfest 2013, I've had some drunken escapades on Saturday night, and well.  It was just plain old exciting.  I have no complaints really.  It was just an exciting time, I loved every minute of it.  I don't do this enough, and honestly, it makes me sad that I'm not doing it enough.  Instead, it's work that's killing me most.  However lets discuss that a little later.  

So Cigarfest right?  Well that day began pretty early.  Brandon drove, and we started our drive up to Split Rock, PA.  Now if you don't know, Split Rock is located in the Poconos, and yes, it was quite a drive.  First of let's just say this, the Schuylkill sucks.  Never once is there no traffic on there.  Secondly, I had to look up Schuylkill to spell.  I had no idea how to spell.  It's insane how to spell this jib.  Anyway, me and Brandon were definitely sitting in the car for a good 4 and 1/2 hours.  That's okay, it was still a fun run, and it was definitely worth it.  

When we get to Split Rock, I notice one thing, that fragrant, epic waft of cigar smell.  That amazing, chocolately, woody, sweet and fragrant smell.  It's just amazing, and if you're a cigar lover, I will tell you this right now.  If you didn't make this festival, well, you honestly just missed out.  It has to be one of the most amazing places on earth.  I've never thought I would see so many boutique cigars in one place.  However I did, and Cigarfest 2013 was well worth it.  Very well worth it, from the shirt, to the draft glass, to the ash tray.  It is just plain old amazing.  I find it harder and harder to keep smoking cigars, but when I go to events like this.  It puts a smile on my face, and I continue to enjoy a good stick.  Well worth it. 

Saturday marked a comeback for old school Wei.  Listen folks, I wasn't planning on bringing him back, however I blame Steffie.  Pushing me since it was her birthday.  I don't really remember too much.  However after the 3rd shot taken, it was enough to start the black out effect.  Well, as we know, it has all gone by, and well.  Here we are.  

This is an odd idea, however I was thinking during my drunken stupor the other night, and well.  I'm realizing, I have no idea what I'm doing with my life.  I've hit that point...I'm at a quarter life crisis.  I'm trying to stay and cling on to my youth, and I'm doing it wrong?  I'm scared, but it's true.  It's the way I'm thinking.  What do I want?  A god damn Subaru WRX STi.  That's my next car.  Is it smart, no.  However this is what I'm doing.  I'm doing this with my life...I'm fucking depressed.  I be continued.  

Monday, April 22, 2013

Man Weekend

This weekend was epic.  I learned a lot about myself this weekend, but lets get to that later.  For now, let's see how this begins.  I've started my weekend as I do every weekend it seems.  I guess working, and this weekend wasn't any different.  I got to work and did my couple of hours and finally called it quit.  I just couldn't take it anymore, and so I decided, let the weekend begin.

Now, I don't get much, but I sure as heck will make the best of it, and me and Jay had a man day planned.  The Joy Formidable, what an amazing band.  I found another band I quite enjoy.  However once again, definitely getting ahead of myself.  Lets start with Fette Sau, since it was kinda man day for Jay's birthday, I wanted to take him somewhere special.  So that's exactly where we went.  What did we get?  Well what didn't we get?

1/3 lb Pulled Pork
1/3 lb Brisket
1/3 lb of pork ribs
1 beef rib
1 sausage link

Way too much food for me and Po, a little pricey, but seriously one of the best Cue I've had in a while, especially in a city where I can't get real cue.  Everything was perfect, great pulled pork with my favorite, a nice vinegar sauce.  Oh, and yes they had epic ribs, it's the rib where it didn't just fall off the bone, but instead, when you bite into it you have that snap, and the smoke ring, well it's that ring that makes you smile.  I smiled each and every bite of the way.  Amazing.

After our epic meal where do we go?  Well where else do men go for man day?  Target of course.  Of course we were waiting for some manly entertainment, however I just wasn't in the mood.  I'm actually quite glad we did not go to the gentlemen entertainment.  I think it was time for a change for me.  I made a life changing decision.  I just didn't want to go.  Oh, and that was not the only thing.  I think I hate the hipster culture.  All I ever wanted was to continue wearing my cardigans, scarves, and funny tees.  Now I just look like every other hipster jerk.  I hate this culture.  Go away so I can continue wearing what I like.  Instead, now I have to be a suit and tie guy.  I love my suits, and I know for a fact, no god damn hipster is going to dress like the man.  I still have my suits.  Get out of here hipsters, no one likes you.  Leave the women though, but get rid of everything else.  Dammit, why can't I like what I like without these stupid jerks.  *Sigh*

Let's move to our second portion of the day.  Definitely went to Prohibition Tap Room.  Yeah, it's awesome, Dave would definitely like it, and I definitely did.  Great place to get your drink on, and definitely a foodies place for drinking.  Oh, and you know what really grinds my gears, everyone is now making duck confit.  F*ck you people...f*ck youse.  Anyway, after our awesome drinking experience, we head over to see the Joy Formidable.

I just want to say this now, I don't know who the first two bands are, I wish they would have said their names more clearly, however it just didn't matter.  I got to see who I really came for.  This band was awesome, I don't know what it is, I just love chick rockers, and this band didn't disappoint.  Rhiannon was awesome, and the entire time, I just wanted to scream, "YOU SOUND LIKE YOU'RE FROM LONDON!!!!"  I didn't, but definitely good times.  Whirring lasted a little longer than I liked, but still good.

All in all a fantastic weekend, and next weekend?  Well it can only get better with Cigarfest in sight.

Charity Case

Well it's that time of year, okay, it's not really.  However I was listening to Preston and Steve this morning, and a thing came over me.  I think I want to grow my hair out for the locks of love case.  I really think that it's a great idea to do it.  Maybe grow my hair to 20 inches and then cut it off.  I feel like I grow my hair a lot faster than I think, and I'm pretty positive that it can do it as well.  Oh, well if I do decide to do it, it's going to be this year and today that I start growing my hair out.  Then again this may all just be a bunch of bull and me just making commotion to grow my hair.  I don't know.  I'm an idiot.

As I say this.  I do know what one charity that I will be working with.  #RTK.  It's back, and if you don't know what #RTK is, it's Run Team Kina.  Trying to figure out how I can make more money from last year.  Trying to achieve the charity status I did last year, I feel like I begged people last year.  I hate that feeling.  This year I'm trying to figure out a way to make money, and give people a good time as well.  Maybe a beef and beer?  I'm thinking along these lines.  It seems pretty smart really, however, is it cheap to do?  Or this time consuming and money consuming as well?  Dammit Meg.

So tomorrow is Posef's big day.  I'm pretty excited about that.  The fact that I get out of work early tomorrow, and then begin the process of celebrating with Po and co., well that just puts a smile on my face.   Mainly the fact that we get to play alcoholic games, and that my friends are pretty much the awesomest people on earth.  Buckets!  This is the fact, and the fact that I'm making some epic Kalbi for our BBQ.

You know, I've been wondering lately, what is this all for?  I don't know what it's all for, all I know is I just want a ton of it.  I want more than everyone else, and why do I want more than everyone else?  Because I'm one greedy motherfucker.  It's a simple known fact I guess.  I just have this notion, this chip on my shoulder.  I wanna stop worrying about shit that I need to get.  I don't want my family to worry about the shit they have to get.  I hate not having more.  I guess I want the world.  Scarface taught me a ton of terrible stuff.  Dammit Scarface.

I need a new car, and I think the STi is it.  I have to commit at this point.  Yeah, STi, you're it.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Beeeeeerfest, beerfest beerfest beerfest, beeeeeerfest beeerfest...

Another year, another Beerfest, and I'm not going to lie.  I may not have drank as much as previous years, however this has been one of the best ones yet.  Let me give you an idea why.  As always, we started the night before with making pretzel necklaces, and this year me and Dave went with the peanut bandoliers.  It was pretty exciting really.  Difficult to make?  Heck yes, a little too difficult, but the rewards were well worth it.  Definitely well worth the 2 and some odd hours to make.

We dd it!
Let the day of Beerfest begin.  Every year for Beerfest, we start the day off with breakfast at the diner, and every year I do something idiotic and get something carb filled, and I get so stuffed I just don't want to drink as much, so this year I thought proteins, that's where I'm going this year.  Steak and eggs, I think the plan worked very well...I think.  I'm also glad Dave decided to ride or die with me on this as well.  It makes me feel good, cause if I felt like crap, I always have my boy there with may have been the wrong choice.  Oh well.  

Ahh...Beerfest, the festival started with the best part of course...waiting in line.  It was a good 45 minute wait, but once we finally got in, we were like a kid in some kind of store as it may be.  Running from end to end, and not caring about what beers we drank.  Always an amazing experience.  Okay, maybe everyone else cared, just not me.  I'm not a beer drinker, I'm a scotch drinker, but as I move along, the more I drink, the happier I get, so to me at this part, alcohol was alcohol.  Oh, and everyone loving our bandoliers?  That just made it all more awesome.  However I gotta admit, I may have fucked up after offering someone my nuts and she pulled a string off one of my bandoliers.  Dang, not a good start after five minutes in, but hey, it's Beerfest, and I sure as hell wasn't going to let that get me down.  Now the next couple hours were a blur, it went by way too fast, and all I remember is John and Jean, and Jenny. I'm pretty positive I got her number and we're suppose to hangout with her soon.  Why am I always drunk when I see these people.  Smh...sigh.  Hahaha, and I do remember one more thing, remember how one girl pulled one of my strings?  Pretty positive I should have known that was foreshadowing for the future, about half hour left into Beerfest, a girl tried to sneak and grab one of my peanuts, I turned around and caught her, but me being the nice guy, I said, go ahead you can have one.  However before I got to finish my sentence and tell her to just crack it, she rips it off my bandolier and the whole thing falls apart.  If I was sober, I'm pretty positive I wouldn't have not said anything terrible.  But you caught me off a drunk day, and I love screaming shit.  So out of no where and I'm pretty positive this girl was not expecting this, but I screamed, "THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T TAKE YOU ANYWHERE NICE!!!!  I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU!!!!"  That was my highlight of my day.  Oh and should've done the field goals ahead of time.  Dammit Dave.

When end our drunken luxury with dinner at Don Pablos.  Why?  Because we can, and that's what we do.  Oh, and we definitely finished with margaritas.  Enchilada's, chile relleno, and tacos...done.  The scenes go hazy around here.  That's where we get to attempt the new thing...Hadouken-ing.  It's in my blood, I'm too Asian not to attempt this.  It has some of the awesomest affects, and well.  I'm a huge fan of this jib.  It's awesome.  Here are some samples.  

And then...IT.WAS.ON!!!

Failed attempts started in the lot:

Cars were coming!

We got a good one though, me and Dave Hadouken-ing the group.  Nice job guys, nice job.  

All in all, a fantastic weekend.  It was amazing, however when I'm with these guys, it's always amazing, and I just love these guys.