Friday, May 24, 2013

Weekend Fun...Or PITA ?

Last weekend was pretty excellent.  No work with the Washington lady.  I'm pretty positive I'm going to work with someone else.  This caused a conflict of interest, but as long as I can get into this place.  That's all that really matters to me right now.  So yes, it was still a great weekend.  I hung out with Chucky and Ching T.  It was a long and interesting weekend. So lets begin...

The weekend started by heading down to Delaware on Friday.  We had an excellent dinner at Tuto Fresco.  Not a ton of restaurants in the Delaware state, however the one I found was excellent.  I enjoy my Italian, my carbonara, and the parpadella pasta.  What an excellent evening, filled with scotch and computer surfing.  I was definitely looking for my Glock online.  How sad is that?  Seriously...hahaha.  Anyway, the weekend started with looking for my Glock22, and you know what, gun people are dicks.  Either that they are all rednecky and no one wanted to help.  Bunch of dicks really.  

That leads me to buy a gun online.  Weird, but it works, went through a FFL dealer, and well, all I'm waiting for now is my NIC or my background check.  I should be getting it by early or mid June.  Fun, with that in mind, I'm definitely hoarding bullets.  awesome.  

Weekend was a huge success, brought a pair of $150 Cole Hans...I just spent money left and right, and well, that's going to continue into this weekend as well.  Which leads to my next subject.

Seriously, how good is my favorite weekend?  Pretty damn good.  I've huge plans for our bbq this weekend, and for my friends that read this.  I think you're in for a huge treat this year.  Lets do one of our last years right, and as big as every.  That's all I'm going to say about that.  

I've been keeping really busy this year, I'm trying to get myself on the right path, and I know that rushing things will not help anyone.  Everyone has their own way in life, and well.  I'm hoping this is going to go well.  

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