Thursday, November 21, 2013

Grind My Gears

You know what Grind My Gears?  Stupid dumb kids all across America playing a dumb, idiotic, and completely pointless game called, "Knock-out."  Let's discuss what "Knock-out," is.  It's a game where kids have created by walking up to unsuspected people, and literally hitting them in the face/head and knocking them out.  That's right, just literally knocking them out.  Not worrying about them collapsing on the floor, or getting any sort of concussion, nothing.  Oh, and did I tell you, sex, race, age, none of that matters it seems.  It's just a funny game that these kids think it's hilarious.

First off, where the fuck do you get off just hitting someone unexpectedly like that?  How the fuck is this a game?  You're not evening robbing these people, instead this is some sick and twisted enjoyment you're getting out of this.  I swear to Buddha, these kids are not learning a god damn thing.  Instead, you have these kids, and well this generation.  They're just fucking incompetent.  Racism running wild, violence running wild.  It' fucking ridiculous.  I'm cursing a lot because, honestly this has been making my blood boil for the last two weeks.  Starting out in the midwest, this is a trend that should have never happened.

Here's the kicker folks, I'll be damn if this continues and it doesn't stop.  I don't like choosing violence, but I sure as hell do not want to see a bunch of kids running around and knocking people out for no apparent reason.  So I say this now, you better hope you don't run into someone that isn't going to get knocked out, and is going to show your face a thing or two.  If I had my say, you'll be seeing brass of some sort, and a broken arm.

You know what grinds my gears, disrespectful kids, that think this is the greatest thing on earth.  I hope someone runs up on you and slams your face to the ground…

End Rant.

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