Sunday, April 7, 2013

Beeeeeerfest, beerfest beerfest beerfest, beeeeeerfest beeerfest...

Another year, another Beerfest, and I'm not going to lie.  I may not have drank as much as previous years, however this has been one of the best ones yet.  Let me give you an idea why.  As always, we started the night before with making pretzel necklaces, and this year me and Dave went with the peanut bandoliers.  It was pretty exciting really.  Difficult to make?  Heck yes, a little too difficult, but the rewards were well worth it.  Definitely well worth the 2 and some odd hours to make.

We dd it!
Let the day of Beerfest begin.  Every year for Beerfest, we start the day off with breakfast at the diner, and every year I do something idiotic and get something carb filled, and I get so stuffed I just don't want to drink as much, so this year I thought proteins, that's where I'm going this year.  Steak and eggs, I think the plan worked very well...I think.  I'm also glad Dave decided to ride or die with me on this as well.  It makes me feel good, cause if I felt like crap, I always have my boy there with may have been the wrong choice.  Oh well.  

Ahh...Beerfest, the festival started with the best part of course...waiting in line.  It was a good 45 minute wait, but once we finally got in, we were like a kid in some kind of store as it may be.  Running from end to end, and not caring about what beers we drank.  Always an amazing experience.  Okay, maybe everyone else cared, just not me.  I'm not a beer drinker, I'm a scotch drinker, but as I move along, the more I drink, the happier I get, so to me at this part, alcohol was alcohol.  Oh, and everyone loving our bandoliers?  That just made it all more awesome.  However I gotta admit, I may have fucked up after offering someone my nuts and she pulled a string off one of my bandoliers.  Dang, not a good start after five minutes in, but hey, it's Beerfest, and I sure as hell wasn't going to let that get me down.  Now the next couple hours were a blur, it went by way too fast, and all I remember is John and Jean, and Jenny. I'm pretty positive I got her number and we're suppose to hangout with her soon.  Why am I always drunk when I see these people.  Smh...sigh.  Hahaha, and I do remember one more thing, remember how one girl pulled one of my strings?  Pretty positive I should have known that was foreshadowing for the future, about half hour left into Beerfest, a girl tried to sneak and grab one of my peanuts, I turned around and caught her, but me being the nice guy, I said, go ahead you can have one.  However before I got to finish my sentence and tell her to just crack it, she rips it off my bandolier and the whole thing falls apart.  If I was sober, I'm pretty positive I wouldn't have not said anything terrible.  But you caught me off a drunk day, and I love screaming shit.  So out of no where and I'm pretty positive this girl was not expecting this, but I screamed, "THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T TAKE YOU ANYWHERE NICE!!!!  I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU!!!!"  That was my highlight of my day.  Oh and should've done the field goals ahead of time.  Dammit Dave.

When end our drunken luxury with dinner at Don Pablos.  Why?  Because we can, and that's what we do.  Oh, and we definitely finished with margaritas.  Enchilada's, chile relleno, and tacos...done.  The scenes go hazy around here.  That's where we get to attempt the new thing...Hadouken-ing.  It's in my blood, I'm too Asian not to attempt this.  It has some of the awesomest affects, and well.  I'm a huge fan of this jib.  It's awesome.  Here are some samples.  

And then...IT.WAS.ON!!!

Failed attempts started in the lot:

Cars were coming!

We got a good one though, me and Dave Hadouken-ing the group.  Nice job guys, nice job.  

All in all, a fantastic weekend.  It was amazing, however when I'm with these guys, it's always amazing, and I just love these guys.  

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