Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I'm Doing This Right...Right?

Before I start this blog tonight, this is going to be for Jay.  Jay you asked for some spots to eat, and well if I had gone with you these are what I would've had.  So let the eating extravaganza begin.

1. Breakfast/Late Night Eating

13 Coins
125 Boren Avenue, North
Seattle, WA 98109

So lets begin with breakfast, this is your swanky late night eats that serve diner food, but better, definitely check it out after a night a drinking with Jillian, and if you wanna keep the night going, get a glass of wine and watch the funniness pursue.  However seriously get the chicken fried steak, I heard they make a great one here. 

2. Lunch

309 South Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104

I swear Posef, if you don't go here for lunch, I'm going to be quite upset.  These are old school salumis and well if you like the prosciutto, mortadella, and all that old world stuff that you've been missing since Italy, this is the place to get it.  I swear Po, if you don't go...ugh, I'm just going to be furious...and yes, this place is owned by Mario Batali's father.  This is THE place.  Go, don't hesitate, and if they have braised ox tail...get it.  

3. Dinner

89 University Street, The Harbor Steps
Seattle, WA 98101

Cochon means pig in French, and this restaurants specialty?  Well I don't know, but its from farm to table, and their European influence makes this a restaurant must.  Go, and have the pork belly, hell have anything that is pig related.  This is the restaurant you want for dinner.  Oh man.  

Okay Jay, I gave you three great restaurants, if you don't try them, well I tried.  I think you will really enjoy them.  If not, well then I would've really liked them.  Heck, if I'm out there I'm going to try them. Damn it, I really wish I was going to Seattle now.  The birthplace of grunge, Starbucks, and so on and so forth.  

Now for our regularly scheduled program.  Well, I don't really have much, actually still thinking about things.  I guess I'm at the beginning stage of infatuation at the moment.  BOOOOOO...I need to get things off my mind.  Tomorrow I pick up my fire arms permit.  Looks like I'm picking up my glock 22 tomorrow.  I can't wait to get my gun, I can't wait to join a gun club.  Really looking forward to it.  I know I know, do I really need one?  No, but I'm getting it anyway for protection.

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