Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Back into the City I Love

Well it looks like I'm back.  Back, and making a stance.  Well no stance really, just making most of my day.  It's almost two over here and I'm still running strong.  Even after almost 2 years, still coming back is the most nostalgic feeling.  Did I get lost from Schiphol airport?  Nope, did I get lost trying to find Dave?  Nope, I still remember a few directions, and I even remember a restaurant I've been to a couple of years ago.  Still loving this city, and still trying to find things I haven't done the first time I was here.  I love this town.  I'm going to keep riding til I collapse.

I've taken Dave to a few places, but we did the usual stuff.  Kinda running low still, however, I needed to get this blog out.  We had travelled a majority of the day on Monday, Thalys, no great wi-fi on the train, and I'm pretty positive I paid for that service when I had brought the tickets.  Oh well.  Making the best of my morning and getting some writing done.

So my first impression of Paris, it reminds me of New York, second impression, rap here is awesome.  Lets see what this place has to offer, I'm looking forward to seeing some of the other sites and sounds.  So as of right now, this is a quick one.  I'm off to see if Paris can wow me as much as Amsterdam has...lets see.

Peace out Girl Scouts.

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