Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wei-isms and Other Misc.

Lately I've been looking back and reflecting on my life.  I've realized something about myself.  I say a lot dumb shit.  Seriously a lot of dumb things.  Lets take the first one for example.  I once sat in Dave's car, and on our way home from Suze's I just looked out the window and after a minute pause all that came out was…"Sprinkler's."  Yup, that's me in a nutshell really.  Too me, I have a few pretty clutch lines that I go to back and forth with…let's explore some Wei-isms.

1.  Buckets

I honestly got this off of Dave.  Dave said he got this off of college.  All I know is that I use it for everything that is good in life.  However this didn't come into real play until me and Dave became beer pong partners or beirut.  Whatever you want to call it…just remember, every shot you make…it's buckets.  

2.  Chile today, Hot Tamale

My go to joke when the whether is either cold or hot outside.  Sometimes you gotta bring back the classics, and this is such a Wei line, I don't even know who else uses this thing anymore, it's just funny and happy to me.  So if someone ask you what the weather is in South America, just let them know, it's Chile today, and hot tamale.  

3.  Epic

This is some good college verbiage learned from college.  Georgie introduced the line, Wei decided to keep the it and continue using it.  I don't know, I sure hear Charlie Sheen using it nowadays.  But fudge it, that's a Wei line now, so accept it.  

Hmm…realizing how hard this is now Jay, dammit.  This may be a a task that is completed within a few posts.  Let's see how this works out…until the next set of Wei-isms

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