Sunday, May 12, 2013

Decisions and Life Choices

It's Sunday morning, and my choice today was either go into work, and do a few hours, or saying fuck it.  I'm just going to go and enjoy my Sunday.  I've been pretty much busting my butt for these last 3 months.  I've been working overtime since the new year, and well.  I'm just plain sick of it.  I'm tired of all this nonsense and bullshit.  I kinda just wanna quit.  However, I don't know if that's really the answer at this juncture in my life.  Honestly I don't know what the real juncture is.  So with that, let's just say fuck it for today, and do something fun.  Like, name my top 10 fictional heroes of all time. What what!

10.  Superman

Wei, why is Super-Man number 10?  He has it all, strength, speed, he can fly, a nobel heart, and believes in the American dream of Justice and Liberty for all.  Probably the best here there is.  However, as a man from Krypton, his only weakness is kryptonite.  Booo, and unfair.  Every hero has a weakness, and if you're only weakness is that.  Shit's weak.  Don't get me wrong, the man of steel is great, just not number 1 great.  Doesn't have enough darkness in his heart, too much of a boy scout really.  Just my opinion.  

9.  Iron Man

Before Robert Downey Jr. became Tony Stark and Iron Man, we had the original Tony Stark from my comic era.  I don't know what it is, but Stark was the rich playboy that made a machine for himself that will in the end save him and the world.  I think that a rich genius has a place in my heart.  Good for you Tony, good for you.  "COSMIC BLAST!"

8.  Green Lantern
I know of the Green Lantern, what is there not to like?  Chosen by the corp because of their valor, and honor, only known to prove themselves.  I know of two.  Hal Jordan and John Stewart, each with their own history and background.  Is there one better than the other?  Not to me, I think they both have their own characteristics, I just think the story is interesting.  Oh, and Ryan Reynolds...stick with Deadpool, because Green Lantern wasn't that great.  

7. Ryu

Does he really count as a super hero?  I don't know.  He's just a fighter traveling around the world looking for the best fighters, one by one.  However, he just happens to help save the world one step at the time, whether against Shadowloo or whoever is trying.  All in all, Ryu is a bad mother...and he fights with honor, making him one of the best fighters on earth, and one of my favorite heroes. 

6.  Jesse Custer

One of my all time favorite comics.  Garth Ennis was a genius.  He created one of my favorite characters, Jesse Custer.  A preacher that gave up on god basically, and was given the "Voice," the power to tell people what to do.  I don't know about you, but if I had this power, I definitely would abuse it, however Jesse, uses it to find answer from God himself, and the story to this comic, amazing.  

5. Flash

I'm going to get this a lot, why in the world is Wally West in this Wei?  Look, I was thinking the same thing, the man only runs around super fast.  What does that really accomplish, however if you read the comics, and see what this guy can do.  It's really an amazing feat, and yes.  Wally belongs on here.  He's special, look it up and you'll see why.  

4. Wolverine

You didn't think I was going to leave Logan off the list did you?  The most badass super hero out there.  A mutant who's able to regenerate after he gets hurt.  Can he die?  Possibly, however with an adamantium skeleton, he is almost indestructible.  Wolverine has a past that is pretty sad, and he's just a great character.  Once again a man that fights for honor and virtue.  But not worried about getting his hands dirty.  That's all you can ask for in a hero.  

3.  Spider-Man

Same as Wolvie basically, a little more sarcastic, and a little more funny, but all the same heroism.  Oh, and yeah, he got bit by a radioactive spider.  Why wasn't Spidey placed in the Avenger's movie?  Boo...all in all though, Spider-Man is a great character.  

2.  Bat-Man

The only Justice Leaguer that isn't an alien or has super powers.  Instead, he's you're brooding playboy billionaire that can have it all.  A mix of Tony Stark, James Bond, and Wolverine all rolled into one, and yes, he's just as badass that he will always be.  Cause he's Bat-Man.

1.  Ogami Itto

Not your prototypical hero.  He's actually fighting an entire county filled with corrupt government.  After getting framed from his nemesis, he goes down the path of an assassin, knowing he will be going to hell, he's doing everything that he can for his son.  Because yes, Daigoro went down this road as well.  Lone Wolf and Cub, the greatest character, and my biggest inspiration to not fall under the forces of evil and corruption.  


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