Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Oh Hey 29, What's Up?

My last post was on September 5, 2013.  It has been quite some time, and well.  There have been many things going on in my life.  Well, I guess there is.  It's been a tumultuous two months.  First off, work has gotten ten times better.  I guess you can say I started working with one of the greatest people on earth again.  That's right, me and the Shirleynator is back together again, brining down all those mortgage defaulters.  Yup that's right, that's happening.  What else can I say, the duo is back, and that's just the first thing that has happened in the past two months.  It's great.

Well that's some good news, seriously, why wouldn't it be right?  Any bad news?  Not that I can think of right now.  All my friends are getting married that's another biggie that has been going on around here.  I guess, I'm just waiting for everyone else to just hit that mark I guess.  Man, I am fucking up, I'm just really falling behind here.  Does that make sense?  Seriously, does it?  I guess it does, I'm am just not doing anything…save me JEBUS!!

Well, I guess that's not all true.  I've been bitten with the smitten bug again.  It has been a while since this happened I guess.  I guess really since the B word.  Man, the B word was pretty nice pretty.  I always thought she was.  That's just how it was back in the day, I guess it still is now.  However, I guess as I get older, I just don't give a shit anymore.  For me though, I've always been one of those picky bastards.  Takes a lot for me to be smitten I guess…this shit better work.

Sports sports sports…sometimes being a Philly sports fan sucks, and well this year has been extremely craptacular.  Phils are out, Eagles aren't doing so hot, Flyers just suck, and well…I'm hoping the Sixers suck for Wiggins.  #WinlessForWiggins Indeed.

Oh hey, you know what was awesome.  My 29th birthday.  I don't remember too much of the festivities, but I know that it was an amazing night.  Let's begin with dinner shall we.  A nice Chinatown meal with some of my closes friends.  Not everyone was there, i.e. Dave and Steffie.  But close enough.  The second part of the night?  Well, that's where it gets extremely hazy.  Kinda like the Moors of Scotland.  I remember having my first drink, a Ginger and gin drink.  Tango did not have any Tanqueray for some reason.  Oh, well.  Oh, and keep in mind they were having a Halloween party at this place. My second drink, I don't another Gin and Ginger.  It's the third drink that kind f*cked up my shit.  I know Ying made me spill by 3rd gin and ginger, but like a hero, George came through in the clutch and gave me his Samuel Adams Octoberfest.  This is where things start to get hazy.  First off, never buy bottle service at a club.  Secondly, never buy a bottle of Ace of Spade champagne at a club.  That's just idiotic.  Unless you're Jay-Z…and I am not Jay-Z.

That's just plain old silly Wei…plain old silly.

So the night goes on, Wei does some rapping, and well, Wei also does some vomiting.  If I could remember this night, I would.  However this night also brought along me breaking my car keys somehow.  I don't know how, and I don't really remember when.  It just happened.  Thanks guys and gals, 29 is going to be memorable.  Lets see what 30 will bring us shall we?

So this has been my life these last couple of months.  Trust me, I'm brining the blog back in a way of some sort.  For better or for worse, this thing isn't going away yet.  I'm still going to be writing and talking about my dumb shit that I go through.

Yup this is happening enjoy folks.  Ball so Hard

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