Monday, April 22, 2013

Charity Case

Well it's that time of year, okay, it's not really.  However I was listening to Preston and Steve this morning, and a thing came over me.  I think I want to grow my hair out for the locks of love case.  I really think that it's a great idea to do it.  Maybe grow my hair to 20 inches and then cut it off.  I feel like I grow my hair a lot faster than I think, and I'm pretty positive that it can do it as well.  Oh, well if I do decide to do it, it's going to be this year and today that I start growing my hair out.  Then again this may all just be a bunch of bull and me just making commotion to grow my hair.  I don't know.  I'm an idiot.

As I say this.  I do know what one charity that I will be working with.  #RTK.  It's back, and if you don't know what #RTK is, it's Run Team Kina.  Trying to figure out how I can make more money from last year.  Trying to achieve the charity status I did last year, I feel like I begged people last year.  I hate that feeling.  This year I'm trying to figure out a way to make money, and give people a good time as well.  Maybe a beef and beer?  I'm thinking along these lines.  It seems pretty smart really, however, is it cheap to do?  Or this time consuming and money consuming as well?  Dammit Meg.

So tomorrow is Posef's big day.  I'm pretty excited about that.  The fact that I get out of work early tomorrow, and then begin the process of celebrating with Po and co., well that just puts a smile on my face.   Mainly the fact that we get to play alcoholic games, and that my friends are pretty much the awesomest people on earth.  Buckets!  This is the fact, and the fact that I'm making some epic Kalbi for our BBQ.

You know, I've been wondering lately, what is this all for?  I don't know what it's all for, all I know is I just want a ton of it.  I want more than everyone else, and why do I want more than everyone else?  Because I'm one greedy motherfucker.  It's a simple known fact I guess.  I just have this notion, this chip on my shoulder.  I wanna stop worrying about shit that I need to get.  I don't want my family to worry about the shit they have to get.  I hate not having more.  I guess I want the world.  Scarface taught me a ton of terrible stuff.  Dammit Scarface.

I need a new car, and I think the STi is it.  I have to commit at this point.  Yeah, STi, you're it.

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