Monday, August 19, 2013

Racism is Still Alive, They Just be Concealing It

Lately this has been a super touchy subject.  We have our Zimmerman file bringing up a bad taste in our mouths.  However lately more and more of this shit is coming out.  Why?  I don't know.  You would think in this time and age, our world should be evolving by now?  Right?  Evolving...right?  Well it's not.  No we do not live in the age of Emmett Till, well god I hope not, however this is the age we live in.  So why do I bring this subject up?  Well, it's just the strange phenomenon.

Is it odd that the whole Riley Cooper thing just made me feel like someone should be punched?  I mean, is it okay that one man is being attacked?  Of course it is, a drunken idiot spewed a bunch of hateful obscenities that was extremely uncalled for.  You know what also makes that a shitty preposition, a man who thinks he's entitled to be backstage cause..."I'm a Philadelphia Eagle."  Grow up buddy, you aren't entitle to crap, so get off your high horse, and remember what it's like to not have money.  Dip shit.

Now the second part?  Do African Americans get a pass to say the derogative "N" word like it's just a regular word?  My thought behind this?  No, and yes I understand that they are okay to say it.  However, if we want our future generations to stop saying that word, shouldn't you not lead the example and continue saying that word?  Isn't there another word that could be used besides it?  I mean, hell rappers use a million words, however you are constantly using that word over and over.

Alright, so lets think about this.  There are derogatory terms to name every race.  However when it comes down to it, in the US of A, you know that if you're caucasian, you basically have free range in this country.  However, any other race, well you kinda have to work at it.  However that is no excuse to expect free handouts.  As an Asian kid growing up, it was rough.  Especially for my brother and sisters.  I guess as time went on, it got easier for me.  Maybe it was the way I acted, maybe it was the way I presented myself, and had all this confidence to get me through each day.  Maybe I was just nice to people, and being good to people makes people good to you.  Isn't that something we can all learn?  Can't we all just be good to each other?  Maybe that's the first step to receiving the first answers to our utopian future.  Just maybe.

Seriously can Kina be any cooler? 

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