Wednesday, November 30, 2011

10 Greatest Scents...EVER!!

I've been waking up lately smelling some of the best things ever for breakfast.  Lately I've been imagining what would life be like without the sense of smell.  I tell you what it would definitely stink.  Hahaha, no pun intended.  There are just somethings I love smelling, and this list will show you what I love most.  It's my top 10 of the best smelling things ever!  So lets let that list begin.

10.  COFFEE's so comforting, this smell that is so intoxicating.  This is all an opinion people, however the simple fact is, waking up to this is amazing.  The aroma is so so so delicious.  However, I never said that the taste was awesome.  By frankly, sometimes too much coffee makes me sick, but the aroma is so lovely. It just had to be on this list for me.  Feels like home, nothing like the smell of fresh brewed coffee.


Choco-chip mouth is watering just thinking about it.  It's so comforting, what else would remind you of a warm cozy home like fresh baked chocolate chip cookies.  Just thinking about it reminds me of my childhood.  Getting a large glass of milk, taking a bite of that cookie, then having that long chocolate strand, ripping away with the cookie and from your mouth, then finally landing on your cheek.  It screams best scent ever.  Oooohhhh soooo good.  


What is it about this so sweet smelling trees.  You know what it is?  It reminds me so much of the warmer season ahead, the sweet fragrance, just makes me so happy, and it makes me realize that spring is right around the corner.  Quite pleasant indeed.  You will smell them when driving down the street during the spring, you can't miss the sweet sweet smell.  Awesome.  


I just love the smell of turkey roasting in the oven.  This reminds me of the holidays.  Such a happy time, and such a great place.  It's puts a smile on my face, the mix of rosemary, thyme, and sage, then the butter gliding off of the roasted turkey.  Oh my god, I want turkey now.  Thank goodness I still have more from Thanksgiving.  Woo too turkey.  

6. HAM

See the above, they go hand in hand really.  Ahh...more stuff leftover from Turkey Day.

5.  MANGOS of the sexiest fruits out there.  The aroma is crazy, and it just makes me want it more and more.  It's so good.  I love, love, love the smell of mangos.  You can just taste the tartiness that is going to happen. good.


Bread, real, fresh baked, artisan bread.  Coming out of a brick fire oven.  It is amazing, if you have never smelled fresh baked bread before.  Go to your local bakery at 5 in the morning, and just take a waft of that as it comes out of the oven, and being placed into the bins for the day.  It's so good, I just want one now thinking about it.  Nothing beats fresh baked bread...well except for the next number.

3.  PHO

Maybe it's because I have been craving this lately, but man the smell of pho and the aroma of the thai basil, chili, and all the other ingredients make this a want.  It's very high on the list, because by frankly, it's what I want most right now.  God, I can go for a bowl of pho, right about now, with all that mmm...mmm...goodness.  *Sigh*


What is it about the smell of grilled beef on so enticing?  Is it the waft of the drippings onto the charcoal?  Is it the thought of that succulent melt in your mouth beef?  That smell is amazing really.  I walked passed a steakhouse tonight, and all I can sense is the way it would've tasted.  It smelled divine, and all I wanted was a bite...that's it.  Hmm...steak.  

And the number 1 greatest smell on the face of the earth to me is....


Everything about bacon is amazing.  It makes ever dish so much better.  I know, I know, some people hate this stuff.  I won't hate on them.  I just think you're missing out on one of god's tastiest creations.  ^___^  Bacon has a special place in my heart, it literally has a place in my heart seriously.  It's...I don't know, I can't describe it in words, but if I had to try...mind blowing.  Thank you to whoever created the briny smoked goodness.  MMM...bacon...

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