Saturday, December 3, 2011

Obscure Music Saturday

It's that time again, this week's obscure artist of the week is...  WILCO

Okay, Wilco has been out for a while now, I don't even know what album they are even on anymore.  I recently heard their new album, The Whole Love, it was good.  Then again I'm a fan of Wilco so, you know, that's how I roll.  Seriously though after 19 other albums and this being the 20th I believe, Wilco has a sort of cult following by now, no?

Formed back in 1994, Wilco has seen many changes to the band, but Jeff Tweedy and John Stirratt have been there from day one.  So if you're in to that alternative scene back in the 90's, then there is no way you will not enjoy Wilco.  So as you watch the video below, I'm going to enjoy Wilco on my iPod, and dream of becoming a rock god.


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