Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Week Re-Cap

Alright everybody, I know I know, we haven't seen or heard from me in for every.  I know everyone has missed my wonderful writing and antics.  And of course my awesome sarcasm.  So where should we begin?  It has literally been an entire week since I've last wrote something.  What can I say, it has been busy.  The holidays have been epic, seriously a lot has been taken care of and I got to cook the Thanksgiving meals.

Lets begin with Thanksgiving Eve.  Ahhh...the drinkiest drinking night of the year in the U.S.  Stupid, yes.  Needed?  Abso-fucking-lutely.  You don't know how great it was to go out drinking with old friends.  Especially old friends that are very near and dear to my heart.  What can I say, I'm an alcoholic.  So the evening starts at Stone Grill...and well yeah it basically ends there as well since technically I don't remember much else.  Haha

Thanksgiving day, ahh...different this year, dad had a wedding and it was a pretty quiet one.  All in all very nice though.  Started with a High School football game.  It's nice to see the old Alma Mater kicking butt and taking names for once.  Beating up on Triton was nice, it felt good.  However, we're getting way too old for all of this. Still, fun to watch and good times.  Ahh...after all of that the preparation for Black Friday.  I brought Blu-Rays, "Simpsons," and "Spartacus," series...epic.

Friday:  Ahh...a little old DBHing.  And no, DBH does not stand for Do Bong Hits, it stands for Dive Bar Hopping.  And it was a blasty blast.  Probably some of the greatest DBHing I have ever done...and well...I've only done it twice.  Once in Florida, and once in Jersey now.  It's a blast.  Gay bars, and bowling  alley bars.  Pretty epic if you think about it.  And the only way to end a night of that caliber?  A little "Party in the U.S.A." singing and people pointing and laughing in the next car over...definitely worth the trip there.  Another fantastic evening.

Saturday:  My Thanksgiving Day.  Cooking began with the turkey being patted down from the brine and thrown into the oven at 9:00 a.m.  This was all not fun with a massive hangover by the way.  So yes, turkey, after that was finished cooking, the ham and duck went into the oven next, and then the lasagna and sides.  It was a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner this year.  Way too much food, but all worth it.  So good, I don't really know what to do with myself really, there is still too much food in my fridge, but I'm going nuts.  Its so good.

Sunday:  Well the day was awesome, watching the games with my friends and being highly disappointed in the Eagles...nothing more can be said really.  Ended the evening with a nice relaxing time with Mr. TV.

Monday:  Woke up, and head straight to the P&S Campout for Hunger.  I think I did a good thing.  I donated my box full of food, about 50 pounds worth I think, after that I stayed and listened to P&S for a little, and began volunteering.  After the show was over, I went over to Philabundance HQ and volunteered my time there as well.  It was a great day all in all.  Wonderful even, felt like I have accomplished what I needed to do today, and I volunteered as much time as possible.  It's what this season/holiday should be about.  To be able to give back to others without thinking about anything else.  Ahh...good times.

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