Monday, November 21, 2011

Grinds My Gears

You know what grinds my gears?  The Christmas season.  Now I'm not an everyday Scrooge, and I'm definitely not hating on the holiday.  I think I'm hating what the season has officially become.  It has become this commercialized, and overbearing thought that we must give give give.  Now, I'm not one to gripe on buying gifts for family and friends, however I don't like it when big corporate America is forcing and shoving it down our throat.  Kinda makes me sick sometimes.  Welcome to the holiday known as "Stressmas."  Yup, this is it.

Let's begin with this holiday and how it begins.  Stressmas takes away from one of the greatest holiday that America celebrates.  Thanksgiving.  As soon as the Halloween decorations are being taken down, and you're getting ready to put up your autumn/Thanksgiving decorations, Christmas lights and decorations go up right away.  What does Christmas have over Thanksgiving.  Really a holiday that is here to spread the word of thanks and spending time with family, and giving thanks to be with said family.  Thanksgiving is the holiday we should really be celebrating and not skipping over.  I don't get the audacity of the people giving special treatment to a holiday that doesn't deserve that much hype, however what do I know.  It's not my religion.  Oh, that's right we really don't get a say do we now.  Jerks.

The presents, oh how we must buy buy buy.  And it all begins on that Black Friday rush.  Yes it's great, boost the economy, get stuff, make money, get America to be big and strong.  Yay!!!  Ugh...more like a pain in the ass.  See, instead of hearing complaints about people not getting things they want, shouldn't people be complaining about why aren't we spending more time with each other.  That's what people should truly be complaining about.  It should be a time of reflection and making resolutions for a new year. That's what Christmas should be really about.

Well folks, this is the reason why Christmas grinds my gears at times.  Instead of spending it thinking what we should be getting it.  We should be thinking how can we be more giving and more caring.  How can we spread joy and spread the wealth to people that cannot even obtain any of it.  This is what Christmas should be about.  A time where we spend a great deal of time with our families and friends, and to reflect on the past year.  To look forward to the new year ahead, and to enjoy the time we have on this planet.  Also, seriously, there really is no need to skip over Thanksgiving, remember that people.

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