Saturday, November 19, 2011


Ahhh...the second blog for today.  Wanted to write something with a little more meat.  So as we all may or may not know, the Occupy group has gotten bigger.  I don't know all the ins and outs of the whole protest group, or even the idea where it is all heading.  However I do know, all of this will not end pretty.  I'm getting the notion that all of this will lead towards some sort of bloodshed.  Is it just me, or doesn't all protest at this caliber and that has last for this long, hasn't it always end in some sort of bloodshed?  Honestly, I'm not asking for it to happen, it's just that I worry that this is the direction that it is heading towards.  Couldn't this have been completed in a more...I don't even know.

The idea of these Occupiers seem to have skewed no?  Now, I'm going to say this now.  I have no idea where all of this is coming from, I don't know what these Occupy people do or are fighting for.  However my friends that are following and have any sort of notion behind this, tell me that the original game plan for these protesters have skewed.  From fighting against the 1% to having full blown orgies and rape in the hub areas.  I didn't know that's what this has turned out to be.  Hipsters are dumb, even idiotic.  So this is how you show cause huh?  Don't take showers for weeks on end, poop and pee wherever you like.  Is this really for the cause of the fight?  I said it in one of my earlier blogs, go get a job you hippie.

This isn't what I wanted to write this blog about.  Not again about how I disagree with this group.  However, what I really want to write this on, is that, you idiots better stay focused on what you are all doing, and not just some random thrashing and trashing.  If you are going to fight for something, you stick with it till the very end, don't justify what you're doing by saying it's going to a cause.  I'm pretty positive, that girl that has gotten raped, pretty positive she wasn't there for that cause.  *Sigh* hippies are terrible.  Anyway, back to what's really important with this blog.  Has this, "OWS," have any effect on the whole Wall Street/Corporate Greed in general?

Listen free speech is great, however I think I'm getting tired by the fact that OWS people are being assaulted not only by their own people, but they are also being attacked and pushed around by the authorities as well.  Wasn't this suppose to be peaceful?  Ugh...this all makes my brain hurts.  Seriously, if you know anything about this kind of stuff about this Occupy groups, tell me about it.  I feel like I should know more about their cause.  Until then, all you people stay safe.  The police and the occupiers.  Please don't do anything stupid, and please don't let this all end in bloodshed, it would be quite depressing to see and hear about that.  Life could be worse, remember that people.  It could be worse.

1 comment:

  1. The OWS movement is getting out of hand. There is a lack of organization, and if you, me, and everyone else are a bit unsure of what is it they want to achieve from their movement, then it speaks to their failure of getting a message across. I think it focused at first on getting corporate greed out, but now it's expanded to what everyone wants. And rather than complaining and protesting about the problems that we all already know about, why don't they work together as a group (since they seem to have tons of time in their hands) to come up with solutions? Right now, they are not doing anything good for society and wasting public resources.
