Monday, November 14, 2011

You Know What Grinds my Gears

So tonight, my blog is going to be a grind my gears editorial.  If you have watched, "Family Guy" before, then let me first say this.  Welcome to the the real world.  I apologize for the rock that you have been living under all these years.  Isn't fresh air nice?  Okay okay, enough with the sarcasm.  Seriously, if you type in "Family Guy" and "What Grinds my Gears" you know what bit I'm biting off of.  However it's okay.  We all bite off of somebody every now and then.  Hell Family Guy does it all the time.  Deal with it.

Okay seriously back to the blog.  Since this is my first "You know what Grinds my Gear," section, lets make it a good one shall we?  You know what grinds my gears?  The youth of today.  Now granted I'm only 27, and that technically doesn't put me in old man territory..."Ow, my knees!!"  However, kids today, no respect for their elders, and no respect for the classics.  When did we grow up to teach our kids to be such pussies and douches?  Honestly, I got these kids riding around my neighborhood thinking they're tough shit, cause they look like wannabe thugs with sagging jeans.  Screaming, I'm gangsta this and I'm gangsta that.  Punk you aren't shit.  You know who's a fucking gangster?  Charlie "Lucky" Luciano, Frank Costello, Al Capone, heck I'll even throw in the Teflon Don, "John Gotti."  Yeah these guys were gangsters.  They also had loyalty.  Even after the attempt on his life, and knowing who was trying to kill him, Frank Costello still didn't give up the name.  Yeah, the old guys were tougher...stupid punk kids think they're all cool holding their guns sideways.  *SIGH*

And the respect nowadays?  Jebus, what happened there?  All I see are kids back talking to parents, screaming stupid shit at people walking by.  Being loud and obnoxious for no reason.  That's not acting out, that's called being a fucking dick. know what these kids need?  A swift punch to the face.  My fist your face.  Stupid jerk kids.  If assault was legal, some kids would seriously be punched already.  *SIGH*

And another thing, oh don't get me started.  If you're looking for a death wish, then yes please continue to stand out in the middle of the road and walk like you own the god damn street.  I swear to god if I see a kid walking down the middle of the road, I'm literally going to stop my car, get out next to them, move next to the dumb kid, drop kick his ass, pick up his sorry behind, and then yell at him, and when all that is finished, I'm going to say, "Now go home and tell your parents that I just saved your life from a car that would have probably clipped you and then left you here on the side of the road for dead."  There are fucking sidewalks for a reason...jebus, gosh darn jebus. *SIGH*

So this ends my "Grind my Gears," section.  Honestly, parents, straighten your kids up.  I know I have no right to tell you what to do with your children.  Honestly, I was one once as well, however I was a stand up kid along with a lot of other of my friends.  We did dumb things, but we also knew the words respect and loyalty.  It all starts with the parents, if you were born an asshole, your kids will be one too.  However, it's never too late to change the person you are.  Life is all about change.  Do it now, not only for yourself, but also do it for the kids.  "Will someone please think of the children." - Helen Lovejoy

This service announcement has been brought to you by Wei Kwok, and by the great mind of George H.  Thanks George for the idea.

A little something something that goes with the theme...enjoy!

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