Monday, November 28, 2011

Grind My Gears, Monday

It's that time again.  Monday, and the things that grind my gears the most, and why you should know about it.  Tonights topic.  Lazy sports athletes that think they are owed something, but in actuality they are owed nothing.  The birth of this topic all began with the Eagles game Sunday.  Pass after pass...Desean Jackson shortarming almost 65% of the passes.  What can I say it was a wreck out there.  However, all was okay, Dave came to the rescue and pointed out what I wanted to say, and thank goodness he did.  It felt like a weight had been lifted off, and some semblance of the fact that I can hate on him was upon us; but like a knight in shining armor, George came to #10's rescue and said, wait a minute, he needs to be healthy to be paid for what he is worth.

Now the debate and argument was on.  George, I'm sorry buddy.  However I gotta side with Dave.  What really grinds my gears.  Lazy sports athlete that think the world should give them everything on a silver platter.  You want that multi-million dollar contract Desean, earn it my friend.  You're a bum and a lame duck sitting out there.  Really?!  You're a professional football player, if you're as good as you believe you are then make the catches, stop playing so soft, and when the time comes, you'll earn the big money.  What is it with all these players out there thinking that they don't have to earn their keeps?  Yes it has been 4 years, and Jackson should have earned it by now, and he should be playing with a big contract by now; but guess what?  He doesn't have a big contract yet, so in my eyes, you haven't earned squat yet.

First you're going to ask me, what right do I have to say any of this.  And you know what you're right I have no right to say anything.  However, if I had the athletic prowess of one Desean Jackson, and I was getting paid to run a catch a football.  I will be trying my hardest to catch each and every single one of those balls.  Shouldn't you be grateful that you're doing something you actually love, and not crunching number, doing manual labor, working with the public, or even for the government?  Shouldn't you be happy that you make others happy and that men, women, and children adore you because you are a sports superstar?  Shouldn't you be happy that we love you or rather did love you, and you would have been Philly royalty in the heart of the city?  You could've had it all De-seen.  You could've had it all.  In a city that loves and honors the hard working man, the go getter/blue collar attitude, you don't embody any of that.  Instead you embody, the ugly, self-centered, me me me-ism, that we all hate.  Wasn't T-O like that?  No, he was just a douche.  Seriously, you want to get paid big money, earn it.  I haven't seen any of that this season at all.  You are a whiny bitch, you can't catch, and in two seconds, I'm going to start calling you  Todd Pinkston.  *Sigh*  Earn your keep you bum.

Things that grind my gears:  Overpaid wannabe superstar athletes, that shouldn't even be considered top 10 WRs.


  1. just like dave; you weren't listening to what i was saying. instead you've decided to echo the cliche talking points and not take inventory of what i was saying.

    you know what really grinds my gears? lazy sports opinions (i.e. i'll hear what i wanna hear)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well George, I probably should've added more lazy players instead of just Desean. I.e., Asante, and by the way, he gets paid the big money and still plays like a bum. How did we not learn tackling? Isn't that football 101? Anyway, what we need is less JaMarcus Russells and more Brent Celeks. I think even if we pay Desean the money, he still won't go down the middle and catch us those balls George. And you know why? It's because he thinks his worth is so much more than it is. It's his ego and pride, I'mma let you finish, but he has the Kanye West attitude. And that is something we definitely don't need in one of America's sport. How can you stick up for someone George, when you know Desean would never stick up for you? He's and always will have a lackadaisical spirit, and no matter what, he will always be right...I don't believe that's what you believe George. You should know better...for shame.

  4. im not standing up for desean. he played terrible.
    do you even remember what i said in my argument or are you just standing on a soapbox proclaiming things and making up my argument in your head? you need to listen to my argument, i think ive said that to exhaustion
    so let's revisit my points rather than you making them up for me:
    i said 'ya desean should have had his contract restructured earlier this year'- as in --the eagles needed to bump him up from the slightly over minimum salary for football players, which he’s being paid now. Let’s rewind all of the issues going back to the beginning of the year. Desean was not sure if he is going to hold out. Hes had 2 serious concussions and with one more hes done playing football and not making anything close to 500k a year. He has his family (ie mom, dad… idk) friends and even doctors telling him his opportunity for making an nfl contract will wave goodbye if he gets knocked out again. The eagles head office knows that too. They know that if desean gets one more hit to the head he’d be done so lets not lock ourselves into a 4 yr deal. (by the way-- nfl teams write these contracts to release themselves of financial obligations in situations like this anyway. These players get screwed a lot but you don’t know who they are because they aren’t famous. mark schlereth was beating this dead horse all summer on tv) Desean Jackson is a diva. You know it because you called him kanye (a guy which you, yourself idolize) because you said “…but he has the Kanye West attitude” ok if simple people like you and me can clearly see that, then the eagles head office should see it. They should know how a diva (not people like you or me) will react put in this scenario. They did research on him before they even drafted him and signed him to his first deal. Now the eagles head office decides to call desean back promising him-- here, we will take care of you just show up to camp. Ok great, desean did and didn’t complain and he DIDN’T go into diva mode. Mean while – steve smith (who is really terrible) got a $4 mil dollar deal with a bad knee? This guy is brand new to the team, Injured, and his own team passed on him—he plays the same position as desean Jackson and rated at number 4 on the depth chart coming into the season. What are you kidding?—reread that last part.

  5. The eagles head office thought that they could dole out the money for this joker?, make a huge deal for mike vick and then after all that go to the media and declare they are still have room under the cap to play with? The eagles head office should have known deseans personality and his clique are going to tell him ‘hey earn it while you can’. desean who by the way probably only trusts those people and is taking their advice. now its stuck in his head he cant get concussed again or he’ll never play in the nfl again. the eagles head office should have seen this coming. They couldn’t afford an extra mil or 2 for 1 year until they figure out a new deal in a sign of confidence. No, the eagles head office is so smart .(I mean look at their track record lately of promotions on the defensive side of the ball, real super) No wei, the eagles head office should have seen this coming an nipped it in the bud rather than letting desean jackson go out onto that field without some sort of financial reassurance. The eagles head office was thinking ‘we will let him go out there and if he under performs we will end up paying him less – or he’ll get hurt and we wont ever have to pay him anything.’ The eagles head office drew a line in the sand and now d jack is reacting like divas do! Why is this blowing your mind? He missed practice, hes pissed. Hes a diva and I don’t like that kind of player either wei. (are you listening to my side of the argument yet?) The eagles head office got what they wanted and didn’t have to end up paying him. Oh Good , the eagles head office is treating the desean Jackson contract with the organization’s best interests, but in the process its seriously f***ing with the team we are rooting for on Sunday.
    Fine. Hes had a terrible year. They’ll probably let him go next year and the fan base will cheer. Maclin will now see double coverage and steve smith becomes your number 2 man. Whatever I don’t care. Really though, when desean pulls up and doesn’t catch a ball its in his instinct now. Yes it’s his fault that he isn’t committing to a back breaker over the middle which is in his job description. Desean Jackson has turned into a shell of the player he was for the last 2 years. A shell of the player you were cheering for when he was scoring td’s all over the Washington redskins face down in DC. And when he ran back miracle at the meadowlands part 2. You forgot all of that already. You said “... he always will have a lackadaisical spirit” you are just gonna bash him to high heaven without acknowledging who’s really at fault? fine. D jack is now thinking to not get hurt given these circumstances ive discussed. I don’t like. This situation has been poorly managed by joe banner and the eagles brass. (people who call themselves managers of personnel . ) how come they couldn’t manage a diva they knew they were taking in when they signed him the first time? Because its really blowing up in their face and the fan’s face this year. The eagles head office really screwed up here.
    we need more brent celek's? hes not great either. Outside of a first half against Chicago he has dropped passes over the middle too. what games are you watching? You aren’t grinding your gears about him because you wanted to buy his jersey.
    "I don't believe that's what you believe George." -----dude you are quoting dave's arguement here. Stop echoing someone else’s opinion on your blog.

  6. the last part of your response provoked me.

  7. Well since I'm not in front of my Mac, and instead in front of my phone. When did I not listened to your argument? You're still giving him an excuse to be a lazy player. I don't get it...however since I'm being put on blast on my own blog...I will get back to this later today, and have my rebuttal. It's a good thing someone is putting up the debate I guess.

  8. where did i give him a pass for being lazy? i think you still arent listening to my point. its really frustrating to have a debate if you arent making this a two way conversation. ive clearly explain that desean jackson is the kind of person who will react the way he has given all of the events that have taken place.

    im not putting you on blast. you started this whole thing and now im having to defend myself after everything you post. stop putting me on blast with quotes such as "You should know better...for shame. " and "George came to #10's rescue and said,"

    this is ridiculous that i have to keep defending myself, otherwise you'd continue to keep putting words in my mouth and tell me how i continue to be wrong in your opinion.

  9. Okay George, I'm reading and re-reading your argument again. And yes I did hear this on Sunday. However, it doesn't excuse Desean's play on his downs. You said it, he played terrible on Sunday. However, has it just been Sunday? He was cut for that Cardinal's game because he's no longer the team player that he should be. Shouldn't we take responsibility for our jobs. You're giving him a pass because he didn't receive his contract. However, and I'm not trying to bite Dave's opinion again, as you so say. However, if you had signed a contract should you oblige by it? Because the fact is, none of us would be so shady on our work contract. That is why I say for shame George? You're telling me you agree with Desean's work ethics? George, my job has had massive layoffs, and people have been cut, and we're not receiving any sort of raises this year. It's a fact, however that hasn't deterred me from doing my job that I am to do. I still go into work early, take no breaks, and work the hours that I am obligated to work and then some. I have no qualms about it, even though I can be lazy, take breaks and not do my job a 100%. It's just that is our work ethics. Are you telling me you would not go out there and do your job 100% Now it's hard for me to believe that. It is what it is George, and yes I will agree with you the Eagles' higher ups did do him dirty, however that is the nature of the beast. He went to college, he has a degree of some sort, and he could be doing something else. Honestly George, if I had Desean's athletic ability, I would be running down the middle for every play. He still makes a boat load of money, and if I had an option to make that type of money, I do it. However I can't, so instead I take away houses for a living. I say Brent Celek, because he may not be the greatest player, but I see him hustling and jumping over people all the time. However, maybe it's just a miscommunication. I'm trying not to repeat anything that the emails said today, cause a lot of great points have been taken away from me and I'm not going to repeat them. All in all George, I would never try to put you on blast. I simply added your name, cause it was the side you had chosen. And please don't say I'm putting words in your mouth. This is why the comments are here, and you have every right to put whatever you want up bud. Oh and by the way, Steve Smith is a bum too. What professional player doesn't know where the first down marker is? If he makes number dos next year, I won't be happy either, and once again we'll have this conversation, cause he's going to be what grinds my gears. Now, I'm going to start my next blog, and I worry cause it's about bacon.

  10. Ok we have to remain on topic and be objective here. Yes you are a hard worker and it should be admired. You are good people.
    Please refer to my responses to dave’s emails in conjunction with my piece below.
    Im not giving him a pass because he didn’t receive a new contract. The eagles front office gave him that pass by the way this thing has unfolded. Not me, George. (making it personal)
    You want desean Jackson to play football the same way as you would. I agreed he should try his hardest too. Im just explaining that he has instinctual reactions to not get laid out every time he reaches for the ball because of his past. He has a lot more money on the line than you and I will make combine in our life time. He has the chance to make it in about 5-7 years. If he gets another hit from a pissed off safety who just wants to f* with his career, desean Jackson will earn as much money as you and me. He cant help the fact that he will be severely hurt with the next shot to his head. It takes a lot of courage to play in those conditions and im glad I don’t have to put the future of my brain (which I need for the rest of my life) on the line.
    You say youd go up and be willing to take a hit like that? Im not so sure, because you haven’t been put in that spot light. Are you sure you’re thinking this all the way through here?? What would your brothers and sisters say to you if they knew the probably was high you’d be living with headaches for the rest of your life or worse. and to boot, you’ve only earned a fraction of the money you could have earned with your talent. What kind of job can you go out and find if you are restricted to limited brain functions and abilities?
    For shame wei…
    (how does that feel? I hate how you keep using that phrase on me.)
    This has turned personal when you assigned my name to it and say things like that. and I cant keep coming back to your blog like that. We are still friends and I will continue to restate my opinion when you want to bring it up in emails or in person but this site has extinguished the argument for me.
    Once again, don’t be freaked out. ‘we still cool g’ but just for the record im not always defending desean Jackson on everything. I know you never said that but I want to make it understood.

  11. Hmm...well I will also stay on topic as well. My belief is this, D Jack has every right to be afraid of the next big hit. The Eagles screwed him. I agreed with you on that end. What I worry now is that when D Jack does get his big pay day, and he does start making the big paycheck. Either the Eagles (which from what I'm hearing on sports radio, we don't want him back) or any other team that does give him the money, he won't be what he's really worth then. If he will always be afraid, and instinctually never wanting to get hit or ever get hit again, then no team will consider him top 10 material right? I'm being serious now? That's a serious question, because of that, will he ever be what he's worth? What I don't know or understand is that, players get hit in this game, and if you don't ever play the way you were or use to, how can you be seen as the same player as before then?
    Now to the next portion. I already explained the for shame section George. I didn't know it would upset you that much, and if it has, then my sincerest apologies. You say it's personal, then I will tell you now. It was never meant to be an attack. I mentioned you twice in the main blog, once where you said that D Jack shouldn't have to risk his life for the sport. And once where I said I disagree with that notion. The for shame came in the comments section. I just stated how I felt, and I considered you the hard working person I know you to be. And that you, (at the time of my understanding) would side with D Jack to say it's okay to be a lazy worker, did not sit well with me. Which is obviously not your notion. Cause I have read the emails, and what not, along with the comments above. Once again my sincerest apologies. This is my open forum George, anybody, and I mean anybody is allowed to put their two cents in here. I said that from day one when I started this thing, and I will debate till the very end. I don't want you to think this is a site where you can't put your 2 cents George. You are one of my dearest/greatest friends. And you will be mentioned in here from time to time. I don't take comfort in you thinking the way you do, it doesn't make me feel better. I want you to be able to read my blogs/soapbox, however I also want you to be comfortable with leaving a comment/rebuttal, this is what this blog was meant for.
    Lastly, can I please bet on Seattle to beat the Eagles tomorrow. Game one of 4 right?

    Still cool "G" --- Wei

  12. im going to respond to the part of your rhetorical question. someone is going to give desean jackson a decent contract. maybe its top 10 receiver money i dont know. we'll see, just like how we'll see if he still pulls up on the post route towards a safety. i dont know how that will end up. thats not my original point. im clearly speaking to the events that have led us to the where we're at now with desean jackson as an eagle. im surprised you still dont get it.

    i never said he will never want to take a hit ever again. you're blowing it out of proportion. please consider my point. until his financial security is set he will have his health concerns clouding his ability on the field. its the kind of player desean jackson is, being the diva. ive said that to nausea yet you need me to tell you that 5 different ways.

    you say i can have my own 2 cents on this blog but you make my points for me in error. stop assuming the wrong opinion with my name in it. thats why im annoyed.

    any other questions or do you see where im coming from yet? is the cross examination complete?
