Monday, December 12, 2011

Grind My Gears

You know what grinds my gears...this scotch shortage that we are about to see.  *Sigh*  I'm deathly afraid of this shortage that is about to hit us.  For years I have drank the delicious brown liquor.  It has gotten me through some of the roughest times, and some of the happiest moments in my life.  Nothing will ever beat the fact that a JW Blue, double, neat, will forever make me the happiest man ever.  There are some things in life that a man must have...Tony Montana gave us, power, and women.  I would like to add to that.  Scotch.  Or better yet, any liquor of your choice.  Mine will forever be scotch.

Lets find out where the problems lie.  The main problem is that the shortage is happening do to the boom in the Latin American and Asian countries.  Due to lenient trade tariffs and the growing Asian Middle class, it has become quite an easy and accessible commodity for them.  I'm afraid people, very afraid.  I'm losing out...well no, I'm not.  I actually have been saving up on my scotch quotient for years now.  I have at least 10 bottles.  Two blues, one gold, and seven black.  I feel like I have everything stocked, but I'm scared. this all a big ruse by the scotch company, so they have a reason for the inflation going up in the scotch world.  After doing some more research on this topic, it looks as though this isn't the first time for the scotch scare.  So what really grinds my gears is the lie behind it all.  I hope it's not a scare and there is a reason for this.  So lets hope that's it.  Now if you all can excuse me, I'm going to go enjoy my scotch, and tomorrow, I will go out and begin purchasing a few bottle of single malts for myself.  Remember folks, a nice bottle of scotch goes well with that delicious cigar.  Be a man, or rather be Barney...and, "SUIT UP!!"

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